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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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Alex's Grandma
20:38 / 19.01.07
Well no, but I suppose Channel 4 would go along with it, so why not make hay while the sun shines? Yeah? You liar, VV! You fake! You ... you toilet seat! I've never felt that you've been real with me, actually, to be honest, I've never been able to chill out with you, it always seems like you're trying to give it the large one, in a sinister way, like ... like a fucking child mole, mloset ... like a bloody kiddy fiddler, all right?
20:38 / 19.01.07
By which i mean; she fucking knew what was going on with the lack of crowd.

Has she been told on a previous episode?

'It's weird isn't it?'

She knew!
20:39 / 19.01.07
Presumably she was also prepped on not engaging in class-originated racism. I doubt anything sticks to the inside of Jade's skull tbh
20:40 / 19.01.07
Thing is, they can make a rehabilitation programme, but people still have to watch it.

20:42 / 19.01.07
Davina: You must be one of the only people on the planet who has no idea...

...and you can end the sentence there.
20:46 / 19.01.07
VV- it's only 18%.

We can fucking take 'em.

20:48 / 19.01.07
Shift the blame, Jade, shift the blame...
20:48 / 19.01.07
Now, remember, Jade isn't the target. It's the fuckwits at C4 and Endemol who denied there was a problem. Still...
20:49 / 19.01.07
Wait a moment...

'To bring you back to the racist comments.'

Davina, Davina - don't you know there haven't been any racist comments?
20:50 / 19.01.07
Davina's briefing was clearly shitter than Jade's.
20:50 / 19.01.07
I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand



I am so glad i haven't watched any other eps in this series.
20:51 / 19.01.07
"If I was a racist I wouldn't have eaten chicken curry".



20:52 / 19.01.07
Davina, FUCK the bullying! Address why you can't just accept it was racist. STOP DIGGING!
20:53 / 19.01.07
Now, remember, Jade isn't the target.

Not the only one, certainly...

'Now, about the bullying...'
'Nah, nah, I woz bullied myself...'

She's just playing for sympathy now. Jade: you're a fake! You're a phoney! You're an out and out liar! You need a day in the slums! You need to just be fucking real!
20:54 / 19.01.07
"You were the one that started it"

And you were the one that denied it was happening for two weeks.
20:55 / 19.01.07
I have to say, I'm surprised that Davina's line is as hard as it is. C4 & Endemol have decided to sacrifice their previously fatted calf (Jade, in case you wondered).

The spin is totally vicious. Jade is a racist little bully, but my God they pulled the rug bigstyle.
20:55 / 19.01.07
Fuck it, she's already started rewriting her memories so she's the fucking victim. Let's just kill her.
20:57 / 19.01.07
VV, from your use of words "whore" and "cunt" I'd take it a little easier if I were you.


"So, what have you learned from your time in the house"
"I've learned I'm not that person"

Fuck OFF!
20:58 / 19.01.07
I have to say, I'm surprised that Davina's line is as hard as it is.

Still not hard enough - she had a chance to go for the kill when she started talking about the bullying, but she totally fucked it.

Bring on Goody/Paxman: Judgement Day right fucking now.
20:59 / 19.01.07
She's getting booed by the STUDIO AUDIENCE.
21:00 / 19.01.07
I meant hard in comparison to her usual lovieness. Not hard hard, obv.

Also: "story of your time in the house", rather than "best bits", lol.
21:01 / 19.01.07
There really have been no good bits, have there?
21:02 / 19.01.07
VV, from your use of words "whore" and "cunt" I'd take it a little easier if I were you.

Hold on now, I'm pretty sure I've used 'whores' once, to refer to C4 and Endemol in general, and maybe only 'cunt' once or twice? I prefer the gender-neutral term 'prunt', combining elements of both genitalia in a beautiful hermaphroditic way.

If it turns out I have over-used them in a white-hot fit of rage, I'm more than happy to go back and mod them with more acceptable terminology.
21:08 / 19.01.07
It might be good to just take a deep breath and consider whether you need to refer to cunts and whores so much.
haus of fraser
21:12 / 19.01.07
Davina copped out - but it wasn't an easy interview- this is the girl that's cost em a shed load of sponsorship money- and puts a huge shadow over the future of the show, a fucker given that channel 4 extended their exclusive rights to the show for another 3 years not 3 months back...

It was also the first time she's not told anyone they were a great house mate- could've been harder but i liked that she never offered forgiveness- that would have really really pissed me off and it's what i feared we were in for.
I loved the audience booing in the studio- i do worry that a heavy pr campaign may lead to the return of jade in a couple of months- here's hoping the fall is fast and hard- keep your fucking perfume love.

errrrr really really not liking the tone of the jokes towards shilpa on the Friday night project...
21:14 / 19.01.07
It's The Friday Night Project. Pretend it doesn't exist, it makes life better.
21:16 / 19.01.07
That strategy always works for me.
21:18 / 19.01.07
Triplets, I really don't see where you're coming from. I've just scanned over the last eleven pages of this thread, and I've used the word 'whores' exactly once and the word 'cunt' precisely no times in those eleven pages of posting. Even on the day of rage that was page 15, you'll note about the only thing I don't do w/r/t Jade is call her a cunt.

To clarify - the word 'prunt' for me is a gender-neutral one, and in my opinion a slightly comic one that I deliberately use to disarm the misogynistic connotations of the c-word.

Frankly I take exception to you implying that I'm some kind of woman-hating loon because I used a word which can be used in a misogynistic way exactly once in about 48 hours.
haus of fraser
21:19 / 19.01.07
yup forgot to change channels whilst typing here...
miss wonderstarr
21:26 / 19.01.07
I felt that interview was a lot more satisfyingly hard-line and unforgiving than I expected. Which isn't saying that much, but Davina didn't disappoint nearly as much as anticipated. Jade seemed far too briefed (maybe she really is that savvy, but she seemed very well prepared for the total shift in the format and for the framework of the questions), but there was an air of some gravity and (appropriately) severe discomfort about the programme. Almost like a courtroom session, instead of the usual celebration. Big Mouth was also suitably intolerant of her, and no longer shying away from the word "racism".

I'm afraid it might not take long to rehabilitate her, but it seems equally likely that Big Brother really might have both made and broken Jade Goody: or, rather, let her do it to herself.
Alex's Grandma
21:29 / 19.01.07
I'm a bit sick of Russell Brand's antics.
21:36 / 19.01.07
I have a horrible feeling, in my water, that Jade's going to be rehabilitated celeb-wise in about three months time, if not sooner

Co-hosting Countdown with 'Big' Ron Atkinson, betcha.
21:40 / 19.01.07
Right, gone back through the entire thread. The count:

CUNT*: 1
TWAT**: 1

'Prunt', as I say, is a swear what I made up, and which could as easily stand for 'prick' as 'c**t'.

Incidentally, the usage of 'c**t' upthread occurred when I was imagining a hypothetical message being sent to the Jade-Jo-Danielle axis - I've asked for the offending sentence to be placed in quote marks to distance myself from it, if that'll make you feel better. If not, I'm quite happy to replace it with 'kebab'.

* Incidentally, same number of times as Ganesh.***

**I know you didn't specifically mention 't**t' but, in the interests of fairness and accuracy I decided to include it as it is, of course, synonymous with 'c**t'. People seem to make less of a fuss about 't**t', though, for some reason. Again, perfectly happy to kebab if you want.

***Not meaning to drag you in, 'Nesh, just taking a poster at random. I'll do a detailed c**t-w**re-t**t survey tomorrow.
Jack Vincennes
21:42 / 19.01.07
Jade seemed far too briefed

As she knew that something was up, at least, I suspect she spent the time between being told she was leaving and leaving going over the answers to three questions (are you a racist, are you a bully, how much do you hate yourself right now) in her head. She was pretty inarticulate, but she's (presumably) had some form of media training and it looked like that's what kicked in.

Studio booing, though, that was pretty good. An almost empty studio, too...
21:46 / 19.01.07
***Not meaning to drag you in, 'Nesh, just taking a poster at random. I'll do a detailed c**t-w**re-t**t survey tomorrow.

Alternatively, why don't you spend tomorrow doing something nice? Long lie, cup of tea, flotation session - that's my plan.

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