Caught up on a bunch of Final Crisis tie-ins. Unfiltered thoughts below. Be warned.
Superman Beyond was fun and read like a superfiction mainline. Lots of little bits about the monitors. It (the original Monitor intelligence) first becomes aware during the commotion of the first crisis, becomes infected by the narratives/time (hmmmm, where have I heard this story before...) that exist within it's own awareness, scabs over the "flaw" with the orrery and the monolithic Superman armor? Contains the multiverse within, monitor culture developes without, Mandrakk (the ultimate evil intelligence) is locked away ready to be unleashed. Interesting stuff. Verrry quickly paced... like it's unfolding within the span of a heartbeat even!
Rogues' Revenge had an interesting developement. Libra is trying to bait the Rogues into murdering their titular target; a cloned, evil Bart the Secret Society is ritually transforming into the symbolic, sacrificial speedster via the Kid Flash identity. Libra wants the Rogues on his side cause the speedsters are the key to this crisis and every crisis, and he's going to need people who can kill a Flash.
Legion of Three Worlds was a very well done book but it didn't really ring with me. Some of the characters came off one dimensional and Prime seemed to shift between Eddie Haskel and Charles Manson. For 3 issues I'll see where it goes. Johns seems to have an overall plan on how to make these minis relevantly tie in to the main story in an interesting way.
Last Will and Testament. I'm guessing this takes place in the future. Apparently Superman returns from his voyage, declares all to be lost. Hal, Flash (Wally), Wonder Woman, Donna Troy, Batman, Nightwing, Robin, Starfire, Black Lightning, Grace (outsiders right?), Geo-Force, Superman, all get character bits on the eve of another Final Battle. The main thrust is an interesting suicide run Geo Force takes at Deathstroke (who they gave awful orange boxers for some reason). Very nice little bit of comic bookery by Meltzer and Adam Kubert. Interesting ending, if not a little brutal.
That's about it I think... |