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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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07:40 / 01.12.06
And the way there's no real justice for any of them. The way that evil fucking monster and her evil fucking cronies never get what's coming to them, i.e. hellfire, is just unbearable.

But then, it's not a nice fairy story, sadly it's based on reality.
08:13 / 01.12.06
It's horrible isn't it? I rented it from the video shop not really knowing what it was about. I didn't watch it last night because, frankly, once is enough.
Evil Scientist
10:47 / 01.12.06
Passive aggression. That's kind of pissing me off today.
Disco is My Class War
11:04 / 01.12.06
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Disco is My Class War
11:40 / 01.12.06
(Not you people, of course.)
Hydra vs Leviathan
17:43 / 01.12.06
This is making me absolutely blazing with impotent anger right now...
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
18:11 / 01.12.06
Just read that Natty and I'm fucking disgusted. Sometimes I really really hate this bloody country.
18:12 / 01.12.06
Natty that's heinous. Have you used the email links to write to the reps as requested?
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
18:17 / 01.12.06
hadn't seen that, gonna do that right now.
00:24 / 02.12.06
I don't much care for people who tell me that Jesus loves me. I don't care if it's the most altruistic and friendly thing a person can tell another. I find it presumptuous and indulgent and egomaniacal. Fuck you.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:14 / 02.12.06
This probably needs a completely different thread. I don't have much of a problem with that woman who works for British Airways wearing a crucifix, when she chooses to frame her reason for wearing it as "I want people to see it and so know that they are saved through Jesus Christ" then suddenly my sympathy goes all the other way.
uncle retrospective
17:02 / 02.12.06
Jesu Played Dublin in October and I fucking missed them. They played in a fucking tiny venue and would have blown Sunn0))) (who they were suporting) off the fucking stage.


And work is being a bastard! I can't hear the gallery for X factor and it's making my life hell!
14:39 / 04.12.06
Dear Dickhead,
I would like to tell you I am angry. I am angry because you threw me out of your house at three in the morning. I am angry because you threw me out after the world's most mediocre sex. I'm angry that you threw me out,( even though you knew I would have to walk home in only a tiny t-shirt, damp jeans and my fake converse with holes through the base) into weather that has ripped up paving, broken windows and caused an actual, certified tornado. I'm pissed off I had to walk for 40 minutes through weather that is so bad we've been warned about standing near windows, and I'm pissed off that you did it without caring and all I got out of it was the tiny, tiny joy that coms which comes from comforting a premature ejaculator.

"About time for you to go" is sure proof of a dickhead.

Yours Superior,
14:44 / 04.12.06
That is awful, Princess. That is a certified dickhead, indeed. Plus the mediocre sex...! Sounds to me like a complete taker with not an ounce of giver in them.

Brings to mind the word, egomaniac, for some reason.
14:57 / 04.12.06
Brings to mind the word, wanker, for some reason.
15:23 / 04.12.06
It makes me think that maybe I should stop having one night stands. Apart from a very few genius men, one night stands tend to be dominated by sexually illiterate gorilla pigs. I want to go on a crusade, just me and my nuns, handing out leaflets that contain nothing but the word "communicate",the word "listen" and a diagram of the human body covered in arrows.

Also, people who think they are high-kink when they are actually stale vanilla, what's with that? Don't they have the internet?
Lama glama
15:51 / 04.12.06
You come across me as a very demanding lover, Princess.

I'm currently urrgh fucking about the weather and the all too brief spells of sunlight. I like winter cold and frost and stuff like that, but this year it just seems to be a constant downpour of unrelenting rain. My favourite projectile weather (hail!) hasn't even made an appearance yet this year. Worst winter evar.
Lama glama
15:53 / 04.12.06
Er, that first line was meant to be either "you strike me as" or "you come across as." My head and fingers seem to have made a rather naughty amalgam instead.
Lama glama
15:57 / 04.12.06
Oops, that makes me sound like a dick-head, calling you that Princess. I was referring to the read the internet, plain old vanilla portion of your posts, not the entirely justified rant about being chucked out.

Hurray for triple posts!
16:03 / 04.12.06
You come across me as a very demanding lover, Princess.

In you end, oh!
16:16 / 04.12.06
No worries, I come across all my men as a demanding lover.

Seriously though. Don't get me wrong, I love plain old vanilla. It's one of my favourite flavours. A good quality vanilla ice-cream, made with clotted cream and little tiny fragments of pod, is wonderful. I much prefer good vanilla to mediocre neopolitan. However, people thinking that their ice-cream is high class tabacco-chilli-liquorice flavoured when it is in-fact o.o.d "vanilla style" flavoured ice-cream offends me.
My body and the angelic being it contains are holy, nay sacred things. If I'm letting someone touch either of them then they owe it to me to know what they are doing.
I'll admit to being demanding, but that's because sex is dangerous. If I have high expectations it's only in the same way I'd have high expectations of a brain surgeon. Sex is dangerous. We owe it to our partners to learn. Every time someone has bad sex it's an insult to the dignity of every human life. I don't think this is hyperbole, I just think people should try harder.
16:18 / 04.12.06
Or, to summarise, it was the staleness and delusion of the ice-cream, not the flavour, that offends me.
Char Aina
16:28 / 04.12.06
Every time someone has bad sex it's an insult to the dignity of every human life.

so every time we fail to satisfy human dignity takes one in the eye...
y'know, i think that maybe the best excuse for having bad sex i've heard.
16:37 / 04.12.06
Princess, methinks your inner Domme needs to bust out his checklist during the screening process and remove the unqualified before you're let out to play.

That said if someone has a bad sexual experience it is quite common for them to need to be alone as they feel like utter shit and aren't equipped at all to deal with it. even with a comforting understanding person there it suddenly brings up every other time you've been a disappointment.

Without the emotional investment in the relationship to consider it often is just easier to give the other party the boot.

Do keep in mind that sex is also dangerous because some people are triggered emotionally into all sorts of bad places. the volcano of dysfunctional sex can lead to brutal backlash very very quickly. One nights stands do not have either emotional or social investemnts to act as a check for the urge to lash out. Keep in mind the outcomes that are worse than being booted out into the storm.

You never know when your one night stand is going to crack and have a full blown psycho response. not all of the predators have learned that kink needs to stay respectful and some folks have serious anger management issues.

Also do you need a cab fund? Sounds to me like you need an extra stash of cash you keep on hand for emergency transport.
16:53 / 04.12.06
Cab fund, yes. Very good plan. does that not get spent on beer?
Char Aina
17:15 / 04.12.06
put the note in a ziplock baggie and then sellotape the shit out of it. seal it, butdon't make it big.
put the resulting piece of plastic in one of the card pouches of your wallet, and you should be way less likely to go to the hassle of getting it out to spend it.
that self made barrier is only a reminder, but if you have even a scrap of will power it'll help you keep it for later.
17:27 / 04.12.06
How big a scrap?
Char Aina
17:39 / 04.12.06
well, i guss try it and see.
worst case scenario you'll still be walking home, but it might work. if you don't you know you'll be walking for sure.
i mean, if you're really hot you'll no doubt get bought drinks anyay, and your cab fare'll stay as safe and hidden as osama bin laden.

how hot are you?
17:41 / 04.12.06
big enough to think about being beaten, bleeding, & shoeless on a freezing night at 3 AM and really needing that fucking cab.

Or knowing you Princess, think about if one of your mates was in the above situation and needed your help ASAP. No beer or other momentary gratification is worth losing the ability to help out a loved one in true desperate need.

I recommend the tape job described as it will give you a moment to rally your will power.

I keep 20$ in a bank account knowing in an emergency I can use the matching card to access the money for an air lift. Sometimes that auxilery account has been known to be much bigger but I never use that last 20$.
17:42 / 04.12.06
you haven't seen the ab picture have you?
17:45 / 04.12.06
I found these of Princess
18:11 / 04.12.06
I'm sorry to admit it but the ab picture was Triplets, not me. Also, wow, I'd forgotten about those pictures. I look cooler now. My hair is bright blue, my eyebrow is pierced and my tattoo is placed so that the correct trousers reveal it's deliscousness.
In terms of hotness, I'm not sure. I'd do me. I am, in fact, exactly my type. I think I will go for "yes, I am hot. Very hot". Although I still have to find the gay guy with a wallet before I show him my gay card and solicit drinks. If only there where a gay-bar in this flea town, then I would never want for drinks.
The emergency card is a good idea xk. I'll think about doing it. At the moment emergency cab-fare is a bit of a non issue as I have had literally no money for the past week and a half. I'm surviving on friend's food and left over lentils, and having young men buy me my drinks. I always feel it would be pushing it somewhat to ask them for cab-fare too. But when the next student loan\ parent grant\ job comes in, then I will deffinetly start sealing my last £10 and open an emergency account.
Lama glama
18:31 / 04.12.06
You come across me as a very demanding lover, Princess.

In you end, oh!

I blame that particular slip of mine on watching too much Torchwood, Triplets..
18:47 / 04.12.06
it's true the ab picture was Triplets. But whenever I think of hot young Barbelith he-vixen I think of you, Princess. so it is easy to understand the collapsing of details.
18:53 / 04.12.06
Oh la Madam!
You do make a young (innocent) country he-vixen blush!

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