So I thought last night's return was pretty good. Nothing fantastic, but enjoyable.
Now, for anyone who didn't see it...please don't read on...
I think next week's cool-looking episode is just a red herring. The events last night made it seem clear that "Future Hiro" is in reality "Future Alternate Reality Hiro." I'm thinking he's ticked off with Past Hiro because he still screwed up, NYC still got bombed, etc. Note Peter even had the scar on his face in next week's preview -- the scar "Future Hiro" claimed he had grown accustomed to on Peter's face.
When...man, can't remember his name, the artist guy died last night, I think he gave away the clue for how the season will end. He said he could die a hero, as he'd drawn how Sylar can be killed (and most importantly) how the bomb can be stopped. If there's one thing I know about shows like Heroes, this guy's death won't have been in vain. Therefore I think this (admittedly cool) alternate future reality stuff next week won't have anything to do with the finale -- it's how Hiro will learn to stop the screw up which lead to it, anyway. |