But I wonder how people might feel if someone other than Dirk had said it? If Danielle had said it, for instance?
I missed this, so will probably actually see it tomorrow, (so everything following these parentheses may be bollocks) but the thing with Danielle, Jo et al is that comments and statements which MIGHT NOT OTHERWISE be taken as, well, dodgy in the extreme, have been part of a constant "drip, drip" which has led to any individual comment being seen in a much worse light. I believe the phrase is "having previous".
For example, if YOU were to post something which could be interpreted as being really, really dodgy racially, I'd be inclined to grant you a better interpretation, because my previous dealings with you have led me to believe that you're not likely to mean something that way. If Danielle were (God forbid) ever to join Barbelith, and said something that could be interpreted as being really, really dodgy racially, I'd be less inclined to extend her the same freedom of interpretation, given the other things I've heard her say. |