Lula, your question actually points us towards one of the hard facts of geeky existence: the the magical world of superpowes is inconsistent and only very loosely based on sound logic and science. Take Wolverine, like Claire he has a "healing factor" but different writers have different takes on that ability, some having him regenerate in seconds from a blob of flesh on the floor, others having him take a few minutes to recover from a gunshot wound. Obviously Marvel has some kind of policy on this stuff - he doesn't get drunk or sick - but within that policy there is room for movement because, you know, they're basically making it all up as they go along.
Same goes for Claire. Until the Heroes gang establish the extent of her powers it'll be hard to say whether she needs to eat or drink, or whether she'll age (Wolverine appears to age very, very, very slowly), because it's up to the writers to work that out for themselves - and, even once they have, they'll still have to muddle through from time to time as they come across situations that don't fit the guidance they have in place. And, well, sometimes they'll probably contradict something that went before.
Basically looking for too much sense out of this stuff won't get you too far, although a degree of it is necessary to keep the fictional world believable. More of my fellow geeks would do well to heed these words. They'd have more fun. |