she isnt as famous and as controversial a figure as jade, i guess.
i think my opinion's been covered a bit above, but i think the real reason for jade's being picked on is her visibility and what seh has been used to represent.
she's been a figure of aspiration for many(she's just like me, and look how well she has done) in the anyone-can-be-a-celeb-i'm-worth-it-culture, but i think she's also, by the same token, been a figure of hate for all those who dislike that same culture and sneer at those who like it.
i get the feeling that people who don't like who she is or where she's from, have in jade a symbol of all that they dislike, a repository for all their ill will towards the heat magazine reading, reality telly watching, ugg boot buying public.
the blame for all that is wrong with britain style of criticism that i hear some folks level at that vague demoggraphic has found a target in jade.
i think lucy just isnt that figure, that hero and that villain; she's just a naive young gap year girl who has barely figured out grown up life is upon her and who has spent her life unchallenged and safe.
i think she's not really anyone's problem, nor is she anyone's solution, at least not in the way jade has become.
hideous though it may be, i think jade's situation is less about her bineg racist, and more about her being a role model to some, and figure of scorn for others who hate 'trash culture'.
'chav' seems to have been the slagging of choice after the physical appearance and sexual insults thrown at jade, and i think that speaks volumes. |