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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:52 / 19.01.07
Reading the latest BBC report it does seem as though Jade's been told to stop saying racist things and Shilpa's been told to not mention that the others are saying racist things.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:10 / 19.01.07
The Scum have a list of dos and don't's that Danielle was given by her agent and highlight that amongst the don'ts she was warned not to be racist. You do have to wonder exactly why the agent thought it necessary to spell this out, when they don't include other helpful ideas like "don't be nasty to the poof".
06:32 / 19.01.07
Shilpa's been told to not mention that the others are saying racist things.

Clearly - and that's the most mendacious thing about this whole affair. You can understand C4's reasons - they're trying to avoid prosecution for broadcasting material 'likely to cause racial tension' or whatever - but then again, you can understand why Dennis Nilsen murdered all those people and it doesn't make it right. Mrs V has said, for the past couple of days now, that the worst thing about this is that they're almost trying to drive Shilpa mad: she sees all this evidence of racist bullying, but then they give Cleo some spiel to give her about a 'culture clash' (hmm, exact same choice of words as Dermot - coincidence?Yeah right) and are desperately trying to get her to deny it's racism. The cognitive dissonance that causes must be immense, and it's surprising a show which makes such a big thing of its 'psychological oversight' would allow it (mind you, having watched Big Brother's Little Brain, I have to say I'd be honestly surprised if any of their 'psychological experts' even knew what cognitive dissonance means).

Basically, for all their 'oooh! edgy!' posturing, C4 have basically shown themselves to be cowardly, self-serving provocateur greedheads willing to allow racist abuse to go unpunished and, in fact, rewarded purely to get a ratings pop and some money from the phone vote (I'm pretty sure they only promised to give all the vote money to charity only after people complained, and even then grudgingly).
06:44 / 19.01.07
The Scum have a list of dos and don't's that Danielle was given by her agent and highlight that amongst the don'ts she was warned not to be racist. You do have to wonder exactly why the agent thought it necessary to spell this out, when they don't include other helpful ideas like "don't be nasty to the poof".

Yes - bit odd, that. After all, if someone wasn't racist, why would you warn them against it? It's sort of like, I dunno, Cliff Richards' agent warning him not to get his cock out* - you wouldn't think there'd be any need.

I, of course, have a theory.

When Danielle was stripped of her Miss Great Britain title (for giving Judge Teddy Sheringham a different sort of diving header than what he was used to), the title went to one Preethi Desai. Miss Desai, as you will be able to guess, is Asian. One can imagine that, in the black and twisted heart that beats in Danielle's skinny, artificially inflated chest, a seed of bitterness has perhaps flowered into full blown racism.

FWIW, I've seen Preethi Desai interviewed on telly yesterday and she's so much prettier than Danielle it's like they're not even members of the same species. Sheringham must have had one hell of a casting vote.

(* and, yes, at this very moment what I so desperately want to see is Cliff Richard on CBB, running around the house with his pork sword hanging out and screaming 'gettalookatthisyouBASTARDS!'. Once again, the programme in my head is better than the one in real life)
07:12 / 19.01.07
Four have apparently said they still aren't decided as to whether or not tonight will be a traditional eviction with crowd or a more muted one.

Given that Jade has threatened to headbutt Shilpa, I would pull her out through the diary room like her mum. No fanfare, no time to gather her things, go out through the right hand door, no going back into the house, no messing. Either that or get security guards in and frogmarch her out as soon as the eviction's announced.

What I would really like to see is her walking out of the house and straight into the arms of Hertfordshire Plod, who arrest her on a hate crime charge. After all, per the Macpherson report, anyone within earshot (i.e. any of us) can accuse Jade of racial harassment and it has to be investigated (and if it has to be investigated, Jade has to be arrested. Joy!) Anything to avoid her getting the inevitable soft soap treatment from Davina.
Evil Scientist
07:27 / 19.01.07
Jade is mixed race - her father is (well, was) Jamaican.

A defence also used by Saskia in BB a few years back after she'd displayed racist attitudes to Makosi.

"I can't be racist I'm part (insert ethnic group)."


(thud of head on wall)




(thud, thud, thud, thud)

Now my head's all hurty.
08:17 / 19.01.07
Yeah, it is the most bullshit argument ever, and based on a massive non sequitur - 'I can't be prejudiced against Asians because I'm half-black.' Doesn't follow.

Gordon Brown has apparently declared that 'a vote for Shilpa is a vote for Britain'. Er, not exactly, Gordon...
Alex's Grandma
08:21 / 19.01.07
Four have apparently said they still aren't decided as to whether or not tonight will be a traditional eviction with crowd or a more muted one.

Good old Channel 4. I dare say they're wringing their hands about this as we speak. And with good reason - if Jade, Endemol's homunculus, emerges to the screams of a lynch mob, she's unlikely to back down during the interview with Davina once the question 'So what did you think about Shilpa?' gets raised. As it's going to have to be. And equally, if there isn't a crowd outside, Jade's going to want to know the reason why. In which case, once she's been told, she's unlikely to back down during the interview with Davina once the ... etc.

Jade'll be stressed, angry and outside her comfort zone either way - no wonder the producers are a bit nervous.
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
08:27 / 19.01.07
Considering her behaviour, BB would be ill advised to save her from the crowds as this may implicate them further in facilitaing her offensive remarks. Basically I reckon they'll toss her to the lions.
08:38 / 19.01.07
Literally, one can only hope.
09:32 / 19.01.07
Seem to be quite strong hints that there won't be a crowd - apparently C4 have said Jade 'will need to talk to her advisors' and that it 'wouldn't be fair' for Jade to face a crowd.

Basically they're covering their arse again. If Jade comes out and then goes straight to the interview with Davina it's gonna be a shouty spectacular, with no telling what kind of abuse Jade's going to come out with - and if Jade does wind up calling Shilpa a 'bloody Indian' or 'Shilpa Poppadom' or whatever, all their careful editing over the past couple of days is fucked: Jade's getting arrested, they're getting arrested, everyone's going to prison and the only reality show they'll get to make in there is Celebrity Showersex: Who'll Bend Over for the Soap?

Jade has been shielded in all this to a sickening degree. Their 'intervention' yesterday was laughable. 'Jade, were you being racist?' 'No I wasn't.' 'That's alright then.' They were much harsher with Danielle (admittedly it's the difference between hitting someone with a pillow and hitting them with just the pillow case, but still...).

One can only assume this is because Jade shares management with Russell, Dermot and Davina. I wonder if they're threatening to withdraw them from the shows if Jade isn't protected? It would be a powerful threat: BB has a strong brand identity built around its presenters, and if all three went it would be a massive discontinuity.
09:44 / 19.01.07
According to this, there'll be no crowd.
10:05 / 19.01.07
The guy in that thread who reckoned people (if they were allowed in )should stand in total silence and turn their backs on Jade is spot-on. Imagine the visual power of that image: fuckpig leaves the house, all ready to perform for Davina - and then, as she comes out, a crowd of hundreds of people all turn away and ignore her. Imagine the look on her face: it would be like watching a very young child finding their dad, drunk, in a Santa Claus outfit.

Lying next to the stabbed corpse of Jesus...
10:06 / 19.01.07
Sky News seems to have a helicopter hovering over the BB garden. I wonder when they'll realise that something's up.
They won't be able to fake crowd noise convincingly tonight will they?
10:08 / 19.01.07
I think having no crowd at all will be pretty powerful in itself- given that Makosi had to face the crowd from Bride Of Frankenstein, the fact that they've pulled the crowd because it would be worse than that will be fairly spectacular in itself.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:11 / 19.01.07
When's the usual time that actual eviction happens?
10:15 / 19.01.07
About 9.30 I think.
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
10:17 / 19.01.07
One can only assume this is because Jade shares management with Russell, Dermot and Davina. I wonder if they're threatening to withdraw them from the shows if Jade isn't protected? It would be a powerful threat: BB has a strong brand identity built around its presenters, and if all three went it would be a massive discontinuity.
That would be one hell of a gamble for a management company to take as it would set a precedent in the industry that could cause major damage. Production companies in general do not take to kindly to being held to ransom, least of all Endemol. It's more likely that they're generally concerned for her physical safety, unsuprisingly.

Still think they're copping out though. It seems that the 'reality' aspect of this show is being avoided somewhat with regards to Jade.
10:25 / 19.01.07
So, VV - you're looking forward to this I take it? You're putting Ganesh's CBB'07 posting record to shame!

I think if CBB do what you're suggesting and let Jade leave quietly and without public confrontation then it will hurt the show even more than it has been hurt already, with Davina glad-handing her and Jade seeming to escape criticism and seeing the results of her actions. It's an important life-lesson, taking responsibility for your actions and words, one that perhaps Jade has missed out on a little too much in her time.

Hopefully this is if not a final then at least a penultimate nail in Big Brother's coffin. Can it come back from this? Should it? I'm becoming less enamoured with it each year, and this year has managed to pull the 'bullying' aspect of the show fully into the media spotlight. Can and should a programme that relies heavily on 'bullying' still be on telly? I'm not sure, especially when these bullies are then rewarded for their efforts with photoshoots and interviews and notoriety.

Back to gossip mode though - last night on the show, Jade was so annoying it very nearly hurt. Not only is she as dumb as a bag of old socks and as offensive as the smell, she also misunderstood Shilpa's (great) putdown and kept on repeating it! I wanted to reach through the TV, explain forcefully what Shilpa meant and maybe add some more of my own. This is the behaviour she's rewarded for! Fuck sake... If anyone is a liar and a 'fake' (god I hate that term), it's Jade surely? What with the lipo and the polar shifts from 'cute, innoffensive' mode to 'raving psycho' indicating that perhaps she was putting on an act for the cameras at the start of her stay before slipping back into the comfortable ol' screaming loon mode she's more known for.
Jack The Bodiless
10:27 / 19.01.07
Hang on... Stormfront (named after a wicked Billy Joel song, thanks VV) are supporting a mixed race English woman who has made a success of herself milking money just from being on TV, against someone from another country who'll be going home after the show finishes... and a vote for Jade is a vote against immigration?

I'm used to them being pointlessly stupid racist fascist scumbags. It's the pointlessly stupid inconsistency that's stunning me right now...
Jack The Bodiless
10:29 / 19.01.07
God yes John - that really annoyed me as well! FOR CHRIST'S SAKE THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE MEANT YOU ARSE. She meant you're only famous for being on big Brother, not just for talking to her! GNMPH.
10:32 / 19.01.07
It's not that they've never done something crazy, done something wild. It's just that they're better at doing whatever suits their style...
10:33 / 19.01.07
Funnier, it was actually Jade who said to Shilpa “Well your only claim to fame is arguing with me!”, didn’t she?
10:37 / 19.01.07
On the 'glad-handing' front, I think Endemol will also feel a duty of care towards Jade, and would make some effort to protect her (particularly from the possibility of violence) regardless of demands from John Noel Management (who are probably pretty fucked off with Jade themselves).
10:40 / 19.01.07
Well, I don't know what info you're working on, but I think it's more than possible that agencies do sometimes play hardball, and advising (obviously this could carry with it the potential for coercive action were they to ignore said advice) your clients to divorce themselves from a production company/production seems plausible enough to me. In the world in my head that kind of thing goes on all the time, or at least some of the time.

I'll be having a chat with my Mum (Channel 4 bod who's worked on the show in the past, readers) tonight to get her perspective
10:41 / 19.01.07
Post above to Harrison
10:45 / 19.01.07
Funnier, it was actually Jade who said to Shilpa “Well your only claim to fame is arguing with me!”, didn’t she?

No, I’ve been corrected. Her actual retort was “Actually my claim to fame is meeting you, you fucking loser”. Which is even more rhetorically cack-handed.
Chew On Fat
10:46 / 19.01.07
Also Did Shilpa actually say to Jade that she should take elocution lessons?

At the time of the stock-cube incident Shilpa told her she should 'learn some manners' but that was all I heard her saying.

To some degree, it would seem the UK is going through a massive divisive reappraisal of its attitudes to race, and an international incident to boot, over the reality show in Jade's head rather than the one on C4
10:51 / 19.01.07
Addendum to the above: not sayin' that's what's happening, just sayin' is all
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:52 / 19.01.07
If I've got nothing better to do I might watch this tonight, though I daresay that if Jade's not exiting to adoring crowds she may well be kept away from the cameras while she's brought up to speed on how badly she's fucked things up while inside...
10:53 / 19.01.07
Also Did Shilpa actually say to Jade that she should take elocution lessons?

I didn’t hear it either, but Jade must have got the word ‘elocution’ from somewhere. Or at least ‘elculution’. So it sounds plausible to me.
10:58 / 19.01.07
Flowers, I think Endemol have said something about briefing Jade either shortly before or immediately after eviction. Much as I'd like to see the moment it all dawns on her, that's probably the responsible thing to do.
However, as reality TV reveals go, this one is going to make Space Cadets look like 'pull my finger', and I'd like to see her face as the penny drops.
Chew On Fat
11:02 / 19.01.07
My theory is that she heard 'learn some manners' and in the mis-wired circuit-box of her brain this became 'have some etiquette lessons'

(logical enough so far - Jade might even have been exposed to these by our friends at John Noel; who knows, she's obviously been somewhat Eliza Doolittled between her two BB stints)

Then 'Etiquette' became mixed up with 'elocution' (again not a big leap) in her bizarre fuse-box of a mind and hey presto!

I would like to know if anyone can confirm first-hand if they heard Shilpa say 'You should get elocution lessons' or somesuch
Whisky Priestess
11:12 / 19.01.07
I saw pretty much the whole ghastly thing and I don't remember Shilpa saying that (I did have a toilet break however). I do remember her telling Jade to learn some manners, though, and the official site's story about their making up involves an elocution/etiquette confusion.
Whisky Priestess
11:16 / 19.01.07
p.s. I can't find the BB3 thread - has it been wiped?

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