Oh, you're him! Linky Frieze magazine chappy. I remember your application email, I think. Bless.
All started going a bit wrong round about the Invisibles annotations thread, didn't it? Still, not too late to recover brilliantly. Just stop trolling, and don't let Alex's Granny encourage you because he finds people making arses of themselves amusing, and you might yet recover.
However, this attempt to evade by spurting ink out of your arse? Not great. Didn't work with the high horses dig - see zedoktar, recently, for the difference between an apology and an arsepology - didn't work with "how dare you use my previous name", didn't work with "you say 'douche' because you hate women". And, just FYI, it's unlikely to work with "I am not bothered, so I win la la la fnord".
Since you aren't very good at trolling on this evidence, I'd suggest not doing it. It's not a skill to spend too much time developing.
Still, if you aren't taking any of this seriously, that might explain the rather slipshod nature of your recent contributions. Perhaps that will at some point also change. Fingers crossed, eh? |