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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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Chew On Fat
11:20 / 19.01.07
I didn't read the official site so allow me to crow at my fuse-box deciphering skills!

So the UK's image worldwide and self-image is hostage to the utterings of someone who can't think in straight lines?

haus of fraser
11:21 / 19.01.07
Nope its here
haus of fraser
11:21 / 19.01.07
last post for whiskey p...
Char Aina
11:35 / 19.01.07
oh, man.
y'all need to check out
they've got '14 words' muppets, loads of starred out swearing and even some people who want jade's children fed to ian huntley, and the admin seems to be fighting a losing battle on hir own for jade.

some guy was banned for the huntley thing, incidentally.

i mean, it's horrible, but in that hilarious way.
i would repost the jade-as-hitler giffage, but it's against the rules of the thread, isnt it?
Char Aina
11:37 / 19.01.07
"The Union Jack is for all of us, but the St. George is just for London, isn't it?"

jems, i tells ya!
Char Aina
11:39 / 19.01.07
perhaps more pertinent to the recent events:
"They were trying to use me as an escape goat"
11:52 / 19.01.07
Holy Moley! They have Paul mothrafucking Danan posting on there. Fuck me sideways, they have teh celebs!!!1!11!1 Who do we have, eh, apart from our small cadre of artists? Get more famous, you lazy pencil monkeys, so we may bask in your reflected glory.

Ah, fuck it. We should invite the Dananster to the blith though, surely? It's making me moist just thinking about it.
Char Aina
11:53 / 19.01.07
he can be OUR escape goat!
11:57 / 19.01.07
Damn you Toksik, there goes my lunch break reading functional illiterates trying to defend bigotry with a vocabulary that would make your average six-year-old feel superior. On a pink background.

It's what the internet was made for!

BTW, 'escape goat' = best mental image EVAR!1!!
Char Aina
11:59 / 19.01.07
ah, bar-be-liiiiith!
look what you did!
the site is getting too many hits now, and i'm getting nowt but server errors.

Alex's Grandma
12:04 / 19.01.07
I think that if Jade met me though, she would really like me.

I had a dream about that the other day, weirdly enough, but I'm not going to tell any of you about it. You'd only, like, phone up The Sun.

But it was ... well it was mental, actually.

It was fucking mental.
12:06 / 19.01.07
Was it mental in the sense of completely made up?
Alex's Grandma
12:12 / 19.01.07
Mate, it was a dream?!

Don't you have any dreams?
12:14 / 19.01.07
Yes, they're all ridiculously coherent and are little parables about how much I hate people.
12:35 / 19.01.07
Someone has chartered a plane to fly over the BB house trailing a sign reading 'BB BULLIES OUT.'

I'm surprised Endemol haven't launched alert vipers, given their ridiculously protective attitude to Ms Goody.

That would be one hell of a gamble for a management company to take as it would set a precedent in the industry that could cause major damage. Production companies in general do not take to kindly to being held to ransom, least of all Endemol.

It would be a hell of a gamble, to be sure - and one can imagine Endemol turning around and calling Jade's managers' bluff. As Ganesh mentioned upthread, it's not like Davina or Dermot have had any work outside of BB recently, and Russell's recent solo series were a complete failure (C4 putting Russell up against Wossy was based on the classic TV delusion that a great chat show guest will make a great chat show host - see also Al Murray's Happy Hour). So Jade's managers would have to be somewhat psychologically disturbed to try such a maneuver...

(well, then again, they employ Jade and Russell)

...and Endemol and C4 would have to be the most craven cowards since John Craven and Kraven the Hunter ran away from a fight with a gang of smacked out amputee Moomintrolls...

(but see: every decision made by Endemol and C4 in this whole wretched mess...)

12:37 / 19.01.07
Sky are now doing Vox Pops in the 'Best of Bermondsey' cafe.

If that's the best...jesus, sending Jade back will be punishment enough.
12:39 / 19.01.07
I think the other thing to consider, Velvet, is that people don't have to do what their management tell them.
12:43 / 19.01.07
Oooh, 'BB Bullies Out' plane flying over the house right now.
Scramble interceptors!
Char Aina
12:44 / 19.01.07
eh! fi! gee!
eh! fi! gee!
eh! fi! gee!

12:45 / 19.01.07
Sky News poll has 17% siding with Jade. Not great is it?
12:45 / 19.01.07
Four have cancelled the post-eviction press conference.

I can just about understand not having a crowd in case someone sneaks through and gives Jade the Adam Susan treatment, but now they're trying to protect her from the nasty reporters? Fucksake...

If anything, that's just gonna turn the press more against Jade. They're gonna freak and just start really laying into her, like she's cut off Peter Sutcliffe's cock and used it to rape the corpse of Princess Di.

(Montgomery Burns) Ex-cellent...(/Montgomery Burns)
Char Aina
12:47 / 19.01.07
yeah, well jade's being bullied too!
she's been made to look like a terrible person by that manipulative indian, and she might even cry later today!
and she has children!
think of the children!

you insensitive bastard.
Haus of Mystery
12:57 / 19.01.07
Regarding tossing Jade to the baying crowds - much as it would be satisfying to witness, I think it's fair enough given the scale of public furore, that security-wise Endemol probably shouldn't do the whole eviction-palooza. It has become a deeply sensitive situation, and Jade's going to 'pay' for the whole thing enough without it becoming the equivalent of a mob-scene from 'Frankenstein'.
Alex's Grandma
13:13 / 19.01.07
Yeah, but come on MacReady, it would be great television!!

(Which is how all this got started in the first place!)
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
13:15 / 19.01.07
Maybe they should just have one person there, instead of a whole crowd, you know on behalf the viewers to shout at her a bit.


Davros could do it.
Char Aina
13:20 / 19.01.07
maybe they could give the job to someone cuddly, some kinda uncle figure, maybe?
i like wogan for the job.
gently cooing about her hateful nature, and explaining to her just why her and her cadre of cretins are being talked about, wogan and his sensible sounding voice, gently bathing jade in her own hatespeech.
or they could just get paxman in.

i just can't decide.
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
13:23 / 19.01.07
Fuck that I reckon Alf Garnett dressed as a judge placing a black cloth on his head.


13:29 / 19.01.07
Well, yeah - four obviously do have legitimate security concerns and, much as I would love to see Jade get torn apart like Mussolini, I do respect that.

Cancelling the press conference, though, seems to be taking the duty of care a bit too far. People are going to want to see Jade asked hard questions about her behaviour in the house, rather than just the traditional Davina huggles or later interviews carefully controlled by her agent. One function of the press in a democracy is to hold the inferlential to account, whether they're Tony Blair or Jade Goody, and denying that is, frankly, yet more support for the view that C4 are condoning Jade's actions.

Then again, at this point, what the hell...
Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns
13:32 / 19.01.07
Best cock up in T.V history?


Huge success for BB & C4?
13:38 / 19.01.07
Maybe they should just have one person there, instead of a whole crowd, you know on behalf the viewers to shout at her a bit.

Apparently there will be a studio audience, but by this point I'm pretty much convinced it'll be made up entirely of Jackieyerwhayerwhatyerwhat, Russell, Dermot, Chantelle, any members of the Jade Goody Fan Club who haven't yet torn their cards up in disgust, and a daschshund named Colin.
Alex's Grandma
13:49 / 19.01.07
I've got no sympathy at all - If Jade had arrived on her own that would have been one thing, but as it is, she chose to inflict not just her mother, but her boyfriend, for Christ's sake, on the GBP, presumably on the basis that they could simply 'be themselves', and consequently be laughing all the way to the bank.

And it wasn't a bad plan. All Jade etc would have had to have done was control their tempers for a couple of weeks, which bearing in mind the cash involved (it seems ridiculous now, but I remember that reading that Jade had been offered a hundred grand for showing up in the first place, so even quartering that, it's still a handy month's work, and that's leaving aside the family,) doesn't seem like a big ask.

Clearly, Jade was hired on the basis that she, and her family, would act up, but I doubt her management company would have been sued if she hadn't gone through with it.

As it is, she's behaved like a mindless thug for no good reason, and as such, deserves everything that's coming to her, at least as long as it's uncomfortable. Samuel L Jackson, Kate Moss and so forth seem unlikely to speak to Jade on a plane now.
Haus of Mystery
14:05 / 19.01.07
Best cock up in tv history?


Huge sucess for BB & C4?

See, I don't see how it's a 'cock up' per se... Surely it's part of BB's alluring nature. It's unpredictable. And this is a very difficult, but undeniably fascinating situation to deal with. It was only a matter of time before something this serious raised it's head.
Alex's Grandma
14:05 / 19.01.07
Frankly, and quite apart from all the moral issues, Jade, as a businesswoman, may as well just have shot herself in the nuts.

Sometimes the last thing it's best to be is 'yourself.'
Whisky Priestess
14:17 / 19.01.07
I cannot believe that Jade is owed more protection than Grace was last year. People hated her, and she didn't have a hundredth of the wealth and army of PRs Jade now has to protect her afterwards.

Surely all they need is a Perspex-screened walkway to the studio to deflect bottles/bullets and a double helping of burly security men?

She really ought to be held to account and, like a small child, made to understand just how bad she's been.
14:18 / 19.01.07
But then your a fAke!!23!! And you have a G*m*p*an.

Which goes to show that in Jade and co's world, thinking before you do something is a bad thing, cus den u r fals.

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