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"Heroes" Series 1 (US and Torrents edition)


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02:53 / 06.05.07
here is some heroes eye candy (with embedded "clues") from the latest issue of EW:,,20036782_20037403_20037407,00.html

and a blend of all 5 covers here:

and a pretty interesting "before they were heroes" photo set here:,,20036782_20037401_20037594,00.html
14:14 / 08.05.07
I thought last night's episode was pretty solid, even if it was countdown filler just a bit.


Decent backstory on Sylar. And the fact Hiro couldn't pull through with the killing just edges up the tension on the season finale.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
03:49 / 09.05.07
My favorite bits of the EW covers are Parkman looking into Peter's ear and Malcolm McDowell asking the audience why they are reading Entertainment Weekly.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
04:30 / 09.05.07
I think despite not all that much happening the latest episode was one of my favourites anyway. I really enjoyed the business with Sylar - it nice to see that despite the fact he's obviously evil he's not EEEEEEEVIL and that the idea of him commiting a terrible enough crime can actually horrify him just as it would anyone else. Also perhaps I'm weird but I can't help myself thinking that Sylar's clock-ish sounding theme music is one of the best things about the show.
12:33 / 09.05.07
That was Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors playing Sylars mum right?
12:50 / 09.05.07
I thought this week's episode was a wheel-spinner. Hiro spent the whole episode gawking through windows at Sylar, a stalker in training. Then he literally froze when he had his chance to off him -- and someone explain HOW Sylar was able to move when Hiro stuck time? I'm assuming because Hiro's concentration broke due to his nervousness, and Sylar was momentarily freed...however the directing did a poor job of explaining this, so I'm just speculating.

I too enjoyed how Sylar was more than just your typical heavy, though I had to laugh at the implausible gambit that he'd be horrified to discover he was fated to kill so many. I mean, this is the guy who murdered a "mutant," and then fucking put on his punk rock shirt! That's not "natural selection," that's just plain evil. And as for Sylar being evil due to his pushy typical of our culture that something has to be blamed on something else. His mother was annoying, but Sylar's murderous actions were the result of Sylar's murderous decisions, not his mother's.

Also, getting a bit fed up with the "mystery" of who will blow up NYC. Will it be Sylar? Peter? Ted? The little girl? Or even Micah -- note the painting of him in Linderman's vault. "Is that Michah? Where is he?" "I don't know...New York?" What next? Will the nuclear-armed terrorists from 24 head over to the Hero world, bearing straight for NYC?

Oh, and as for that little girl. Was it just me, or was there something faulty about Mohinder's explanation of how her disease could be cured? What kind of science was that? "Sometimes when parents have a sick child, the only thing that can cure it is the blood of their next child..."
13:03 / 09.05.07
Well, I'm sure I've seen a CSI where a kid was, essentially, born to be a bone-marrow donor for her brother. Whether the writers for that show were having us on is another question.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
13:28 / 09.05.07
See for me, it wasn't about Sylar's actions being because of his mother per se. She wasn't really any worse than the parents of a lot of people who grow up just fine, that's for sure. I took the episode to be more about exploring how Sylar rationalizes the things he does, and about testing the limits of what he can rationalize and how. So showing his mother certainly helped to explain how he constructed the framework for his rationalizations.

The line about there being no gain in exploding New York was probably key to this. Sylar can ratiolize anything no mattter how horrible it is if it's part of his freakish self-improvment regime, but killing innocent people for no reason that doesn't fit the way he interprets his murders at all, so he reacts to it in a way not terribly different how anyone might react.

Also I didn't think that who blows up New York was supposed to be a mystery any more at this point. It's Peter if it happens at all, surely? Or at least it certainly wasn't Sylar, since he thought it was Peter in the future timeline before Hiro started changing things - it's just that present Slar is misinterpreting the paintings.

Of course I suppose it's possible that the explosion of New York is a set event and what causes it is more mutable in the timeline - ie it happens however time is altered but who does it and what it means can change.
Keith, like a scientist
13:50 / 09.05.07
Regarding Mohinder's science:
I don't completely understand the details, but my brothers are twins, and when they were born, one of them had something wrong with his blood or platelet count or something, and they used the other brother's blood to fix it. I'm not sure if it was essential that it came from the healthy brother, but I would imagine they would have got non-newborn blood if they were able to.
13:59 / 09.05.07
I'm not sure there's been anything to suggest that the little girl or Micah are going to blow anything up.

On the subject of blowing things up, I imagine Spague (sp?) will balk at the idea of blowing up the little girl. Afterall she is the tracking device they're there to destroy.

My main problem with the Sylar and his Mum subplot was it's predictability. I mean, who didn't know that she represented his last chance for redemption and, given that he's the villain of the piece, who didn't know that she would have to die at his hand, and that her death would signify his path to uber-big-badness? Watching Hiro fail to kill him was a nice touch, though - a very plausible, very human reaction and very in character I thought, although, like Bg, I was a little uncertain how Sylar managed to snag him. That his concentraion broke under the strain of his moral dilemma seems like the most obvious explanation, but I think it could have been articulated a little more clearly. It's not like Heroes is adverse to using a sledgehammer to make a point.

As much as I like this show, God some of the dialogue...
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
14:10 / 09.05.07
Actually having said I didn't think there was a mystery a couple of posts ago, now I've given Micah some thought it does occur that maybe he could have something to do with the explosion. I mean we've been assuming that it's an exploding man, probably Peter who causes the detonation which totals New York - and that still seems the most likely explanation, but one supposes it could actually be a nuclear bomb that goes off - one overridden by Micah, as Linderman's backup plan just in case Peter doesn't detonate. Of course it's more likely that Linderman just wants Micah to take control of voting machines to fix the election for Nathan, but the nuclear bomb control overriding is at least possible I guess. It would be a nice twist if the event which makes everyone aware of and terrified of the meta's was actually a relatively conventional explosion.
14:21 / 09.05.07
That was Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors playing Sylars mum right?

It was indeed. Tony Award-winning Ellen Greene.
14:33 / 09.05.07
Personally I'm of the opinion that Micah has been brought in to rig the election
14:38 / 09.05.07
Yeah that's the feeling I got when it was mentioned that he was needed in a previous episode. Electronic voting machines and all that.

I enjoyed it overall, looking forward to the last 2. I thought the cure for the kid seemed a little rushed, it looked to me as if something had been edited out but maybe not.
Red Concrete
14:38 / 09.05.07
but one supposes it could actually be a nuclear bomb that goes off - one overridden by Micah, as Linderman's backup plan just in case Peter doesn't detonate.

I thought, after watching this episode that Linderman's plot involved an actual bomb (which might require Mica's magic machine mojo to activate?). Did Eric Roberts not mention it in Petrelli's office?
14:52 / 09.05.07
Don't think so. I'm thinking the word bomb is being euphemistically used instead of "exploding person"
15:09 / 09.05.07
Thinking about it, although I'm pretty sure there's nothing solid in the text to suggest that there is any actual bomb, I suppose it's not impossible.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:24 / 09.05.07
In the dark future Ando talked to Future Hiro about his sword training. Had this happened already, or are we to assume that he zipped off through time, learned to fight, and came back? Does modern day Hiro have any sword fighting skills?

I think the bit with Sylar's mom hinted at a lot. We know the powers are genetic and often passed down from parents. His mom didn't seem AS surprised as she could have been that he had powers. This could have been written off as her being a bit crazy, but I like to think that his dad had powers and was a total bastard. His mom started saying he was damned after thinking about it, and I like to think, making the connection between father and son. I doubt this will be expanded on, but in my little version of the show his dad was the nemesis of the Linderman super hero team.

The fact that Linderman seems to have set up DL and Nikki to eventually create Micah bothers me a bit, how much knowledge of genetics does this guy have? Or, I suppose, how long had Isaac been painting the future.

No Haitian this episode, which is a downer, because the exploding man solution would seem to be 'Have the Haitian nearby', or did he end up on the plane to Paris?

Parkman's goofy "I am using my POWERS!" eyeball thing makes me laugh, but his powers seem to be getting less useful as time goes on. At first he could pick up peoples stray thoughts without a problem, now he looks at them funny and still doesn't get anything. In the dark future why wasn't he getting a constant stream of "Holy shit I'm in the future!" from Hiro (although I suppose Hiro would be thinking in Japanese, that doesn't explain why Parkman got anything from him).

Speculation is below, none of it based on teh sekrit knowledge of what is to come.

I think the series will end with Nathan's redemption for being such a dick. I think someone will start to explode and Nathan will grab them and fly out over the ocean or into low orbit. The mutants will be revealed like in the dark history, but because NYC was saved by one they wont be vilified. At least that is how I would end it, just enough comic cliche ("Must...Get...Bomb...Away!" as he strains to fly as fast and as far as he can) to fit into the rest of the series, but will seem like a fresh and selfless act to the non comic book reading viewers.
15:27 / 09.05.07
All of which makes me wonder how exactly you'd go about convincing people that it was a person who blew up New York City rather than a bomb. Even if you had a live video feed being watched by millions (and which could somehow survive the explosion), I think it would be a challenge to convince anyone that it was that person who caused the explosion. Especially given that the population at large doesn't seem currently aware that such mutants exist.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
15:54 / 09.05.07
Well I reckon if you have a popular politician and a cabal of superpowered multi billionaires determined to convince people that superpowers exist then it wouldn't be that hard a thing to convince the media to run with outing the existance of metas especially if a couple more public demonstrations were provided. I mean even in our real world cabals of billionaires working with politicians seem to be able to convince signifient portions of the population of basically anything.
07:55 / 10.05.07
I think whoever writes this has parent issues though, insofar as they're all pretty fucked, and almost everything seems to be related back to a sort of malign parental influence.
Despite it all the other nights episode was a fun little jaunt, dark-dystopian future episodes are what comics are made of, where it succeeded less was the tacked on Carrie homage.
Sylar might as well have screamed "They're not dirty pillows there superpowers Mother!"
I hope someone offs him soon now, I was quite happy with him just having a genetically coded survival of the fittest instinct (a la Apocalypse rather than perfectly Darwinian), if mother issues are his psychotic motivation, it really becomes alot less interesting.
11:02 / 10.05.07
While I think the mother issues thing is there, I felt last episode's Sylar fest had more to do with his mother offering him a chance to change, a chance at, not redemption, but to cling to his humanity. His last and only chance.

The question is, was it needed? Did we need to him to kill his last link to humanity to feel that he's capable of mass murder, I would suggest not. I was quite happy with the Sylar we've always known and loved being exactly the same Sylar that lets half a city die. Nothing needed to be altered in the character for me to buy into it.

That's why this episode was, as far as I'm concerned, primarily filler. Still enjoyed it, though.
miss wonderstarr
08:28 / 13.05.07
To my mind that was mostly filler, made up of smoke and mirrors to delay the finale and create deliberate confusion ~ a few great moments along the way though, mainly associated with Claire as teen petulance peeks through her hard-won maturity:

"The universe couldn't be that lame" and, when she realises her real dad can fly, there's a moment where she can't help shyly acknowledging the awesomeness of it, despite everything...

Nobody online seems to be able to clarify if Kirby Plaza is a real place in NYC (I've read that the show is shot in LA ~ is that distinctive red sculpture there?)... and I think we're getting a case of too many artists on the show. Isaac, Sylar, now Peter can all draw to comics-industry standard. I've read elsewhere that Sylar's art = Alex Maleev, but the style doesn't look like a match.
12:26 / 13.05.07
I think we're getting a case of too many artists on the show. Isaac, Sylar, now Peter can all draw to comics-industry standard.

Except, of course, that Sylar and Peter both got that talent from Isaac. When Peter first used Isaac's powers he couldn't manage more than stickmen, but as he learned to use it, the quality of his art improved along with its predictive nature.
Keith, like a scientist
17:08 / 14.05.07
Huh... this is either cool or going to be a division of quality.

To stretch the normal 22-episode season of "Heroes," which faltered after its long hiatus this year, NBC will add "Heroes: Origins." The spinoff will introduce a new character each week, and viewers will select which one stays for the following season. The two series will have 30 new episodes combined.
19:01 / 14.05.07
So eight episodes, then?

Sounds like a weird idea to me, but I'll wait and see how it pans out before I rush to judgement
Mystery Gypt
02:25 / 15.05.07
I think whoever writes this has parent issues though, insofar as they're all pretty fucked, and almost everything seems to be related back to a sort of malign parental influence.

and... wait... who, exactly, doesn't, then? especially among writers, sheesh.

f Kirby Plaza is a real place in NYC (I've read that the show is shot in LA ~ is that distinctive red sculpture there?

kirby plaza is not a real place in nyc, and that red scultpure is in downtown LA -- on broadway, i think.
miss wonderstarr
06:03 / 15.05.07
Yeah, I've never seen it in LA but you're right.


I wonder if that's kind of annoying to New Yorkers, having a story about the city being blown up, but filming key scenes on the West Coast? I'd be pretty pissed to watch some "human bomb devastates London" story, with the Tyne Bridge in the background.
08:15 / 15.05.07
Yes, that would be annoying
10:36 / 15.05.07
I used to do a bit of kendo at university, and frankly I sucked. If only I'd known that a half-hour session with George Takei would have turned me into a master swordsman. Would have saved a lot of heartache.
Jack Fear
11:37 / 15.05.07
Ah, but was it onlya half-hour? If Hiro used his time-suspension powers, he could have parcticed with Takei-sama for literally years and returned mere instants after he left.

Also: anyone notice the swordsmith's name was Claremont? Oh, Heroes, it's clever little fanboy-service Easter eggs like that one that make me want to throw my arms around you and punch you right in the face.
Jack Fear
11:39 / 15.05.07
So surely it's not a spoiler to mention that we're sure to see Candace's true form soon, and she's gonna be fat and pimply and not at all a hottie in a Catholic schoolgirl uniform and we're all gonna be expected to screech DUDE OMG NO FUCKEN WAY?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:35 / 15.05.07
Actually Jack in my mind she is 16 years old and overweight. Just enough to be really insecure and easily manipulated by people like Linderman. I see Heroes as a more "You are ok the way you are" place as opposed to a "ha ha look at the fatty" kind of place.
Jack Fear
13:37 / 15.05.07
But of course, Zach can't be gay.
13:55 / 15.05.07
>>>As much as I like this show, God some of the dialogue...<<<


"Your to give me back my son."
"You were the strong one all along...."

Someone got paid actual money to think of those.

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