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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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Alex's Grandma
21:46 / 19.01.07
Is Russell anything other, really, than a corporate shill?

All this material about Hare Krishna and so on - I wonder if, deep down, all he wants to do is sleep with Pete Doherty's girlfriend, allegedly, again. Or in fact for the first time. Pete is a bloody brilliant bloke, but if I was him, I'd tie Russsell Brand's ball sacs to a wall for a month, pull down my trousers and pants and ... I suppose just cry myself to sleep.
Char Aina
22:41 / 19.01.07
man, the jade forums link made it into a b3ta newsletter!
i'd like to think that was my fault.

22:51 / 19.01.07
Cool wet grass.
Cool wet grass.
Mourne Kransky
05:59 / 20.01.07
True. Though it might be merely a technical description (see BOYZ personals), if she were a gayer, and not at all critical.

I liked the description on the official BB site of Jack's response: Jack functioned as his girlfriend's rock, in that he had a stony exterior and said nothing.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:46 / 20.01.07
In the end I only turned over long enough to hear Jade say "I'm not trying to justify what I said..." and then try to justify what I said.

Before all this Endemol were trying to sell a Jade Goody chat show (which was presumably why Goody went into the BB house this time), so even if she is back to darling of the nation in a few months (and if she waits a week then gives an exclusive interview to NotW she'll be two-thirds of the way there) the chat show will have to be binned for a while longer.

So, did anyone that actually watched BB shows yesterday get the feeling that once it became apparent that Jade was going to get voted out that they tried to steer things to make out she was the only racist in the house? Was there a sense given once she was chucked out that a line was drawn under the whole affair and everyone left are now happy bunnys? Because presumably there's still a few of the others in there who also said unpleasant things.
06:50 / 20.01.07
Is fuckpig a gay term? I'm pretty sure I ripped it off from Spider Jerusalem. FWIW I think it's pretty gender-neutral: I use the term myself to describe an individual who is (a) unbearably rude, (b) possessed of an Olympus Mons sized feeling of personal entitlement, and (c) zealous in applying judgmental rules to others but feeling they, themselves, are a special case. See also: Sezer, George W Bush, Ruth Kelly, Gareth Woodgate, Dick Cheney etc.

Again, I'm more than happy to mod it and replace it with something more to peoples' taste - puckfig, possibly, or something totally unrelated.

Alternatively, why don't you spend tomorrow doing something nice? Long lie, cup of tea, flotation session - that's my plan.

I'd love to Ganesh, but sadly the past couple of days have been spent in the grip of some kind of diabolical stomach infection which has led to lack of sleep, an inability to eat solid foods or, indeed, food at all, sweating, fever, shaking, and, er, howtoputthis, more frequent changes of underwear than usual. It's not entirely outwith the realms of possibility that there may be a correlation between this and my grotty temper over the past 48 hours.

I should apologise for anyone expecting the sweary survey though, as 36 hours without nutrients have resulted at this point in severe loss of energy and I don't have the will to look back over 27 pages of thread in a desperate search for c**ts and wh*res.
miss wonderstarr
12:28 / 20.01.07
I just stopped at a zebra crossing for Richard off of Big Brother.
13:39 / 20.01.07
Was he sex-terrorising the zebra?
14:49 / 20.01.07
If it crossed the road for him, it probably doesn't count as terrorising.

I was out last night and so have only just caught up with the eviction, and to be honest I felt quite relieved that she was briefed, and don't really understand the objections to the production doing that. It's not as if she isn't already in a world of shit, and to have her blunder into that interview without some idea of the attention it was going to get and the gravity of the situation would have been pretty irresponsible. I kinda think Endemol were damned if they did and damned if they didn't.
Also, designating Jade Goody as the face of race hate as some of the tabs have done is pretty laughable, and I fear that by sacrificing her we're in danger of feeling way too good about ourselves in a moment of liberal catharsis. I get the feeling that the media (who were initially more ambivalent about whether Jade's treatment of Shilpa was racist) realised they had misjudged the mood of large sections of the public, and in running to catch up have overshot the mark. I worry that they will use their Jade editorials as a badge of honour in spite of dodgy stances on a million other issues. "We're not racist, we backed Shilpa."

Am I way off the mark?
miss wonderstarr
15:04 / 20.01.07
I did think it was a bit of a stretch for the Sun, which (at least during the 1970s and 1980s, as I remember) was never known for its racial sensitivity and positive stance towards ethnic minorities, flagging itself up as champion of British "tolerance" and enemy of bigotry, epitomised by Jade. And there did seem a sense both on Big Brother and in today's tabloid ("Goody Riddance") that racism had been purged ~ that a line had been drawn, that the right thing had been done, and that it was more or less all over.

Ironically, Jade really was made into an escape goat ~ all the sins loaded onto her, and then run over the cliff (if I remember my Bible). The figure of "the racist" has now been expelled into the wilderness, and there's this feeling (I sense, vaguely) that now Britain's proved itself to be anti-racist and pro-tolerance. Of course, things aren't anything like that simple. And as you imply, it's very easy and comforting for people who do harbour racist views to distance themselves from and villify Jade as evidence (to themselves and others) of their own righteousness. It's not that far from "I eat curry so I can't hate Asians", or the old standby "my best friend is coloured." This year's version may be "how can I be a racist, I voted Jade out?"
Alex's Grandma
15:22 / 20.01.07
I tend to agree, but on the other hand, what would have been preferable coverage; 'Jade Goody - Symbol Of A Sick Society'? 'Jade - God Bless Her, She's One Of Us'? The former wouldn't be correct - it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but Britain is a less racist country than it was forty or fifty years ago, when I was young, and the latter would just have been awful.

The red-tops are being hypocritical, of course, but at least they're taking a stand against racism, however pantomime - under the circumstances, what else should they have done?
15:22 / 20.01.07
From Digital Spy:

I have to wonder what impact the pubic reaction to what's gone on will have on Jo, already suffering panic attacks.

miss wonderstarr
15:29 / 20.01.07
The red-tops are being hypocritical, of course, but at least they're taking a stand against racism, however pantomime - under the circumstances, what else should they have done?

True, it's preferable. One issue I was trying to suggest is that the house has not been cleansed of racism with Jade's departure, any more than Britain has now proved itself non-racist. I hope the focus shifts to Danielle and Jo's behaviour (past and present in the house) and in turn makes it clear that it wasn't simply a matter of one problem person who needed to be voted out.
15:34 / 20.01.07
The broadsheets seem to be taking a more measured view - there's quite a good piece by a guy called Marcel Jacques in the Guardian pointing out that there are many in society who share Jade's racism.

Sky News have actually been quite even-handed too (for Sky News): they've had a couple of guests on who've argued that the problem is deeper than Jade, it is society.

I think you're right about the tabloids overstepping the mark - all they had to do was say 'Jade is racist', not 'Jade is racism.' Maybe they just got a letter wrong.

And, of course, the wonderful world of statistics would tell anyone that (a) the majority of the UK population doesn't watch BB, (b) not everyone who watches votes and (c) 18% of those who did vote voted for Shilpa's eviction, so it may be Victory against Jade day, but the war against racism isn't over yet, as America's first black leader might have said.
15:38 / 20.01.07
Given this:

Human rights lawyers Equal Justice told Ofcom if it did not prevent further racist material being broadcast on Big Brother before 2pm on Monday they would ask for a High Court injunction. from 'The Mirror' I think it's more likely that Danielle and Jo will have been warned not to say anything else racist and then by the time they do come out they will have done something 'sweet' and what they said to Shilpa will be forgotten. Which would be a great shame. I would certainly like them to face up to their behaviour. So far I think Jo is getting off extremely lightly.
15:39 / 20.01.07
I hope the focus shifts to Danielle and Jo's behaviour (past and present in the house)

Absolutely - it was Jo who, for my money, came out with one of the most racist comments in there, about Indians all being thin because they're always sick because all of them don't cook their chicken properly.

It was in fact this sentence, and not Polio, which killed Robert Anton Wilson. It travelled back in time and overwhelmed him with it's illogicality until his head exploded.
15:50 / 20.01.07
In an intriguing twist, it emerged last night that Goody's mother Jackiey Budden, who called Shetty "the Indian" and refused to pronounce her name properly, is a practising Muslim who performed prayers while in the house. The prayers appear to have been cut from footage shown in the nightly TV updates.

Budden, who asked Shetty: "Do you live in a house or a shack ?" has observed Ramadan, the month of fasting, for nine years, according to Goody's agent and publicist John Noel Management.

Honestly, the mind boggles. Is this just a ridiculous PR stunt?
Alex's Grandma
15:50 / 20.01.07
Again, fair enough. I suppose Jo's behaviour is the key thing here. The young Pauline Collins appears to be easily led, especially after a couple of lagers, whereas Jo seems to have more integrity. But I'll be surprised if Jo keeps up wth the quasi-racist material from here on in - I'm with Jodie Marsh, the novelist, insofar as I don't think any of this would have happened if it hadn't been for the Goody family.

The wild card now is Jack - what's going through his mind at the moment? Is he happy, or sad?
Alex's Grandma
15:51 / 20.01.07
Last post to Miss W
miss wonderstarr
16:07 / 20.01.07
Jack is now reminding me of the Jude Law android out of A.I., with his power source taken away.
18:56 / 20.01.07
The wild card now is Jack - what's going through his mind at the moment? Is he happy, or sad?

Emotions don't really apply to Jack - he's sort of like a bee, all his actions are governed by simple chemical signals:

Search for beer-->No beer-->Find beer
Search for Jade-->Find Jade-->Masturbate
Search for Jade-->Jade not found-->error
Search for others-->Find Dirk-->Talkto Dirk-->Error-->Error
Haus of Mystery
19:19 / 20.01.07
But I'll be surprised if Jo keeps up wth the quasi-racist material from here on in - I'm with Jodie Marsh, the novelist, insofar as I don't think any of this would have happened if it hadn't been for the Goody family.

I think that's kind of bollocks. S Club deserves to be 'punished' just as much as Jade. Her particular brand of 'softly, softly' prejudice is as bad as Jade's foghorn led pig-thickery.
20:15 / 20.01.07
I hope the focus shifts to Danielle and Jo's behaviour

and Jack?

What about Jack?

One of the things I've found a little, well, drunken-argument-worthy about DS is their insistence that it was all about the "three witches"...

What THE FUCK about Jack? Jack who was pissed off when Jade apologised to Shilpa?
Haus of Mystery
20:24 / 20.01.07
Yeah. He's a spineless little cretin isn't he?
Evil Scientist
21:02 / 20.01.07
From Brand's column in The Guardian:

Whilst I've continued to follow Premiership football closely, my head has been swimming in controversy due to events in Big Brother. Of course racism is deplorable and bullying detestable. I wouldn't seek to query that, what I'm finding enormously difficult, as someone who has met Jade Goody on several occasions and can attest to the fact that she's a decent girl who's had a remarkably difficult life, is that she's not a bad person.

I don't know Danielle Lloyd or Jo from S Club 7, but I imagine they too in isolation are decent people. What irks me as much as the persecution of the elegant and beautiful Shilpa Shetty is the national wrath directed at these three women who are really expressing views and attitudes endemic in the culture from which they came. Of course football and racism went hand in hand for many years. There are many more black and Asian supporters at West Ham now than when I came as a child in the early 80s. But I suppose what is difficult about the Big Brother fiasco and surrounding hullabaloo is that it's an indication of unaddressed racism throughout our culture. And to tell you the truth it's a right pain in the ass.

I suppose it will be a slow and thorough process that brings about a huge social change required to address these issues. Currently it's not so prevalent in football but it was not that long ago that John Barnes and Tony Daley were pelted with bananas whenever they played away.

Now the problem seems to have been quelled but perhaps if we were to watch the actions and conversations of football fans for 24 hours a day or indeed football players we would uncover things that were unpalatable - my only hope is that we can find in ourselves the compassion that we demand of those three housemates when it comes judging them.

Perhaps we would Russell, perhaps we would. Are you suggesting that, if we did, then it in some way excuses racist behaviour because more than one person does it? Is the fact that Jade is a "decent girl" any kind of excuse either? No of course not. People who in every other aspect are "decent" are just as capable of saying things like this.

If this incident is an indicator of unaddressed racism in our culture then shouldn't we, ooh I don't know, actually address it when it is displayed? Y'know, like when it happens live on the telly in front of thousands of witnesses? Russell? Russie?

Clown shoes.
21:09 / 20.01.07
what I'm finding enormously difficult, as someone who has the same manager as Jade Goody and can attest to the fact that she's a decent girl who's had a remarkably difficult life, is that she's not a bad person.

21:12 / 20.01.07
Ah, Sky News are showing a preview of Jade's interview with the News of the Screws. Same old, same old. Disgusted with my behaviour, sob, sorry for any offence I caused, sob, never meant it as racist, sob.

Is it only the waterworks you have, Jade, or do you have any of the other utilities?
21:25 / 20.01.07
I tried to explain to some fuckwit on DS last night the difference between "regret" and "remorse".

I firmly believe Jade showed "regret" for her actions. I don't think there was a great deal in the way of "remorse".
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:55 / 21.01.07
Ah yes, it seems I made an error in assuming that Jade's PR would make her hide for a few weeks to let the whole storm blow over. Best to get the onions out right now.

Did she cry with Davina? I'm also curious about whether the NotW had enough time between eviction and going to press to do the interview, or whether it was done when she was still in the House? I suppose if she did it straight after being on telly there might have been enough time, knowing exactly how much text to expect the NotW could probably lay stuff out and put the filler in later with other articles.

Presumably annoyed that she didn't talk to them, The Sunday Mirror have talked to Jade's dear old Nan, who says she was always a bully to those around her.
miss wonderstarr
08:00 / 21.01.07
She seems to have done it following Davina's interview. It's not a bad piece, but it's not really very different from the eviction scene with Davina: Jade greeting and self-flagellating, but kind of missing the point.

She knows now that Shilpa Fuckawallah was a racial term, because in Shilpa's culture, the "f" word is offensive to their religion.

She didn't hear anyone call Shilpa a dog, but if she'd heard it, definitely she would have stepped in, because that's a racial comment.

She can't be a racist herself she swears to God, because if she was a racial, how could she kiss and cuddle Shilpa?

She'd like to apologise to anyone of any ethnic culture, white, black or Indian.

She deserves everything she gets and going into BB was the worst mistake of her life, but if offered more reality TV, she'd do it cause she needs the work.

In more amusing news, Teddy has dumped Danielle!
12:32 / 21.01.07
Anyone watching Little Brother?

God help me, I'm now gay for Andi Peters.

I started a DS thread about whether Danielle should be pitied, which has turned out to be quite interesting.
13:12 / 21.01.07
Amusingly, I'm now watching the Doctor Who Big Brother episode. It's weird coming from constant live exposure to the real thing to the Doctor Who parody.
14:41 / 21.01.07
Very true, Stoats. Let's see: odd looking, screaming racist


Odd looking, screaming racists

Jade would make a perfect, squishy Dalek core.
16:20 / 21.01.07
Seeing Jade on BBLB, she seems very wretched indeed. While I believe she's sincere in her wretchedness, it's difficult to know how much comes from her and how much from advisors. It's notable that she typically starts interviews saying all the right things and then... well, she loses her way slightly, becomes a little bit strident again and says things that make me think she's not 100% sure what she's done wrong. Which, in a way, I can understand, since I don't think there's a single straightforward explanation of the strength of (national, global) response to Jade's actions on CBB.

Whatever her reasons, I do think Jade's managing the situation about as well as anyone could.
16:33 / 21.01.07
But what about Andi Peters? HOW MUCH DID HE ROCK???

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