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"Heroes" Series 1 (US and Torrents edition)


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09:52 / 18.05.07
but Ando has made it clear that Hiro has spent a lot of time training as part of his pre-power infatuation with being a hero

Really, when? That's really interesting. Doesn't make that scene anymore articulate, however. Also, are you sure you're not reading too much into that sword reflection business? I'm going to have a look at the scene when I get home.

For the record I've never thought Hiro needed the sword. IMO, the Sylar situation is entirely different, however, in that I think it falls into the not-thought-out category. Besides, the Hiro sword thing needed to be explained as it was a plot point, the Sylar brain thing doesn't as it isn't.

Actually, thinking about it, I can think of a way it could be made into a workable plot point, but I'm not inclined to let on. My secret.
09:55 / 18.05.07
As for the ending I'm afraid they will use a rather poor Deus Ex Machina

Interesting point about the virus. Not sure it would necessarily constitute a deus ex machina, though.
Not in the Face
11:55 / 18.05.07
No its probably a not a deus ex machina on reflection. Just a bit of a cop-out I feel if they go that way. Didn't really work too well in X-men 3 either.

About the training, I am very positive that Ando mentions it to Hiro at some point in the previous episode when they talk about killing Sylar, as a question on why Hiro doubts he could do it.

On the eyes bit, over on someone has captured the image and it next to a full facial of Poppa Hiro. It does seem to me to be a different set of eyes, although careful not to read too much into it. As others have said here and elsewhere Heroes does tend to play it straight and a simpler explanation is thay they just wanted George Takedi to look mean in the reflection and it simply looks different.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:06 / 18.05.07
For fuck's sake. Lost and the internet have a lot to answer for.
Not in the Face
12:23 / 18.05.07
I'd be careful about reading other bits of that thread then with discussion about George Takedi's power being 'accelerated training'. You may explode
Jack Fear
12:44 / 18.05.07
There's no "d". T-A-K-E-I. Five letters. Two syllables. Tah-KAY. Takei.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
14:54 / 18.05.07
In the Dark Future episode Ando and future Hiro have a conversation about how Hiro had always wanted to become a swordsman. It was unclear whether or not he had any training before developing his powers I think.
00:03 / 19.05.07
I think Ando mentioned Hiro taking Kendo classes for years. Granted, it probably doesn't make you a master swordsman, but the basic skill combined with a steelier heart, and the fact that you can STOP TIME, will help Hiro out.

Of course, a lot of people seem to forget that Sylar has metal melting powers. I know I did until a friend tipped me off.
Corey Waits
02:37 / 19.05.07
I only just got around to watching ep22, so I haven't weighed in on this thread in a while.

First off, in the scene with Hiro and Sylar, I'm certain that they show Sylar's mother falling to the floor just before they show Sylar 'waking up'. So, I think that is compelling evidence that it was Hiro losing concentration and NOT Sylar gaining any of Hiro's abilities.

(And NO, Sylar doesn't eat brains. He studies them to see how they work and then he alters his DNA to copy that. Maybe the reference to eating his brains was just to simplify the issue, but I'd hate for anyone to think that that's how his power actually worked.)

Ted hanging upside down was probably the best death yet. Speaking of which, what a bloody episode. We see Ted, Thompson and Linderman all dead with massive head wounds.

Anyway, hoping they don't make the last episode weak just so they can carry Season One's issues over to Season Two.
We're talking about a TV series about superheroes - the storyline possibilities are endless, so I hope they wrap up this whole Sylar/NYC-Wasteland thing and take Season Two somewhere different.
04:45 / 19.05.07
>>>And NO, Sylar doesn't eat brains. He studies them to see how they work and then he alters his DNA to copy that.<<<

In the trailer for the finale, there's a shot of Sylar looking all evil with blood and gore dripping from his mouth. So I'm fairly certain we'll see him in the act of brain-eating.
16:49 / 20.05.07
George Takedi's power being 'accelerated training'

Ha. I did consider that possibility for a second, actually. Just for a second, mind.

I'm interested, Corey, where did you get the idea that Sylar studies brains and alters his DNA accordingly from? Seeing as you're hurling around capitals I have to assume you have some evidence.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
21:03 / 20.05.07
I think the assumption that he fiddles around with people brains (rather then eating them) come from the Sylar origin episode. The fact that he is a watchmaker and understands the mysterious inner workings of things is part of his power, he says he can see what is 'wrong' with the first guy he steaks a power from (the guy who can melt stuff, iirc). of course before he picked up telekinesis to do the head slicing trick I am not sure how he did whatever he does. I never considered that he was actually eating someones brain until it was mentioned here, I figured it was a comic book psuedo science moment where he had to get his hands on someones brain to figure out how their powers worked, and once that was done he was able to duplicate their abilities. As someone said above I think Barbelith is looking deeper into how this stuff works then the writers might be.
Corey Waits
02:59 / 21.05.07
I think the assumption that he fiddles around with people brains (rather then eating them) come from the Sylar origin episode. The fact that he is a watchmaker and understands the mysterious inner workings of things is part of his power, he says he can see what is 'wrong' with the first guy he steaks a power from (the guy who can melt stuff, iirc). of course before he picked up telekinesis to do the head slicing trick I am not sure how he did whatever he does.

You're right about the first part. Sylar's obsession with knowing how things work and 'fixing' them was shown in Sylar's origin episode, and in order to get the telekinesis power in the first place (which was the first power he stole - the melting power came much later) he smashed the guy's skull open with something that was in his workspace.

Boboss - I seem to recall one of the Dr Suresh's commenting on Sylar's altered and damaged DNA and insinuating (if not out-right saying) that it was caused by the tweaking he does to himself when he's stealing powers.

Maybe I shouldn't be throwing capitals around, 'cause I am just going off my (sometimes faulty) memory, but as it stands that's how I recall it being explained to us thus far... Though if someone wants to prove me wrong they can feel free.

Plus, one other thing - early in the season, whenever we would see somebody's open head, their brain would just be sitting there, all dome-like and uneaten. And as a more recent example, Ted's brain still seemed intact, though with the poor lighting, it is hard to say for sure.

If, like Cameron says, Sylar is eating brains in the season finale, I'll be a little disappointed. I prefer Heroes' poor science over quasi-zombiism as an explanation for Sylar's ability...
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
03:34 / 21.05.07
Ah, right. I was mixing up my Times-When-A-Suresh-Was-Fooled chronology.
12:32 / 21.05.07
Actually, this is an interesting discussion because thinking about it I'm not entirely sure why I've been so certain that Sylar eats brains. It went from being a possibility I was mulling around to a full blown fact-of-reality. Bit of a leap, really, although the trailer image Cam speaks of adds something to the mix.
12:33 / 21.05.07
However, I see Heroes' poor science and quasi-zombilism as exactly the same thing.
Keith, like a scientist
12:58 / 21.05.07
Everyone's favorite resource for geek knowledge, Wikipedia, has a section about Sylar's acquired powers, and some info straight from Bryan Fuller and Tim Kring's mouth:

Bennet mentions that Sylar's powers are a product of using foreign DNA to alter his own. An interview with Bryan Fuller expands on this point, explaining that the general idea they had was that "[Sylar] kills people and he eats their brains and he, like, digests their power"; however, in order to avoid the potential silliness and zombie associations, they decided to deliberately make this fact vague in the series.[5] Various episodes hint at it but don't outright state it; for example, in "Parasite", Sylar loses his composure when demanding the list of heroes Mohinder is compiling, saying, "Give me that damn list! So I can ... sink my teeth in!" In "The Hard Part", Molly Walker, who witnessed her parents die at Sylar's hands, is more direct about this fact. When Mohinder says that they're going to stop Sylar, she claims that the Bogeyman (referring to Sylar) "sees into your soul and then he eats your brain." Series' creator Tim Kring has confirmed that exactly how Sylar steals abilities through his victims' brains will be revealed early in the second season.
15:15 / 21.05.07
"What did you do with their brains?"


How could that not be great?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:19 / 21.05.07
The finally is tonight, and I will not be able to watch it until tomorrow. Thank god for the internet at least.
15:22 / 21.05.07
hmm, I saw the trailer a few more times last night and Sylar's mouth is less bloody than my original impression of it suggested - He's got a smear of blood on his face around the the right side of his mouth and down his chin...which, admittedly, could easily be the result of being punched in the face as much as eating brains.

Guess we'll find out later tonight...
15:24 / 21.05.07
Although, thinking about it (too much, probably), I don't know why lack of a blood all over his face is evidence he's not eating the brains...I can quite easily eat a plate of spaghetti and not have sauce smeared all over my mouth and clothes when I'm finished.
15:37 / 21.05.07
What if it's super-spaghetti?
17:22 / 21.05.07
So it looks likely that Sylar's gonna make it to Season 2. Not happy to hear that. IMO, Sylar would be boring as an ongoing big-bad although I'm struggling to articulate why. Anyone else feel similarly?
Keith, like a scientist
17:46 / 21.05.07
I actually can't imagine a second season... it seems likely that the Heroes will save the day tonight, if we are to get any "volume one" closure...something the creators seem to want the audience to have... the first season has been 1 long story, with very minimal branches into un-related plots... if the 'prophecy' is resolved, then what happens? a new bad guy? Sylar taking over Linderman's plan and being the perennial "world domination" Lex Luthor type of villain every season? I dunno... they seem to need more plot threads developing for it to make sense going past the NYC event.
21:46 / 21.05.07
if sylar remains without some drastic changes, or if the explosion event is not fully resolved, then the second season will get pretty damn boring pretty damn quick.

hopefully they will be focused on avoiding the loss of viewers experienced by Lost.

I think there are HEAPS of interesting subjects they could explore. the possibilities are legion.
Keith, like a scientist
02:19 / 22.05.07
well, that was pretty sweet. looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts.
02:51 / 22.05.07
Punched In The Face won over Eating A Brain.

Not bad, although I thought Hiro stabbing Sylar was fairly anticlimactic for something they've been building up as Hiro's ultimate destiny.

Also, where the hell were all the New Yorkers? The city looked as though it had been completely evacuated, not full of millions who were unwittingly on the brink of destruction. Goodbye dramatic tension!

The very end was cute, though. I'd unfortunately accidentally seen a picture somewhere of Hiro surrounded by samurai, so I knew it was coming (boo spoilers) but it was a fun end. I actually thought Hiro would go back in time and become his own ancestor, but it looks like he's just going to meet him.

Sylar's blood smear had a beetle crawling in it - obviously a rebirth symbol...
Jared Louderback
09:56 / 22.05.07
I thought it was pretty awsome the fucking SHAFT came back from the dead to tell Peter that everything was going to be alright. And finally, Nathan redeems himself for all his fucking assholiness shown throught the whole damn season.

Dya think that they will ever reveal the older generations powers? Or do they not all have powers? Linderman did, and it seems sort of hinted that Richard Roundtree did, and it sort of seems like George Takai and Ever Gramma SHOULD have powers.


I am also sort of disappointed that Sylar is still around. Seems like one of the three or four people with guns there could have busted a cap and made sure the job was finished.
Jared Louderback
10:05 / 22.05.07
ALSO, what about the person the annoying walking-tracking-system was talking about, who could sense her when she thought of him?

And what the hell? Does she just think of random people all day long?
10:45 / 22.05.07
Oh man, I totally called the Nathan flight explosion around episode ten. However, I was also completely wrong about Ma Petrelli being Candace. Ho Hum.
Jack Fear
11:27 / 22.05.07
ALSO, what about the person the annoying walking-tracking-system was talking about, who could sense her when she thought of him?

Gonna be the Big Bad for Season Two, innit?

Sylar's escape = irritating cop-out, I thought. But still: pretty ballsy to have a season finale that actually wraps something up, instead of just begging you to watch next season. I love the idea of each season of Heroes being one long, mostly stand-alone-story.

Ballsy, too, to kill off so much of your cast.
Jack Fear
11:33 / 22.05.07
And hey, did I call it? What's gonna save us all? Love is gonna save us all.

And to hear my POV expressed by Richard They Say This Cat Shaft Is A Bad MotherSHUTYOMOUTH But I'm Talkin Bout Shaft THEN WE CAN DIGGIT Roundtree—oh, what bliss. Man couldn't ask for a better in-show mouthpiece.
11:36 / 22.05.07
No-one likes a smartarse, Fear.
Jack Fear
12:08 / 22.05.07
Dude, where've you been for the last, oh, ten years of pop culture? Everybody loves a smartarse.
14:00 / 22.05.07

It's strange. I can't quite say what I liked about the finale. There's a lot NOT to like. Fuggin' Hiro's take-on of Sylar, all that instruction by Daddy Sulu was a simple stab and nothing else? Sylar practically stood there while Hiro ran him through. Utterly anti-climactic for all that they'd been building lo these many months.

And Sylar seems to be the only one they like to spend money on portraying his powers.

But I did get a strange kick out of seeing all the little threads getting tied together. Molly and Matt Parkman. Claire and Peter (if she had shot him, would it have made any difference, since he can regenerate and Claire spat out a bullet once?). Even Niki and DL, the most torturous thread of the season.

The new Eye of Mordor villain is interesting. I'm wondering what impact Sylar will have on that, if any.

I dunno. I'm still interested in this show. But they need to splash around a bit more and stop being so cheap with the action.

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