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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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10:00 / 11.05.06
Take a prolactin level?

(Okay, pseudoseizures do not = faking, and this is sort of an abstruse neuropsychiatric test, and it's kinda wanky of me to post it straight after a perfectly validly angry post of yours, Mordant. Sorry. In fact, I'm a bit headsick and ragey with myself for being this unnecessarily pedantic. Gah!)
Tryphena Absent
15:46 / 11.05.06
I've hurt my knee. I don't know how but I can't walk on it fully and when I lock it I get what was a sharp pain and is now semi-sharp. It is a lot better than it was yesterday, which suggests to me that I've twisted it. I don't want to sit in a walk in centre for hours but I think I probably should.

I can't go anywhere. I'm so bored!
16:00 / 11.05.06
At least you've got the internet though- and isn't there some football on? Hope it improves though, scuttling about on a wheelie office chair is only fun for about five minutes.

Mordant, I trust the offender received (or will receive) a decent kicking of their own? Maybe from a Mjolnir weilding berserker deity? What a complete git, I hope any bystanders felt fucking terrible for not intervening, the callous bastards.
16:14 / 11.05.06
Mordant, I'm glad I wasn't there. I don't have a criminal record yet and it would be nice if it stayed that way for awhile yet.

*fumes silently*
Tryphena Absent
16:18 / 11.05.06
Mordant... jesus. I can only echo Hattie.
18:52 / 11.05.06
Mordant, hope you are okay and that the offender received a piece of your mind. Anna, get well - are you missing the gig? Downer!
18:57 / 11.05.06
God, MC that's fucking awful. I hope you gave the stupid bastard what for (if you were able to, that is).
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:00 / 11.05.06
Oh, the kicking thing happend years ago--what set me off was coming across some comments online from the eye-poke brigade. I'm fine, good and shouty as normal.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:13 / 11.05.06
Sorry, I should have been clearer about that. I feel terrible now.
19:35 / 11.05.06
Please don't feel terrible, it's equally as valid an angry feeling now as then and we can all still be outraged for you even if it did happen a while ago.

And head kicking, christ. I didn't know people were such...such...
Tryphena Absent
19:38 / 11.05.06
Anna, get well - are you missing the gig? Downer!

Yes I am. Stupid knee but I only have a vague limp now! Huzzah. Perhaps tomorrow I'll really be able to walk again!
19:45 / 11.05.06
Mordant, don't worry we send our rage back in time, where it will smite thy enemy!

Anna: It's not walking you want to worry about, it's dancing!
Tryphena Absent
21:24 / 11.05.06
God. I HATE Hazel Blears. "The vast majority of people in this country hate terrorism". Yeah Hazel they do. They also hate the fact that you still think the fucking shock and awe campaign was a positive thing. She's easily my least favourite Minister. A bullshitter and a liar all the time.
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:28 / 11.05.06
Hear, hear!
Spyder Todd 2008
22:05 / 11.05.06
You know what I hate? What I fucking hate beyond all conceivable belief, with a rage that could, if released, extinguish suns?

The cock sucking Bush Administration.

I could deal with they’re idiotic objectives. I handled their blatant homophobia. I even sort of got over their extremely long list of human rights violations (although I still cling to it whenever I get politically riled up, like, say, right now.) But this! This shit! This is it. I have officially been put over the edge. I should just fucking secede right now, because this shit about monitoring virtually ALL telephone lines in the US has officially ended any shred of patience I may still have had for this administration!

You hear that George Bush! No more tolerance for you and your cronies! No more keeping quiet when my racist grandfather starts whining about “those damn democrats”! No more tolerance of right-wing Christians verbally assaulting anyone they consider “non-religious”! No more “acceptance” of any of your bullshit you’ve brainwashed half the zombies in this country into believing! From now on, you and your entire “Christian Right” are officially off my “Annoy Me Greatly List” and are now on my “Seek Out and Destroy Everything They Hold Dear” list! And guess fucking what? No one has ever fucking made that list before! It’s OVER! I fucking hate you, you racist Nazi, and your fucking Nazi totalitarian politics! I hope vultures gnaw out your eyes while you have sulfuric acid injected into your scrotum! You FUCKING bastard, I want you to go feet first into a woodchipper, so that you feel EVERY FUCKING MOMENT OF IT. Die already!

Ahem Thanks guys. I feel a little better now.
22:27 / 11.05.06
Let's assume the Bush administration kicked Mordant, and then our righteous anger can smite *Spyder's* ungodly enemies so as not to waste the vengeance. I second the scrotum-acid-injection Spyder, I'll hold him down.
Tryphena Absent
22:33 / 11.05.06
You're bothered about them recording phone calls when they've locked a load of people up in orange jumpsuits for no good reason? What's the bigger human rights violation- infringing on your privacy or indefinitely placing people in an internment camp without allowing them any rights? I know this is happening now but people in Guantanamo have been on hunger strike and forcibly fed over the last two months.

There are better reasons to hate the Bush administration. This is only a gateway to locking more people up.
22:36 / 11.05.06
General Michael Hayden, the man who headed the NSA when the data-mining operation was allegedly launched, was nominated this week to head the CIA.

Although the reasons to hate them do pile up rather.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:20 / 12.05.06
There are better reasons to hate the Bush administration.

Oh, I absolutely agree. This last thing is only the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm sick of putting up with his shit, and taking one for the team. No more Mister Nice-Spyder. Tell that piece of shit that it is ON!

You know. If anyone here knows him personally or something. Which they don't. But still.
16:18 / 12.05.06
I love Qwest. Hate everybody else who gave in. Fuck, let's elect Martin Sheen.
All Acting Regiment
10:59 / 14.05.06
Right, aware that this is perhaps only a miniature part of the world's problems, but pissing billy, those Trustafarians from theo ther night need to die...sitting cross legged like some sort of Surrey-based Buddha knock-off...tlaking about your crazy gap year in Switzerland??!??1??1/??...fucking prick...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:31 / 14.05.06

Whoa, wild boys.
13:53 / 16.05.06
A small rage. I know the nice theologian in the staff room is trying to give me a supportive ear on my jobsearch in academia. Today she told me that she applied for three jobs before she got this one, and it makes you feel very down and rejected, and her husband helped her through, so she knows how it is.

I don't know how many jobs I have applied for, but it is over a hundred.

I could not explain this without the RAGE filling me with responses that would be inappropriate to her kind attempts.

Goodness Gracious Meme
21:15 / 16.05.06

God, I'm sure it was well-meant but bloody well done on not sitting her down and explaining every one of your applications to her.

While boinking her on the head with heavy theology books.

My rage: my glasses snapped today. Lost a lens. Which means I can barely function. (ctrl and the '+' key are my text-enlarging friend)

ALso means running around tomorrow spending money I really do not have on glasses, writing begging letter to dad for help and not being able to get on with anything.

Particularly annoying as, rarely for me, I have several writing deadlines coming up Was working on a piece which was finally was going well and know I can barelly see.

(my face is inches from the monitor as I'm typing this, and the letters are enlarged to about a centimetre high.# a la 'A is for Apple' books)

11:33 / 17.05.06
All the fucking racists in my department at work

A few highlights

- "One of my sons was pulled up at school for making a racist comment. He was making a natural observation. Anyway, you can't be racist at that age"

- "It's all PC gone mad these days"

- "I just don't like asians - it's not the colour of their skin it's their culture. How can saying that be racist?"

- "I'm mixed race and even I think it's all gone too far"

- "If I'm talking about people I just want to be able to mention their natural features"

- "Chinese guys with a Irish accents, now that makes me laugh"


The problem is, there's really nothing to be done about it. I can't wait to leave this bloody job.
The Natural Way
12:50 / 17.05.06

Fuck those fucking pricks.

I hate people.
The Natural Way
12:51 / 17.05.06
Poor Boboss.
13:45 / 17.05.06
It's true, Punce hates people.
Boboss, I sympathise, racist colleagues are a pain because they often agree with each other, complain in groups and make 'be reasonable' noises and make you seem as though you're making a mountain out of a molehill when you challenge them. 'I'm not racist, but...'

Seems to be particularly prevalent in old-fashioned bastions of male dominance I notice, the building trade for example. Purely from my own experience of course, I'm not implying all builders are racist.
14:11 / 17.05.06
Yep, they do seem to flock together, not only that but in this job they're my superiors, which makes it doubly difficult to say anything.
TBH, it's not just the offensive remarks that get me, I'm also floored by the sheer stupidity of some of the comments and by the way they manage to garner warm support. Frankly I wouldn't know where to begin addressing most of the shit that gets talked here - it's that fucking dumb. I also worry that were I to say something my argument would quickly degenerate into a formless mess of frustration and swear words.

Oh God, how difficult it is to resist the lure of misanthropy.
14:37 / 17.05.06
Maybe get someone else to hate everyone for you? Punce?
The Natural Way
14:44 / 17.05.06
Yes. I can do that.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:53 / 17.05.06
I don’t hate everyone. I just hate racist, moronic assholes who are too stupid to realize that the shit spewing out of their mouths is, in fact, fecal matter, and that it doesn’t smell particularly good and maybe they need to go play football on the freeway. I’m sure that would help them clear up their mouth-poo problems quite rapidly.
16:21 / 17.05.06
Yesterday someone actually said to me, "...they come over here, they take our jobs..."

I am just joining in here, that is not my rage because I have become quite worn out being enraged by it.

My whole street is seething with racial tensions and it makes it a very uncomfortable place to be. Fine, have a row about parking, but don't have a row about the race of the person who has committed the mortal sin of motoring violations by parking just a little bit in front of your house.
16:30 / 17.05.06
the building trade for example

Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:49 / 17.05.06
Gah, there's the woman at work who would be shocked and appalled if anyone around her said anythign rascist, who then spouts much the same crap about people with the same skin colour, as though that's acceptable. It's the Poles you see, they're coming over here, doing building work that could be done by honest British labourers...

Even the BBC and Newsnight seem to have taken the basic position that the EU is evil, foreigners are coming here to steal our money and our kidneys and the European Human Rights Act is a curse upon us all. Why is the BBC editorial line creeping towards that of the BNP?

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