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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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19:06 / 19.01.07
Well...interesting. Interesting that all the edits of this scene they gave the news left out an awful lot of Shilpa's stuff about how 'there are things you can never take back' and how offended many Indians would be, and neglected to show that Jade basically fucking launched herself at Shilpa out of sheer desperation to get that 'see, they've made up' money shot.

haus of fraser
19:07 / 19.01.07
Loved Shilpa's "There are some things you just can't take back"

...and the look on Jades face when she realized the shit she is in.
19:08 / 19.01.07
I gave up watching in disgust the moment that Jade's mob moved in and hadn't previously realised just what a waste of sexfluid that Jack really is.
19:11 / 19.01.07
She's so focussing on the Poppadom comment (because that's the one that BB spoke to her about) that she hasn't even twigged that a lot of the other stuff that she reportedly said could be similarly offensive.
19:11 / 19.01.07
Oh dear. I was if not liking, at least grudgingly approving of, the approach by Stern Big Brother to Jade in the Diary Room, but then that tipped Jade off, hence the unfortunate attempt at damage limitation.

And that's exactly why they did it...

I'm reaching Ultimate Warrior levels of foaming-at-the-mouth rage here. In a minute I swear I'm gonna tie tassles around my biceps and start running around the damn room spouting insane gibberish...

'I wanna walk out to no-one.'

So you did this for her, didn't you? To pander to the Bermondsey Princess? Fuck off.

'Jade, if you did not do anything racist, you cannot be evicted for being racist.'

You dishonest fucking WHORES.
haus of fraser
19:11 / 19.01.07
He's a really really nasty piece of work isn't he. And no regrets either...

WANKER (quite literally)
19:14 / 19.01.07
It's the disconnect that gets me "I'm not a racist". How do you KNOW? It's doing racist things that make you a racist. It's not like you carry a card. Well, unless you have one with 14/88 stamped in the corner. Doing, not being. That's what is important.
What is no MORE important is not the coven of cackling fools it's the realisation that Chennel 4 and Endemol can't or won't simply say "yeah, it was out of order" and the spinelessness of the serious media in reverting to "allegedly" and inverted commas around "racism". It was simple, clear and, originally, pretty trivial to acknowledge it. It's the equivocation that shows up the real problem.
19:17 / 19.01.07
Yeah, VV, I'm completely aware that C4 are trying to manipulate me. I'm trying to resist. I know that they are trying to spin things so as to look as though they've been managing the situation appropriately. They're quite good at it, which is why it's almost working.
Alex's Grandma
19:20 / 19.01.07
It is quite funny to see the playdough, gothic horror queen's crocodile tears in the Diary room - she perhaps does regret her terrible behaviour now, but it's too late.

Ideal scenario; Jade's severed head stands on a pike outside the BB house, with Jack's severed Old Bill in her mouth, as a warning. Jade wouldn't be able to say all that much to the producers, the PR people, etc, but Jack might be rather angry.
19:22 / 19.01.07
Dannielle you absolute weasel.
19:22 / 19.01.07
Oh, FFS. "It wasn't me, a big girl did it and ran away!"
19:24 / 19.01.07
BIG surprise result on the eviction, eh?

Bye, Jade. Don't let the doors hit your racist ass on the way out, yeah?
19:24 / 19.01.07
An international crisis YOU personally have fuelled, Davina.
19:26 / 19.01.07
I used to be in love with Davina, y'know. Even made a pass at her once. No longer. Grr.
19:26 / 19.01.07
YES. They've noticed that it's VERY quiet for an eviction.
19:26 / 19.01.07
You are so fucked, Jade, and you know it.
19:33 / 19.01.07
Yeah, VV, I'm completely aware that C4 are trying to manipulate me

Oh god yeah, I'm not having a pop at you. It's C4 and their deliberate campaign of overt fucking lies that I really can't stand.

Danielle clearly going down the 'only obeying orders' route here. Classy, Danielle, a racist, a bully, a liar and a coward. Jo's spine may be damaged, but at least she has one.
19:40 / 19.01.07
I'm confused. Isn't the traditional last meal for the condemned a heapin' bucket of fried chicken, washed down with a massive pail of coke?
19:42 / 19.01.07
Look at Danielle! Eating those ribs with her hands! How disgusting.
19:44 / 19.01.07
Duck has madchopstickskillz, to be sure.
imaginary mice
19:54 / 19.01.07
My TV, which has been temperamental for the last six months, finally passed away at 7pm tonight. Great timing.
Alex's Grandma
20:01 / 19.01.07
I have a horrible feeling, in my water, that Jade's going to be rehabilitated celeb-wise in about three months time, if not sooner, so ... So let's just enjoy it in the meantime, I guess. Let's all pretend there's a small corner of the world where just lashing out at anything that doesn't meet with your immediate approval means you in some sense have to actually think about the consequences of your disgusting behviour, rather than going to, say, India with a TV crew in search of enlightenment.

I hope I'm wrong, but the script would write itself. Jade in Bombay airport; 'Fuck, man, this is bonkers! All these people ... they aren't wearing any fucking trousers! What's that all about!'; Jade dishing out Channel 4's cash to the crippled beggars on the street, especially the youngsters - 'I'm like you, I'm not posh, but if you work hard, like I sdid, yu'll make something of yourselves!'; Jade bathing in the Ganges, the holy river, at sunset, and attaining enlightenment. Followed by a comical coda in which the terminal fuckbag complains about the water; 'It's fucking dirty, innit? Can I go back to my hotel now, yeah? No, I want to go back to my hotel now, please ... Are you fucking starting? Do you know who I am!' etc, etc, etc.
20:03 / 19.01.07
Please no...
Char Aina
20:04 / 19.01.07
i wish you hadnt said that.
it just seems all too likely.
20:04 / 19.01.07
There ain't no party like an S Club Party...except maybe the Nazi Party...
20:05 / 19.01.07
Are these words from the future?
20:06 / 19.01.07
Jade bathing in the Ganges, the holy river, at sunset, and attaining enlightenment.

Jade: OMG! Ah'm enlaihtened!
King Mob: Well, you look like someone with an interesting story to tell.

Char Aina
20:07 / 19.01.07
Alex's Grandma
20:15 / 19.01.07
'I've got the runs, mate. I'm not being funny ... Look, come and look at the toilet ... Look at what I did in there, thanks to all this fucking p*** food that this lot made me eat. I can't stand these fucking c****! I'd fucking bomb this whole fucking country if I could!'


'I've learned a lot from my time in India. I think giggle that I've grown as a person. And so has my kebab!!!'

How could anyone not love her, after that?
20:18 / 19.01.07
Doubt the Indians would be fooled.
20:29 / 19.01.07

I'm fucking disappointed, to be honest.
20:30 / 19.01.07
Please stop
20:32 / 19.01.07
Oh god...they're saying Jade got 18% of the vote.

I want their names, I want their addresses, I want an Ak-47, an Uzi, a Desert Eagle, a katana, a case of smoke grenades, a brace of shoulder-launched surface-to-surface missiles, six shuriken, and a tank...
20:37 / 19.01.07
20:38 / 19.01.07
Right, by my reckoning I think this gives them what, three minutes to prep her on her answers? My, what horrible, dishonest people they are.

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