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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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Haus Of Pain
20:52 / 18.01.07
that's funny.
20:56 / 18.01.07
SHIT I texted the old number.

Ah well. All better now.

Think tonight could see another drunken-blackout-with-too-many-phone-calls incident the like of which has not been since since Aisleyne, really.
20:57 / 18.01.07
They're switching between both numbers. Anyone's guess.
Evil Scientist
21:06 / 18.01.07
I'm probably going to keep my phone at the other end of the room. Whilst I sorely want to see Jade evicted and sharpish (no...wait... with something sharpish) the idea of giving even a penny to Endemol in order to resolve something they should have done themselves doesn't sit right.

Not criticising anyone else for doing it mind, just a personal thing.

I've only watched a little of CBB this year so turning off completely isn't a particular challenge.

Images of media execs high-fiving each other at Endemol at all this wonderful attention and all that.

Can't see the eviction been anything special considering past form on possibly(definitely) racist housemates.
Tom Paine's Bones
21:06 / 18.01.07
Meh, I'm of two minds on this. On one hand I really want Jade out. And out by an overwhelming majority.

On the other, I really don't want to reward Endemol by putting money in their pockets over this.
21:10 / 18.01.07
Images of media execs high-fiving each other at Endemol at all this wonderful attention and all that.

I really doubt they're doing that. The idea that all publicity is good publicity is, obviously, balls.
21:18 / 18.01.07
At least a few people's asses are SO fired already over this.

THAT, I'll put good money on.
21:18 / 18.01.07
And on that note the cover of tomorrow's Sun is a campaign piece urging people to vote Jade out...
21:38 / 18.01.07
AAAND the phone revenues are going to charity.
Alex's Grandma
21:44 / 18.01.07
(Calls cost 50p, mobile and other network rates may vary)

10p from every vote will go to charity

What the fuck?
21:45 / 18.01.07
Jade's purfume pulled off the shelves...
21:45 / 18.01.07
Seeing as how it's the charities supported by the celebs, I wonder if the oh-so-ironic anti-bullying charity dropped by Danielle still get their cut?

(In case I've misjudged my tone here, I'll point out that I hope they do).
Alex's Grandma
21:46 / 18.01.07
I mean it's hardly generous under the circumstances, is it?
21:46 / 18.01.07

So I've only given 50p to charity, and...


I don't want to think about the rest.
21:51 / 18.01.07
And of course the wankers at Stormfront are now into it, and have been posting on DS.
Alex's Grandma
21:59 / 18.01.07
Still, it's good to know at this tense time that Team Jade's been talking about the state of Danielle's bowels for the last ten minutes - 'My farts stink!' and so forth. 'Smell my dressing gown!'

If only she'd paid as much attention to what was coming out of her mouth, eh readers?!
22:20 / 18.01.07
Oh dear god stoatie. Dont bring those cchunks into it!
Totem Polish
22:27 / 18.01.07
And of course the wankers at Stormfront are now into it, and have been posting on DS.

That's the most depressing thing I've seen all day...and I've been lurking the whole thread. Fuck Endemol and fuck Stormfront...even by voting for Jade to leave it seems that some suit will get richer and a white supremacist more gleeful in his pants. Thank god they dropped Jade in early and I had an excuse to stop getting as into it as I was last year.

I'm just hoping, as was mentioned upthread, that Shilpa gets her own chat-show after this, preferably on a network that doesn't exist yet and isn't populated by weasels...
22:28 / 18.01.07
It gets worse. I just read the latest thread about BB on the Conflict board. And Colin himself turned up to say people shouldn't waste their time watching reality TV, when they could be out fucking shit up.

I feel like a disgrace to the corpse of Sid, I really do.
22:29 / 18.01.07
Hang on, a network populated by weasels would be fucking great, surely?
22:31 / 18.01.07
Why would Shilpa need her own chat-show?
Char Aina
22:37 / 18.01.07
i assumed that that part wasnt really about her, hey.
people, i figured, were hoping that the descent of jade would be highlighted by the stark relief agaisnt a backdrop of shilpa-love.

she falls far, and is made to feel like it's even further by how far above her her victim has risen in our esteem.
jade may have thought she'd be getting a chat show out of CBB, and shilpa getting one might ram home the magnitude of her fuck up.

i don't think shilpa would give a shit, and she'd prolly turn the offer down.
i hope.
Totem Polish
22:40 / 18.01.07
To be fair Ganesh and Stoatie you're both right...Shilpa doesn't need a chat show, I just need to watch more late night bollywood on Channel...FUCK, can't make the mental leap y'see. Also a network run by weasels would be great, just not ones in suits and sounds cute but I'm sure it would morph their personalities a bit.
22:44 / 18.01.07
Hey, the weasels would wear what the fuck they wanted. They'd be RUNNING the show.

And you don't fuck with weasels.

Mind you, if there was one run by honey badgers that'd be better.
Totem Polish
22:48 / 18.01.07
Also toksik, what you said, although considering Davina and Dermot's record I don't think her management could have wangled her a 10 minute slot on GMTV nevermind getting her to be Judy to Jack's Richard *shudder*
Tom Paine's Bones
22:50 / 18.01.07
It gets worse. I just read the latest thread about BB on the Conflict board. And Colin himself turned up to say people shouldn't waste their time watching, when they could be out fucking shit up.

Wait a second... Didn't Colin spend a large period of time getting off his face at raves when he could be out fucking shit up?
Totem Polish
22:51 / 18.01.07
x-post with stoatie. Honey badgers - yes. Yesyesyes. Although Bill Oddie would have to be put out of his misery for them to get anything done. Maybe that could be the next season of CBB - a month with Bill Oddie getting baited by honey badgers. Boomshah
23:04 / 18.01.07
Wait a second... Didn't Colin spend a large period of time getting off his face at raves when he could be out fucking shit up?

erm yes.

Well YOU tell him then!
Alex's Grandma
00:15 / 19.01.07
Do you know if the Conflict board's accepting new members at the moment, Stoat?

And if so, could you provide a link?

I promise that nothing wiil be traceable back to you.
00:31 / 19.01.07
One poster on Stormfront says that even if Jade gets 10% of the vote (in the face of the slickest, best-funded propaganda machine blahblahshitcakes), it will be a victory for the anti-immigration movement. Given that this vote has turned into something of a referendum, it makes you wonder what counts as a win tomorrow night.
And that Radio 1 poll troubles me.
01:43 / 19.01.07
"The only person I heard make a racist remark while in Celebrity Big Brother was Jermaine Jackson, who called me white trash."

Interesting that you couldn't hear yourself, repeatedly calling Shilpa 'that Indian.' Just sayin'.

I wonder if Jackieyawohlmeinfuhrer is the kind of racist who only discriminates against some races: you know, 'blacks are alright, black people I 'ave no problem with, but these fuckin' Indians' - you do occassionally encounter these people. Interesting to meet people even less logical than yer run of the mill racist.

It's not all doom and gloom though. One of those stormfront (strange decision, naming a fascist site after a mediocre Billy Joel song...) wankers has said he will go and hide away in a darkened room if Shilpa wins. Yet another reason to vote Jade!
01:46 / 19.01.07
Nominations page now says all proceeds from the vote will go to charity. Fucking right, don't want endemol or that crap-shirt-wearing wanker Duncan getting one red cent out of this.
Alex's Grandma
02:16 / 19.01.07
One poster on Stormfront says that even if Jade gets 10% of the vote (in the face of the slickest, best-funded propaganda machine blahblahshitcakes), it will be a victory for the anti-immigration movement.

That, essentially, is why Channel 4 have been grossly irresponsible for allowing this situation to escalate as far as it has done. It's easy enough to forget that in these days of mass global terrorism we're all fighting a war against, it only takes one random lunatic to terrorise a city on the scale of London for a couple of weeks, if suitably inspired.

(I couldn't find one, but if someone has a link to the bombing on Old Compton Street seven or eight years ago, and the campaign that surrounded it, it'd be fairly germane, I think.)
02:56 / 19.01.07
What gets me is, as Jackieyesyesyallanyadontstop points out (admittedly as part of a specious 'so you see she can't be racialist' defense), Jade is mixed race - her father is (well, was) Jamaican.

So what we have here is a case of a bunch of fascist idiots supporting a mixed race woman against an Indian. To paraphrase Jessie Custer, why is it the most obsessive defenders of the white race are always the dumbest examples of it?

(have you tried looking on the BBC site for info about the nailbomber? They had quite a good programme on about him a while ago.)
03:01 / 19.01.07
Here's a link to the Old Compton Street bombing, with an 'in context' piece talking about the pathetic loser responsible.

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