scene with cheetah and snapper was hot.
Was it? I couldn't help thinking, maybe this isn't the best time to be having the sexing. I mean, Gorilla Grodd catching you mid-coitus is a bit, ah, awkward (One can only imagine the dramas that played out in the Legion of Doom's swamp headquarters on those dreary, weathered nights between lame battles with the Superfriends), with the high-frequency telepathy and all. It's somehow worse that he's not even going to be judging you, because for a gorilla to see two humans it might be like watching Discovery Channel, and he's been dosed with Anti-Life so maybe, just maybe, Darkseid's judging you. Grodd just doesn't care that you're in the middle of a hospital examination room with no clothes on, lying on the floor with some feral cat-lady replaying those lame fantasies you had about, oh, Pantha from the Titans maybe.
But of course, we're essentially running on Zombie Plague Movie rules here -- sure, the evil gods have won, but it's really just Dawn of the Dead with men in torn tights, right? And those faceless helmets. Of course you're going to have inappropriate sex with some lunatic supervillain when you've had next to no physical human contact without a pressure suit on for weeks and why not strip off regardless of an anti-super virus or whatever they were talking about. So in that sense it works. |