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"Heroes" Series 1 (US and Torrents edition)


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16:21 / 19.11.06
Lula, my point is that pondering might not get you very far because there are no underlying principles at work, just a bunch writers trying to make sense of this shit for themselves.

It is funto ponder, however. I do it a lot.
17:06 / 20.11.06
OKAY FINE. Enough already - I'll start watching it again, jeez.

If I'd known Studio 60 was going to be so pants I'd have stuck with Heroes in the first place.
04:57 / 21.11.06
Only have a second at the moment, but wanted to say tonight's ep was pretty good. Peter's grisly end was handled in a clever manner...and did I detect sparks between him and Claire, or would an adult/teenager romance be WAY too much for network TV? I'm very curious to find out what the hell happened to Hiro.

Also, having seen Syler's face in the promo for next week's episode...24 fans out there rejoice (or cower, depending upon perspective); Syler is played by our old friend Adam (the "he's gay, but we're not really going to confirm it, and oh yeah his mom died in the virus outbreak" PC guy) from Season 3.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:15 / 21.11.06
I thought last night's episode was good but fairly anti-climatic. It wasn't the BIG SHOWDOWN that they kept purporting it to be.

And if Christopher Eccleston (otherwise known as my future husband) joins the cast, I will...I will....

....There doesn't seem to be a word for what is currently coursing through my body.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:34 / 21.11.06
This weeks episode was pretty slick. Sure, no huge battle royal, but overall it did what it needed to do.

Eden shows off her real talents, Haitian guy finally shows up (I was beginning to think that he and Eden were the same person...somehow) and Peter becomes heroic.

Overall a good way to end the first story arc, and with next weeks episode being a 'secret origins' style one shot, I am totally stoked for the post holiday stories.
15:07 / 21.11.06
Why oh why didn't I see the cheerleader switch coming? I did, however, suss that Peter was going to get regenerated. Oh, and that line about Big Eyes (Claire's Dad's lieutenant) being "very persuasive" didn't slip past me last week, neither.

Fun enough, although I can always do without the Mohinder bits. His arc is so boring and chock full of that particular brand of pop-science/mysticism that never fails to drag me out of the fantasy. Frankly, I wish it would just wither and die but I'm sure it won't, however, as he's almost certainly the glue that will tie all these characters together. Also I can't stand the actor and his softly, softly voice and flat acting.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:23 / 21.11.06
I saw the cheerleader switch from a mile away.

I also saw the password for Mohinder's father's computer a mile away, too. In fact, I sat on the floor in front of the telly going, "Shanti. The password is Shanti, you retard. Shanti!! You know, because they haven't beaten us about the head with it enough. Just type Shanti, you bastard and let's be done with it."
16:47 / 21.11.06
Yeah, the password bit was a little obvious.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
17:34 / 21.11.06
Enough where it irritated the fuck out of me.

Mohinder: narrator, annoyance, useless.
17:43 / 21.11.06
Narratively he's been one step away from redundancy for most of the series - you could excise him from the entire plot and it wouldn't cause many problems that couldn't be easily solved, particularly given the creators' propensity for using coincidence as a plot driver.

In fact, you can solve a lot of plot problems with little or no effort if you can sucessfully crowbar fate into the proceedings.
miss wonderstarr
19:03 / 23.11.06
That was the best episode yet for me, though I did enjoy #5 as well. Mohinder's stretches on screen remain utterly dry, dusty, dead air... it honestly reminds me of the DVD I use sometimes to hypnotise myself to sleep. Ironically, there were scenes in The Invisibles with a similar Indian-mystic snore to them.

The great thing about the show, I think, is not so much the firming up of the powers ~ and I really, really like the way people are realising their abilities (and allowing us to realise them) so very slowly, over nine episodes. I'd say it's almost unique in superhero stories (Unbreakable might be an exception) to have metahumans taking so long to accept, test and come to terms with their abilities. Even now, they're hesitant to name them; they're very humble, apologetic, modest about them. Peter says he's pretty much nothing without being near someone else. Clare keeps shrugging that she's just a cheerleader. Zach is wryly ironic in his references to her regeneration. Micah doesn't really know how to describe Nikki's shifts into Jessica. Only the comic geek Hiro immediately embraces and names his power to warp time and space, and also enthuses immediately about Nathan as a flying man: "up, up and away." Most of the others don't even recognise what they've got. They don't have words for it. A refreshing break from the usual superhero origin, where the protagonist leaps to avoid a veering truck and narrates "My LEGS... they carried me 50 METERS thru the AIR! Like a GRASSHOPPER! And... my ears, picking up sounds from 10 BLOCKS AWAY!" before rushing home to stitch together a costume. (And that's another nice change... no capes, no tights. Clare's outfit is the closest you get.)

ANYWAY, not just the way they're handling the powers, but the slow-burning evolution of characters... and maybe the acting, too. I really think we saw something new in Clare this episode, and I think the actress really brought it, as they say in cheerleading movies. She had a new, cool, dry savvy. "It didn't take. How's your eye." OK, so a few of her scenes were metahuman Breakfast Club stuff, but that never goes out of date. And Peter, as predicted, gaining a doomed resolve... just as we watch Hiro harden into FutureHiro (with a detour between to HistoryHiro).

That password: since when do you have a password and let the letters you're typing appear on the screen, instead of having them come up *****? Even my workplace can do that, and we're not tracking top-secret superhumans.

And... cheerleader switch? Was that really a plot twist? I didn't think Clare got away because Sylar went after Jackie, mistaking the two of them. Clare was always going to run outside to the steps ~ that's in the painting.

The Haitian has appeared before, surely? In #5, he empties out the quarterback's head, and I thought he was the one person the cop couldn't read in an early episode.

Final: another kid was reading the comic about Uluru today. I wonder if that's just going to be background detail ~ the monster's featured on the 9th Wonders site alongside a host of major characters.
00:16 / 25.11.06
Just a quickie, but I just caught up after dropping the show in the middle of ep 2, watching 3 thru present this afternoon. Jeez, this is awesome. Not sure what else to say, but the airy fairiness I assumed would continue from the opening episodes has been wiped away by the slow-burning character development. Sure, there are bits I don't much care for (Niki/Jessica, mostly, and I actually like Mohinder), but mostly I'm loving it again.
12:45 / 28.11.06
6 Months Later... I like how we got some of the gaps filled in. I kinda feel bad for Nathan now. Hiro quick romance was handled really well I thought. and I loved his "Greato Scott!" when he spoke to himself on the phone.

Was I the only one that thought Sylar looked like the current Superman?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:50 / 28.11.06
Wonderstar - yeah, the Haitian guy had been around before, but had been absent for what felt like a long time.

Yes, Sylar does look a bit like new Superman, I wonder how intentional that was? I like that Sylar had a power before all the killing, and it was that ability that allows him to take other peoples powers. We don't know exactly how he does it (odds are against him doing brain surgery on himself) but he can look at someone and see that they are 'broken' like the watches he rebuilds.

Charlie and Hiro was perfect and tragic. The fact that he was the one who gave her the phrasebook was nice. I wonder about her blood clot, was it a manifestation of her power or just a coincidence?

When Nathan and Peter are in the hospital there is a moment where a reflection that looks like the eclipse logo for the show is on a window. Am I seeing things or did anyone else notice it?

Mr Bennet seems like he is a really good Dad, I hope he doesn't turn all anti-Dad on them. In fact, I hope he becomes their benefactor and sets them up with a secret underground HQ where they can sit around drinking coffee in silly outfits like the Avengers.

No I don't.
13:58 / 28.11.06
I thought the Slyar/Clark Kent look was intended. Like they were showing a dark mirror of Clark Kent/Superman. Clark, who is special but does good as Superman; Gabriel Gray, who isn't special, but does evil as Sylar.

My question he just eating the brains of those with powers?

And I'm having a tough time figuring out the Hiro time travel. Does this mean that "now" Charlie died of the aneuryism before being killed by Sylar? Or did she still die in the restaurant, as shown a few episodes back? And, if Hiro did go back six months, but the "current timestream" remained unaffected, then how did Charlie not recognize him when he showed up six months later? Especially when he's the one who gave her the Japanese phrase book?

Too many questions. I guess we shouldn't ask them; I'm assuming Hiro's "a great power stopped me" line was meant to brush off any and all questions as "God's will."
14:30 / 28.11.06
I don't see it as God's will... I think maybe once he gets better with his powers he will eventually exist outside space and time and he's set all this up to his liking.

Yeah, I saw the eclipse reflection in the hospital scene too.

Also, the watch maker aspect of Sylar made me think of Watchmen for some reason (and Doc Brown's lab in Back to the Future.)
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:52 / 28.11.06
I will have to get thee over to TWoP as I missed last night's episode.

Y'know, 'cause of birthday-ness.
14:59 / 28.11.06
Or you could go over to NBC and watch it, whichever
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:01 / 28.11.06
Again, not at work.
15:22 / 28.11.06
He definitely had the Superman look going, but the reference that really stood out to me was Watchmen. I'm assuming it was an homage because a guy with father issues going into the watch repairing trade in a world with realistic superheroes is a lot to be a coincidence. But, if you're going to make reference, at least they're referencing the best. And, on the whole, I thought this was the best episode in a while, doing what a flashback should do, give us the context to better understand what's going on in the present. Nikki/Jessica in particular got some nice layers.
15:09 / 29.11.06
The watch was from 1917, the same year as Einstein's Special Relativity. And, y'know, New York gets destroyed in both.
16:46 / 29.11.06
Am I the only one who's been really disappointed with this show so far? I really wanted it to be good - I love a good "powers" story - but each week I tune in and feel like I've been duped into watching bad television. All the plot lines and devices have been really predictable, to the point that they seem deliberately telegraphed.

For me, I appreciate a story that's much more subtle in its storytelling. The kind of story where if you're paying attention to the details you have an idea where its going, and when you go back and rewatch an old episode you see lots of little things that indicate the direction the plot is taking without giving it away. Heroes, on the other hand, seems to want to point out its "mysteries" rather than let the watcher discover them.

Most really good serialized mediums take a little while to get their sea legs, so I'll stick around for the rest of the season, but if the quality doesn't change drastically after that I'm out. Unfortunately I don't have high hopes, since it doesn't seem like the creators are trying to do anything more than what's been presented so far.
16:59 / 29.11.06
Well, it's no Veronica Mars, but the show is actually getting better compared to the suckiness of the first few episodes.

Also, I think the show is realy predictable to us because we have an extensive comic book (and sci-fi in general) background. Some one pointed this out somewhere and I didn't think it was true until I started talking to noncomic-book-reading people here at work. They're blown away by the most obvious (to me) shit. They don't watch the show thinking, this is so Watchmen or so Kingdom Come, or they got that from Back to the Future or they just referenced Aint It Cool News... they just watch the show.

I for one love the easter eggs and homages though.
miss wonderstarr
18:37 / 29.11.06
Just watched this episode and you've all got to the main points before me I liked the Sylar reveal very much, and being dumb (see The Prestige thread) didn't realise it was him until the giveaway shot of the watch. I think it's undeniable that this episode was a deliberate shout-out to Moore and Gibbons ~ the Dr Manhattan "watchmaker" chapter also, as I remember, involves teleporting across space and narrative jumps in time. I even thought the crystal Sylar uses as a murder weapon was reminiscent of the Mars palace in Watchmen, but perhaps that's a stretch.

Mohinder and Nikki continue to mostly bore me, but again, Claire gained in depth through this flashback ~ she came across initially like a typical cheerleader, but now she's a hesitant, almost reluctant one ~ and her dad is really becoming more complex with every episode, when you compare him with the apparently-obvious bad guy we initially met.

Hiro and Charlie provided a powerful emotional heart here ~ and I also wondered whether her brain clot was the way she was destined to die in this alternate time-line, a way of ensuring her death around the same point, rather than something she'd "always" had.

Interesting point above, too, that to a non-comics-savvy viewer, a lot of this series could seem really radical and novel, instead of just familiar devices, fairly-intelligently brought into TV drama.
miss wonderstarr
18:50 / 29.11.06
That clever "eclipse" light:

18:56 / 29.11.06
It's possible that the dragginess of Mohinder's arc is down to it being a late addition to the show's mythology. In this draft of the pilot, from last December, all mention of Poppa Suresh is absent. Mohinder's daddy issues and self-doubt were dropped in after many of the show's better planned elements were already in place.
20:23 / 29.11.06
So, did anyone think there was rather a lot of purple in Big Eyes' induction sequences?

Oh, and the line about the Internet breaking in half, I think I might've heard that somewhere before. I seem to remember something about a Mr Ben Deece.

On Hiro, I see no reason to believe that he will ever (or at least not for a long time) overcome the time travel "God's Plan" thing. In terms of function within the narrative that whole detour seemed to be primarily about spelling out to the audience the limits to Hiro's abilities. And let's face it, that needed to be done otherwise he'd pose a real problem to the writers.
miss wonderstarr
21:14 / 29.11.06
That's strange ~ in the script, Zach is Zoe.
miss wonderstarr
21:27 / 29.11.06
Also (fan pedantry) is Midland, TX really close enough to Odessa that Claire would be talking about the murder there as though the Burnt Toast was her local diner?

(By the way has anyone heard about what happened at The Burnt Toast Diner last week? One of the waitresses was killed or murdered or something! The killer got away, right in front of all those people there. Even the Odessa Sherriff and Deputy Lloyd were there. Kinda freaky that something like that could happen so close to home.)
miss wonderstarr
21:28 / 29.11.06
(I do this out of love) I make the distance between the two locations at least 32km.
21:53 / 29.11.06
And from my experience of living in Texas, your average Texan considers that practically next door.
miss wonderstarr
21:55 / 29.11.06
Thanks, I'm glad the show's keeping it real.
22:03 / 29.11.06
I even thought the crystal Sylar uses as a murder weapon was reminiscent of the Mars palace in Watchmen, but perhaps that's a stretch

Yeah, it is a stretch, but it's not a stretch to say they intended it to be reminiscent of Superman's Kryptonian crystals.
03:22 / 30.11.06
Sandman, I'm with you - I keep watching because it's popping my serial-story-about-superpowers button, I like Hiro, and I'm fascinated by Nathan's flying. Outside of those storylines, though, I find it really frustrating and not very tightly written. Sometimes it's on, and sometimes it just idles.

Especially the recent flashback episode - I was hoping that we'd learn more, but to me it seemed mostly a checklist of points they'd already covered through allusion. Papa Suresh was a crazy scientist, Sylar was his first super-patient and he's a bad man after your head, Niki was in a bad situation and has a mean alter ego, Peter is a nurse, Matt is stymied in his career due to dyslexia, Eden was rescued from her life by Horn Rimmed Guy, etc. - yes, we already knew all this! Even with the few additional details revealed (like the actual nature of Nathan's car crash, Niki's father, etc.), it still felt like revisiting all the same material.
miss wonderstarr
06:20 / 30.11.06
Yeah, it is a stretch, but it's not a stretch to say they intended it to be reminiscent of Superman's Kryptonian crystals.

Good call, as Sylar certainly had that Routh/Kent look. Re. this being mostly familiar territory, perhaps the point was to make us feel we were going over safe ground, so that the one genuine revelation ~ Sylar's origin ~ came as more of a surprise.

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