And that's my feeling on this show, which suddenly picked up much more on the fourth ep. For those of us that are comic fans, or at least have more than a passing knowledge of comics, there are certain tropes, certain expectations, certain obvious solutions to big problems. Sylar actually a Peter from the future that has already absorbed Hiro's power permanently? That's the simplest thing in the world. And the only solution to that is an earlier version of Peter, before he goes to the dark side, time paradoxes be damned, is an obvious solution (see Iron Lad or whatever in Young Avengers).
And despite some mainstream stuff on evil multiple personality disorders (see Fight Club, Primal Fear), this isn't what most people know. I often think that comics fandom overestimate what the mainstream knows about our hobby. I doubt they could separate Oliver Queen from Green Arrow, if they even know who Green Arrow is.
We can argue that Heroes is ripping ideas from the comics, or that the plotlines and solutions are obvious. But I think they are only obvious to those that have a modicum of comics experience. |