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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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17:43 / 17.05.06
Yep, the Poles thing seems to be everywhere at the moment.
One of the aforementioned idiots at my place of work started "joshing" with a couple of polish girls on our team after it transpired that one of them had recently got their residence permit through. The jokes mainly consisted of asking them if they could sing the national anthem, and chortling about how they're taking British jobs, but, you know, it was all in fun.
Oh, and the other day she helpfully located Brighton's first Polish pub for them on the Internet and wouldn't let the matter lie until both of them had committed to going there. She was only trying to help, and be all multicultural like DO YOU SEE?
17:44 / 17.05.06
It's the 'British' in the acronym that does it.

I've been looking for a thread to post my reverse racism, looks like this is it.
I. Love. Immigrants. I particularly like the influx of Polish and other Eastern European migrants, there are Polsk shops everywhere now and strange accents on street corners, it's great. I have to admit to being biased by the Poles I've met (mostly really lovely, friendly, honest etc) and my fondness for beautiful blonde girls who smile a lot and have vaguely Russian accents.
I can't see how people can object, I mean, they come over here and do the jobs we don't want really well, they build our buildings and shore up our health service, they stand around looking handsome and/or beautiful and laughing, what bastards!
I heart Polish people, I admit my racist tendencies to lump a group together based on nationality and exoticise the women, I am bad. But they're so nice!
17:53 / 17.05.06
...and their beer is great too, where's the pub Boboss?
18:05 / 17.05.06
I don't know. I was too busy cringing to pay attention.
Dead Megatron
18:15 / 17.05.06
I admit my racist tendencies to lump a group together based on nationality and exoticise the women, I am bad. But they're so nice!

You should come to Brazil first chance you get Quantum. And our beer is excelent too...
18:26 / 17.05.06
True. Bad gang violence though, I'll just wait for Brazilia to join the EU.
Dead Megatron
18:39 / 17.05.06
I didn't know Brasilia was a city-state, and not our capital...

And as for the gang violence, if you run into any trouble, just tell them you know Dead Megatron, and they will back of.

Ha Ha, I just kid you.
20:00 / 17.05.06
Dude, if you have a giant gun for a head I'll drop your name for sure. Brasilia has about the same population as the whole UK doesn't it? That's close enough to a country for me. My geography is uncommonly poor, as you can easily tell.
Dead Megatron
20:16 / 17.05.06
No, Brasilia is quite a small town lost in the middle of Brazil (it is a planned city, that was innaugurated in the 60s). São Paulo, my homecity, is the real monster that has grown so big it joined with about 20 other surrounding towns, adding to 20+ millions inhabiting drones (myself included). If you have Google Earth, and point it to Brazil, about 250 miles southwest from Rio de Janeiro, you'll notice a big grey spot made of concrete. That's the Hell's franchise in which I live.


23º 32' 51" S
46º 38' 10" W
All Acting Regiment
22:01 / 17.05.06
Right. There's a whole mess of stuff in my shared flat's shower.

It could be mud. I hope it's mud. I know two of the other guys play football, so it might be mud.

Because- if, after the "throwing up all over bathroom and expecting the cleaner to sort it out as if she's some sort of human j-cloth" incident, and all the trouble that caused- if, after all that, one of them has actually done a shit in the shower, I'm going to be very pissed off.

I haven't been out of the flat today, because I can't use the shower. I don't see why other people should suffer my BO because my idiot flatmates have shat in the shower.

It's fucking disgusting, and I don't have a clue about how to deal with this.
Tryphena Absent
22:07 / 17.05.06
Go and buy some dettol some rubber gloves and a bathroom sponge. Squirt dettol all over the shower, turn the shower on. Scrub if necessary. Repeat if you need to.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:12 / 17.05.06
If it's dried too much, get one of those knitted scrubby things like for pans. And more Dettol.
22:36 / 17.05.06
get one of those knitted scrubby things like for pans. And more Dettol. ...and scrub your flatmate's face with them vigorously until they clean up their shit* perhaps.

*or hopefully mud
22:53 / 17.05.06
Why the fuck aren't your housemates cleaning this shmud up?
22:54 / 17.05.06
Poor Legba! Swap the "mud" and send it in to get a DNA test, so you can identify the culprit (half-joking).
23:16 / 17.05.06
Stand next to the shower for a few seconds, inhaling through the nose. Then you should be able to tell one way or the other.
ibis the being
00:51 / 18.05.06
Oh god... the horror, the memory, the trauma, AAAAAAAGHGHHGH!

Legba, I have to tell you a little story. When I was in college I spent a year living in an on-campus cabin with three other people. The laziest, laziest, laziest people in the whole wide world. For so many months I was the only person to change the toilet paper & buy more that I finally quit doing it and quit using our bathroom completely. My lazy lazy roommates could not be bothered to procure more toilet paper so they took a roll of industrial paper towels from school and used that for a couple of months. That was great until one day the septic couldn't take it anymore and SHIT BACKED UP INTO THE SHOWER. No one would clean it, of course, and to make matters even more unholy it was a Friday evening on a long weekend which meant no staff/maintenence/plumbers until Tuesday morning at the earliest. I kid you not, these lovely people just closed the bathroom door and ignored it until Tuesday.

Ah, college. Those were the days.
00:58 / 18.05.06
Did fridge have to remove the 'Cleaning The Fucking Kitchen...For Dummies' page from his blog? That was great.
02:45 / 18.05.06
Back to racist fuckers: My boss is a prick. For one thing he has, for the last several months, been giving me 4 hours every three weeks, when I need 16 hours a week to actually live in my house and possibly eat food, sort of thing, but that I can deal with. By looking for another job, for instance.

But the first thing he said to me, ever, before even "hello", was "I'm not a racist, my wife's a wog, but these Asians..."

And then last time I saw him, I was in the lunchroom, and he came and sat near me and then called one of the other pricks I work with and told him to GO TO THE COUNTER AREA AND CHECK OUT THE BLONDE CHICK IN THE TIGHT JEANS, BUT LOOK OUT FOR HER BOYFRIEND FFS.

I can understand sneaking an ogle, certainly. It's probably not the best thing to do, but it's hard to avoid. But calling someone at work on your work phone to tell them to stop working and go check out someone is a bit beyond the pale, and when I have a new job I will report him to management. As a customer. Yes.

also irritating me right now: mostly useless management, which mostly makes things worse/slower for everybody, getting paid the salaries of everyone under them combined for doing almost nothing but obstructing the free flow of working.
All Acting Regiment
06:26 / 18.05.06
Red Frog, you have my sympathies. The guy's probably going to wind up old, lonely and tearful, masturbating over Hollyoaks: Let Loose re-runs on Channel E4squillion in the year 2013 while everyone else is down at the club working out Ultradimensional style in hot Ahura Mazda leotards.

"Oooh Zara", he'll say. "Oooh, nineteen playing uniforms..."

When he gets to the bit where Lisa gets whisked off to Paris by an "older lover" character (who has just stepped out of an advert for some sort of reliable gin) complete with the knickers-dropping-down-around-ankles shot which one never, ever sees used on male actors, his dirty, stringy, party-popper-esque semen will burst from his manky, cheesy cock and soak slowly through his chequered underwear.

He won't change them.

Thanks to everyone who's suggested ways of dealing with my shower shituation. I'm really not happy with these guys now- they've always been a bit dodgy, in that they never actually go to Uni except to do exams and stay up all night playing the sodding NME cover cd and saying "yeah yeah" a lot- but this takes the biscuit.

Thing is, like I said, this one time they and their mates vomited all over the kitchen and toilet and smashed a load of glass bottles in the shower room. They were really arsey about this, and actually said it was "the cleaner's job" to sort it out- this is bad enough, because it's sodding well not the cleaner's job to sort out body fluids- and in any case it was a wednesday and cleaning day is tuesday.

In the event the third flatmate, a bit dodgy in himself but at least more responsible, went and got onto the building staff about it- the effect of which being the flat got cleaned and now they all hate eachother and both think I'm on the other's side. So this...ack.

I'm going to put on some old clothes that don't mind touching unshowered Legba-meat and go to happy shopper. I'm gonna buy some dettox. I'll handle this like a good Gallifreyan.
14:01 / 18.05.06
I mean this in the nicest possible way, Legba - you've got to get some nice friends, mate.

Why not move down here? We're nice, and we live by the sea.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:26 / 18.05.06
I don't think Legba is regarding these people as friends, Bobboss. More as 'the fuckers I, to my ongoing fury, share living space with'.

But both of those last two 'arghfuck's are truly vile.
16:37 / 18.05.06
Okay, then, you've got to get some nice people in your day to day orbit.

(Tell me you have already)
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:39 / 18.05.06
I would also like to be assured of this.

See, us seaside hippies worry about you, Leg.
16:39 / 18.05.06
GG, you do remember Legba bitching about his "mates", don't you?
16:45 / 18.05.06
Oh, I just want it on the record that I really do feel your pain, Legs. That's some horrible, ahem, shit.
16:45 / 18.05.06
These %mates%?

As it turns out on page 2 they were girls: so it was completely okay. Okay? Okay? Okay? Okay? Okay? Okay?
16:48 / 18.05.06
No, not them - I'd forgotten about them *shudder* - the racist, homophobic bunch from last year.
Ninjas make great pets
18:36 / 18.05.06
seems we're on a bit of an anti-racist rant at the moment. Perfectly timed. Are they in season or something?? is there someconnection to world-cup season?! (I kid)

The FECKER on our business park security gate is seriously pissing me off. Fcking ignorant son of a fcker. My workmate is getting driving lessons. his instructor happens to be nigerian. The security gaurd (and thats a fcking joke for a start lazy fat ignort prck) has taken to roaring 'nigger-lover' down the road at my work mate over it. I hate him. I really hate him and he's a complete stranger. and I fcking hate the area its full of loud mouthed over opinionated ratist lazy bastrding asshles!!!!!!!!!!!! YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGG.

sorry. I'm just a *mite* pissed off with it.
to be fair to my workmate he's getting seriously worked up about it. he's a good kid.
18:42 / 18.05.06
Yep, the very fact that loud-mouthed racist arseholes pretty much always feel uninhibited about sharing their opinions with the world should tell us all we need to know about the tyranny of Political Correctness (i.e. there isn't one).

Ninja, you are allowed to swear, you know.
Ninjas make great pets
18:45 / 18.05.06
AND ANOTHER THING! (I'm just full of the anger this week). Internet cloning trolling backstards. I will find out who they are and I will tear them a new one. Get your own identity you fckers. it's not funny.

I despise internet stalkers/cloners with a passion and I had not one BUT THREE this week.

sigh. they seem to have gotten bored of it today. but the anger lingers. Its not pleasant to be imitated and people not realise its not you. or worse still people thought it was me trying to be (un)funny.

(time to go look at lovelier threads to ease the rage)
Ninjas make great pets
18:49 / 18.05.06
Thanks Matt. Im just trying to break out of the habit of swearing in full. Don't really want to unleash full venom y'know?

The only good thing about the fact that these fuckers (see? I can do it) are loud mouths - is that you know where to aim. Violence may not be the answer but, damn, it would feel good.
19:00 / 18.05.06
Oooh, you called me Matt.

And so it begins
Dead Megatron
19:10 / 18.05.06
We should institute the "Month of Matt", where everybody changes their ficsuits to include the name "matt" in it, and whoever doesn't gets suspended for 28 days.

20 days from now, I shall become Dead Matt-atron!
Hattie's Kitchen
20:59 / 18.05.06
I was driving in the left lane. In the middle lane, a couple of car lengths ahead of me, I saw a black SUV with a custom license plate. The license plate read:

I have no idea what the K stands for.

I pulled forward a bit to take a look at the driver and saw a fat woman in her forties with a heavily made up, stupid, unhappy, un-American face.

In case you are wondering, this encounter took place neither in Ramallah nor Fallujah. It happened in Westchester County, NY, and the offensive license plate was issued by the New York Department of Motor Vehicles, whose wisdom and efficiency have caught my attention before.

I came home and sent an e-mail describing the sighting to the Department of Homeland Security. They never bothered to respond, and I believe that in the foreseeable future, the woman with the un-American face will continue driving along American roads unmolested, along with millions of her fellow observant Muslim settlers in this country. For all I know, that woman might even be working for Homeland Security herself. You don't expect the Department of Homeland Security to practice profiling, do you?

Just...just...gnah. God I'm depressed.

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