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Big Brother 2006


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21:23 / 11.07.06
it could be because they're so used to forming cliques in order to defend their territory in the house. aisleyne doesn't seem to want to be in any particular clique, she's very happy being friends with everybody (as far as she is able to persuade them) so they become suspicious of her motives and resort to second-guessing her body language. maybe.
21:29 / 11.07.06
I think there's also a suspicion within the House of conciliators, those who attempt to actively resolve differences with their fellows rather than building resentment. There seems a tangible sense of "X didn't like me yesterday; X likes me today ---> OMG TWOFACEDNESS!1!"
21:51 / 11.07.06
There does seem to be an increasingly robust meme relating to funny looks. I don't recall looking at people wrong being such a prevalent crime in previous series. And this year, people seem to be spending more time behind sunglasses. Lea was practically never out of them, Aisleyne has hers on a lot of the time, as does Michael, Spoiral, Nikki and (perhaps to a lesser extent), Richard. I'm not sure if this a response to paranoia about glances being over-analysed, or if it's a cause of anxiety over the same, but I know I find it unnerving to be denied eye-contact and forced to look for other non-verbals cues, and I wonder if those two phenomena are connected.
Alex's Grandma
22:08 / 11.07.06
Well I don't know. Controversially perhaps, I wouldn't mind seeing the back of the White Queen (of the dancehall) this week. For one thing, to a certain extent her work there is done, in terms of securing all the lads mag photospreads, red top interviews and so on she's realistically going to, and for another, she seems to be crying a lot these days. And I'm starting to come round to Lea's idea about her manipulative tendencies. To return to the 'spin the bottle' episode, as I understand it, the one rule of the game is to do your forfeit, regardless, or you give teh game a miss. To blow off Spoiral, then, and do an understandable 'I have been sick in my mouth' face in the wake of Glyn's chaste peck, and then go on to (consensually) tongue-rape Pete and then Nikki, for heaven's sake, when it didn't look as if the bottle required it, seemed a little unreasonable. Also, she's now severely over-playing the 'my head's been bent out of all shape, no one else can understand' thing with regard to Jonathan's eviction. As she herself, I think, pointed out to Spoiral, she doesn't really 'know' anyone in the house, or owe them anything, so while I'm not doubting her genuine upset at the time, that, on the other hand, is now 'like, so last week, babes.'

And, let's face it, she could handle Nikki, or anyone else in the house, perfectly well if the cameras weren't there. She'd I dare say bitch-slap them or something, rather than turn on the eye-taps. I get the feeling that there's a lot we're not seeing in terms of her behaviour - the E4 coverage is so bowdlerised it's hardly worth watching, so it's impossible to say, but I think that there may be falseness involved.

And if there's one thing I can't stand, it's the falseness.
Alex's Grandma
22:17 / 11.07.06
That and the two-facedness, and the backstabbing. And the bitching. They've all really changed, you know?

Me? I'm just being myself.
22:20 / 11.07.06
To blow off Spoiral

She did what? What's he whingeing about???
22:24 / 11.07.06
I'm not sure the forfeit was Aisleyne's: I think it may have been Spoiral's turn o' the bottle, and someone (Mikey) told him to kiss Aisleyne. She puckered up; she just clearly wasn't going to full-on snog him.

And as for the "tongue-rape" of Pete, is it so impossible to think of him as anything other than a passive object that his apparently consensual snog with Aisleyne is described, albeit jokingly, in terms of sexual assault, with him as the 'victim'? Has Pete had any physical encounter with a female Housemate which hasn't been couched in such terms? Is every woman a potential Pete-rapist, or is the problem (if there's a problem) conceeeivably located in the Saint?
22:40 / 11.07.06
And I'm starting to come round to Lea's idea about her manipulative tendencies.

Well, Lea had a sort of scattergun approach in this regard, with pretty much everyone accused of similar at some point. Aisleyne did score highly on Machiavallianness (or whatever), though, so it's fair to suspect that she's better at it than most. I actually do think she's manipulative, but on a level which shades into emotional intelligence eg. 'manipulating' people by attempting to resolve differences because she'd rather not let enmity fester in a restricted space with no privacy - which I don't see as an unreasonable or Bad Thing.

I've been watching the live feeds assiduously (and, God knows, checking in on Digital Spy frequently) enough to feel personally confident that we're not missing some great unbroadcast eeevil of the White Queen's. One could argue that she's overegging the I'm-responsible-for-Jonathan pudding, certainly, but I don't think this amounts to Get Aisleyne Out.

Nikki's "it doesn't feel like home anymore; I should just go", on the other hand, is inclining me more and more toward voting her out. It's been almost three days now, of I-should-walk.
22:42 / 11.07.06
Mmm, Baby GayBear, having shaved to a no.2ish crop and started to grow his beard back, is regaining my oh so shallow affections.
Alex's Grandma
22:58 / 11.07.06
I'm not sure if she really 'puckered up' though, did she? For Spoiral. I'd go as far as to say that she belittled him, in the context of the game.

Pete, on the other hand, seemed fairly into the whole business - I dare say he'd be happy enough to hang around with Aisleyne outside the context of the house, but that he also knows it's not likely to happen, because of his condition. In spite of her comments otherwise, Aisleyne,, if she met Pete in a year or so from now, wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, babes, I fear.
23:22 / 11.07.06
I'm not sure if she really 'puckered up' though, did she? For Spoiral. I'd go as far as to say that she belittled him, in the context of the game.

Aisleyne specifically did pucker up. Laughingly so, and it was very obviously going to be a chaste kiss at best rather than a full-on liplock. I think she only really "belittled" Spoiral if he expected more - which, by virtue of having comforted her after Jonathan's eviction, I think he did. Whether he was reasonable to hold such expectations is moot. I'd say not.

Pete, on the other hand, seemed fairly into the whole business

So why "tongue-rape" - even jokingly? You can see my point, can't you? Pete is seen as such a passive sexual object that pretty much every physical encounter he has with a female Housemate results in said female Housemate being placed in the role of 'pushy woman', 'bunny boiler' or (tongue-in-cheek, ho ho) 'rapist'. Why? If the situations were reversed and a female Housemate had behaved like Pete (snogging, agreeing to 'dates' in the outside world, under-the-duvet fumbling aplenty), she'd be decried as a "cocktease". If she did what Pete did with Nikki - subsequently suggested she'd only semi-willingly gone along with it - she'd be labelled manipulative to boot.

This maps onto some of my frustration with Pete, or the way he's generally viewed. I think (public perception of) his "condition" coats him with emotional teflon where intimate encounters are concerned: whatever he does (or doesn't do), responsibility slides off him; we speculate on who he does or doesn't fancy, but it's invariably the female who takes the rap for being sexually coercive, predatory. Sexually, we don't treat him like an adult, with adult responsibility.

I dare say he'd be happy enough to hang around with Aisleyne outside the context of the house, but that he also knows it's not likely to happen, because of his condition.

What do you mean by "because of his condition"? You mean Aisleyne, meeting him casually, wouldn't work to get past the Lee Evans tics? Probably - but then, few of us would. Unless one knew him over time or in some other capacity, the mugging and ticcing would put many off a potential romantic encounter. I don't think that marks Aisleyne, particularly, and I don't think it's necessarily the reason Pete's being vague and nebulous about his relationship with her. I think he's like that in all relationships (witness the various tabloid 'exclusives' from self-styled 'girlfriends'). He may well have developed like this as a result of his Tourette's, but it seems to be an ingrained personality style not unique to his dealings with Aisleyne.

In spite of her comments otherwise, Aisleyne,, if she met Pete in a year or so from now, wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, babes, I fear.

One can certainly speculate, but I'm not sure BB Housemates ever sustain relationships long once they've left the House (okay, there's the obvious exceptions, but as a general rule). I don't think that's the reason Pete's blurring the friendship/more-than-friendship boundaries, and I don't think your speculation amounts to Aisleyne being extra-manipulative.
23:29 / 11.07.06
Or, to put it another way: Alex, you've been at the washing sherry again, haven't you.
23:31 / 11.07.06
Imogen shouting about "going to Australia tomorrow morning", presumably (if she's not kidding) in a BB House exchange. Good-oh.
23:32 / 11.07.06
Damn. She was kidding.
23:39 / 11.07.06
Isn't she? I'm away from the telly now. Was it a pisstake? I didn't think she'd have the wit...
23:49 / 11.07.06
*checks Digital Spy*

Oh. Ah well, nice one, Imogenital.

Right enough, I'm not sure they'd risk putting an attractive female into the notorrrious BB Oz House now...
23:52 / 11.07.06
Yes. Unfortunately it was. Jayne was particularly shocked at what a good actor she was. Makes me wonder if it wasn't ill-advised to play such a joke an a House this paranoid about insincerity.
23:56 / 11.07.06
I thought the Australian one got canned a week ago.
00:00 / 12.07.06
They chucked two Housemates out. Not sure if the show itself was axed.
00:14 / 12.07.06
On the subject of the Spoiral/Aisleyne Peck of Disrespect, a DS poster offers some intriguing context:

I think Ash's problems kissing Spiral go back to the night before. When they were laying in bed together Spiral obviously did something she wasn't happy about. The microphones pick up everything said so it probably wasn't verbal. She shot out of bed and into the bathroom panicing asking BB to call her to the diary room urgently.

Pete went into the bathroom after her saying he thinks he knows what happened. BB didn't give us the full info but if the story in the papers of what happened is correct then I can understand why she wanted to distance herself.

Now, while sceptical of "the microphones pick up everything said", I do recall Aisleyne in the bathroom, asking Big Brother to call her to the Diary Room - and not being sure why. Did anyone see the tabloids?
Alex's Grandma
04:19 / 12.07.06
Dr G;

In the context of that particular game of 'Spin the Bottle' (which, granted, was fairly disorganised, you either do these things according to the rules, or not at all, I guess,) she could, as far as the Doblin rapper's candy kiss went, have 'just said no.' Instead of showing just about willing in a pretty desultory manner - the expectation was that she would touch tongues with Spoiral, and I dare say Glyn, in a 'just friends' way, of course, but still ... So for teh Scoirlet Woman to then turn round, having made her lack of interest in the pair of them pretty clear to the camera, the other housemates, etc (those eyes were fairly obviously rolled) and go at it with Pete and Nikki, and expect that not to cause problems seemed a bit much. All right, she'd had a couple of drinks, but it seemed another example of something she's actually only okay at, which is playing around with the idea of who's 'in with Aisleyne' and who isn't. In spite of all the tears etc, I'm not sure she's changed her opinion of Nikki one iota since her eviction week, for example. And she doesn't seem to speak to Michael much at all these days, for all she used to 'love' him, babes. When Richard and Susie are around, again with the waterworks, Glyn must miss the spe-cial times they had together, when it was 'a la-ugh,' before she'd dismissed him as an operative force in the house, and while there's no reason why she *should* be nice to any of the people she's on TV with, the idea that she's any more, I don't know, rational than any of them seems a little odd, IMVHO.

As with Nikki and Lea, albeit for different reasons, Pete seems correct to approach her with caution. If Pete's goal, as it surely must be now, is to get out of that place without making any serious enemies (who'd want to be on the wrong end of a plastered Lea at an awards ceremony; who'd like to try and cope with a jealous, angry Nikki in that situation,) then Aisleyne, who in any case would, I suspect, chuck his poor, saintly heart down the nearest convenience without a second glance the minute it started to beat for hers, would appear to be off limits.

Even though he probably does Wankers quite fancy her.


It was the gardening sherry, tbh.
06:41 / 12.07.06
I still like her.

So, what's happening on Friday anyway? Will there be a double / triple eviction? With all these housemates up and the weeks ticking by, is it time they cut a few loose?
miss wonderstarr
07:06 / 12.07.06

Meanwhile on Digital Spy, one contributor notes wryly that the current situation in the house is just like 1984.

Another replies with the smug correction "In 1984, BB did not exist."
miss wonderstarr
07:11 / 12.07.06
I do recall Aisleyne in the bathroom, asking Big Brother to call her to the Diary Room - and not being sure why. Did anyone see the tabloids?

A glance at one front page this weekend revealed that the "sex pest" touched "the steamy blonde glamour model's" "boobs".
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:37 / 12.07.06
she's actually only okay at, which is playing around with the idea of who's 'in with Aisleyne' and who isn't

I think this is bollocks, really, bollocks pickled in gin. Watching last night, it struck me that the dynamic between Spiral, Jenny and Aisleyne is really odd - okay, so Spiral has the sex pest thing complicating this, but essentially both he and Jenny are desperate for Aisleyne's approval, and for reassurance that she still likes them, over and above that. Which is pretty understandable - she's like the person who invited them to this party, a party full of people they don't know, so in a way it's no wonder they panic every time she spends too long talking to somebody else. But it's still slightly disconcerting to watch, and must be even stranger to be the focus of, and that's before you have to deal with Nikki, etc. All this "Aisleyne is really manipulative, and would be mean to Pete outside the house" stuff seems like projection, AG. And it's sad to see anyone fall into the "her tears are FAKE, she has a GAMEPLAN" nonsense mentality.

She's been through the wars. That's why she gets to wear the camo gear.
11:29 / 12.07.06
In the context of that particular game of 'Spin the Bottle' (which, granted, was fairly disorganised, you either do these things according to the rules, or not at all, I guess,) she could, as far as the Doblin rapper's candy kiss went, have 'just said no.'

You reckon? Didn't she try that? "I'm not going to kiss you, Spiral" - he was having none of it. Sooo, in the face of growing petulance, Aisleyne offered a face-saving peck on the lips. Which, t'was clear, was not enough.

So for teh Scoirlet Woman to then turn round, having made her lack of interest in the pair of them pretty clear to the camera, the other housemates, etc (those eyes were fairly obviously rolled) and go at it with Pete and Nikki, and expect that not to cause problems seemed a bit much.

There's "problems" and there's the expectation that one engage in full-on tongue-hockey with someone one doesn't want to swap saliva with - who is becoming increasingly sulky in their demands. I think your assertion that she performed "to the camera" is pretty standard DS fare, and to be taken with a pinch of powdered bollocks.

All right, she'd had a couple of drinks, but it seemed another example of something she's actually only okay at, which is playing around with the idea of who's 'in with Aisleyne' and who isn't.

I don't think so at all. I think it seemed like an example of Who Does Aisleyne Want To Snog, and the fact that Spoiral clearly felt he was entitled, somehow, to taste her adenoids does not mean she wanted to nor was obliged to go with it. Neither was she obliged to remain orally chaste with other Housemates simply because she hadn't snogged Spoiral. I don't think he actually owns her tonsils.

In spite of all the tears etc, I'm not sure she's changed her opinion of Nikki one iota since her eviction week, for example.

Not the point. The point is, she hasn't simply festered in I-hates-her-I-does bitchery with others while refusing to confront the problem. Whether or not her opinion of Nikki has changed, she's attempted to address things with her, willingly admitted fault and apologised fulsomely for her behaviour towards Nikki in the days before her 'eviction'. In the absence of comprehensively-trained Thought Police, I don't think we can then castigate Aisleyne for her innermost opinion.

And she doesn't seem to speak to Michael much at all these days, for all she used to 'love' him, babes.

Oh, please. If we're searching for Reasons Aisleyne's Two-Faced, this is desperately barrel-scraping. Housemates declaring 'love' for all and sundry is common currency, and was particularly widespread in the House v2.0 before 'evictions' began. Michael, in particular, was and is rather gushy about 'loving' all and sundry, and seems to talk to everyone (gravitating, possibly, to Jayne). I don't see a great deal of friction or cold-shouldering between he and Aisleyne, and think this is a somewhat manufactured observation on your part.

When Richard and Susie are around, again with the waterworks, Glyn must miss the spe-cial times they had together, when it was 'a la-ugh,' before she'd dismissed him as an operative force in the house, and while there's no reason why she *should* be nice to any of the people she's on TV with, the idea that she's any more, I don't know, rational than any of them seems a little odd, IMVHO.

Again, I'm not really seeing this particular slant on Aisleyne's Richard/Suzie-directed crying, or what Glyn "must miss". The House is four Housemates bigger again, "it's just like it was at the beginning". New groupings have formed and I don't get the implication that Aisleyne's failing to be "nice" to anyone here.

I think she's comparitively rational in the sense of not getting swept away on flights of paranoid fantasy, being able to self-examine, actively seeking to address and thus reduce conflict and possessing the maturity to recognise when she might be at fault and apologise.

As with Nikki and Lea, albeit for different reasons, Pete seems correct to approach her with caution. If Pete's goal, as it surely must be now, is to get out of that place without making any serious enemies (who'd want to be on the wrong end of a plastered Lea at an awards ceremony; who'd like to try and cope with a jealous, angry Nikki in that situation,) then Aisleyne, who in any case would, I suspect, chuck his poor, saintly heart down the nearest convenience without a second glance the minute it started to beat for hers, would appear to be off limits.

This is projection, based on dodgy speculation of what Housemates might be like outside the House, and what motivates them therein. Pete, in particular, is tricky to assess in this way, as he's so passive and reactive to others. He's 'snuggled' beneath the duvet with four women and snogged three (I think he snogged Lisa); it's been made clear to him that all find him attractive; he's agreed to go on a 'date' with one.

If anyone's being a cocktease (or 'clit-tease') here, it's Pete - and, in our speculation as to who might break whose heart outside the House, it might be useful to consider the various current 'girlfriends' of Pete, making distinctly weaselly half-claims in the tabloid press.
12:28 / 12.07.06
Ganesh - the correct term is "vag-tease" I do believe, and yes, isn't Pete awful for it? Do you reckon this is to do with his low emotional intelligence that BBBB picked up on? I think he often confuses flirty-friendliness and 'gosh-I-actually-like-you-proper' affections from the female HMs, but I wonder what, if anything, he'll do about it. How do you go about telling this bevvy of ladies that you're not really interested, anyway? Especially when you have obvious issues with confrontation and expressing yourself? I've seen Pete give his patented uncomfortable giggle a few times when the women come onto him, do they not notice this as a negative sign? Although, the other night, was he trying to tell Jeannie that he liked her? That really confused me.

I must admit, I don't share your distaste for Pete, Dr G, but I think he really does need to shit or get off the pot, as it were. It must be maddening to have a crush on him.
13:14 / 12.07.06
Now, while sceptical of "the microphones pick up everything said", I do recall Aisleyne in the bathroom, asking Big Brother to call her to the Diary Room - and not being sure why. Did anyone see the tabloids?

i saw this happen on one of the daily shows, i think early this week. (it was after Spiral's diary room visit in which he contemplates telling Aisleyne how he feels about her.)

Pete and Nikki were on a bed by the bathroom. Pete was consoling Nikki about her relationship with Ais. Ais and Spiral were in a bed at the other end of the room. He asks her to get under the covers. It's all in a very low whisper. Something happens that either the mic's don't pick up. Ais jumped out of bed and heads to the bathroom, Pete notices. He gets up and follows her in. She's in the bathroom running over the sink, putting water on her face to possibly cover that she was crying. She sees Pete and says, "I know how you feel now, babe."

He replies something to the effect "You didn't know?" and she replies "No, babes."

They move on to the Ais/Nikki conflict conversation.

i was watching it with one of my housemates and we couldn't figure out what happened but it seems obvious that Spiral did something to let Ais know he fancied? her.

(not sure of the use of the term, being in a states where that term is used, it seems, differently.)

her actions in spin the bottle seemed justified in that she didn't want to lead him on. the fact the he didn't get this is bothersome. why didn't he feel rejected the night before? because there were no witnesses? I’m not sure what happened under there but it definitely affected Ais attitude toward him.

(as an aside i'm watching both the AU and UK version of the show currently. the AU show has 3 weeks left. It was the Adults Only show that was canceled this season, an after hours show where they show the racier bits. There were rumors rampant all season in the AU show the a trade was to take place, started because the housemates were asked to bring their passports with them upon entering the house.)
Whisky Priestess
14:44 / 12.07.06
There's "problems" and there's the expectation that one engage in full-on tongue-hockey with someone one doesn't want to swap saliva with

And of course that's why Spiral felt cheated: he'd engaged in a game to which there are certain rules; i.e. that you perform your dare and tell the truth when asked. He kept his side of the bargain (snogging Nikki, whom he said he did not want to snog) in the expectation that when it came to Aisleyne being asked to snog anyone, she'd also "play fair".

But she didn't, despite the fact that (I think) most other people did, including Spiral (to his own disadvantage): therefore he's annoyed. Oh irony irony irony - who'd'a thunk that someone on BB might not stick rigidly to the rules of a given game?!

Someone really should take him by the shoulders and shake him till his teeth rattle while shouting "THIS IS BIG BROTHER, YOU IDIOT! WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?"
15:40 / 12.07.06
Yeah, I have to admit to having some sympathy for Spoiral wrt to the Spin The Bottle brush off, because those games only work if the dares are honoured. By playing the game you are implicitly agreeing to snog who ever you are designated to snog. That’s the jeopardy and what makes it a game, after all. In that context, Aisleyne’s refusal was like failing to honour a bet, and while I don’t think this was precisely why Spoiral was upset, I think she had some obligation.

Saying that, I think different people have different attitudes to those tacit contracts. For me, dares are solid currency, but I once had to explain to a colleague why someone doubling a dare (ie. just saying the words, ‘I double dare you’) made the difference between me refusing to do something and acquiescing. She looked at me utterly blankly, as if I was quite mad.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:44 / 12.07.06
When in fact is is society that is mad!

I really don't think Aisleyne had any "obligation" - as far as I know it's always been up to the participants of Spin The Bottle to what extent they kiss, and sometimes a puckered-up peck on the lips is all that ensues (pretty sure this has happened often in BB this year and before). Spiral didn't get any kiss because he turned his nose up at the prospect of a more chaste one.
Alex's Grandma
15:46 / 12.07.06
All this "Aisleyne is really manipulative, and would be mean to Pete outside the house" stuff seems like projection, AG.

I'm not sure, but I don't think I'd be mean to Pete if I met him. I dare say we'd just ignore each other, as, I suppose, would be the case if Aisleyne showed up at the same event, which in any case I wouldn't be allowed into. I'm not angry about it though, y'know, all that much.

And it's sad to see anyone fall into the "her tears are FAKE, she has a GAMEPLAN" nonsense mentality

I wouldn't say she has a g*m*p*an exactly, but she does seem to have a keen sense of how things are wired up socially in the house - she wouldn't be bothering with Nikki at all, I don't think, if she didn't have an idea that Nikki might make it to the last three; similarly, the dancehall queen's increasingly frequent crying jags don't seem to be conducted in front of say, Imogen, who would, at best, be distant.

Nothing wrong with any of this, she's on there to win, but I'm really not seeing her as anything other than a slightly wittier, hipper version of Makosi. Or Bonnie.
15:48 / 12.07.06
Not sure Flyboy. I think there were some agreed criteria - length of time (5 seconds) certainly, use of tongues possibly.
17:17 / 12.07.06
also, it wasn't her fucking dare! it was spiral's! why should she have to be a compliant snoggee?
17:28 / 12.07.06
Cos them were the rules, as I (and I think Spiral and Aisleyne) understood them.

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