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Big Brother 2006


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20:37 / 29.06.06
Why? Who's been telling you she's paranoid? Eh? Who?
Mourne Kransky
20:57 / 29.06.06
Tonight Pete finally dug deep and mustered up the courage to tell Lea how it is.


"I felt I couldn't cuddle other people," he said, looking uncomfortable.

"What a load of bollocks. That's so stupid Pete," replied Lea.

"And when I did, people would make assumptions that I fancied that person. So I couldn't be myself. That's why I've been quiet," he said. Wonder who he means by 'people'?

"You shouldn't feel like that at all and if you did that's stupid. I'm sorry you felt like that," said Lea, clearly affronted. "I don't know why you did feel like that."


"You're dead arsey with me," said Lea.

"No I'm not," replied Pete.

"You misread everything," she insisted. "You can do what you like. You can cuddle, you can shag the a*** off them if you want. And you and Ais, that's cool. She's lovely. Well, she's a bit venomous, but she's wicked."
07:54 / 30.06.06
Though the pete and aslan inclusion

Aslan? I miss the show for one night and they put a fucking talking lion in the house? Jesus. Y'know, I found the time to watch BBBM - you'd think Russ would have mentioned a talking lion at some point. If only to get some kind of reference to the Ice Queen playing with his ballbags until they turned blue with forstbite, the swine...

Also, re. SmugHet Force! - as people are getting a bit narked about the characterisation based on sexuality, why not let's characterise them based on two other features Ganesh identifies, viz. their youth and their hatred of Richard. Yes - rather than arguing about whether or not it's right to call them het or smug or whether Mikey might at any point produce a two-syllable word or whatever, I propose that we instead band together in labelling this team the Dick-Hating Babies. As an added bonus, it sounds like the name of a band (and, y'know, the DHBs have a singer (Glyn) and a drummer (Pete) and so in a very real sense thay actually are a band, you see?), plus, it makes them seem even more ridiculous in my view. Though doubtless this is because I privilege heterosexual sexuality in a way that means I can never find it ultimately ridiculous. Or something.
07:55 / 30.06.06
Although anyone surveying my sex life prior to this point would perhaps legitimately ask how I could find it anything but ridiculous...
Whisky Priestess
08:30 / 30.06.06
Love the fact that Aisleyne has now taken on the mythic qualities of both the Snow Queen/White Witch and the Christlike Aslan. It's like The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe all over again!
08:42 / 30.06.06
Also, re. SmugHet Force! - as people are getting a bit narked about the characterisation based on sexuality

Well, no. One person was apparently narked about them being described as smug, and also had a broader discontent about the perception of sexuality in the wider world. DHBs is nice, though.
Evil Scientist
08:42 / 30.06.06
That film really did need Tilda Swinton occasionally sounding like she was channelling Ali-G, it would have added a lot to the proceedings.

Water cooler rumour (well, lab coffee break rumour) is that the moved housemate (ie Aisleyne) will have to nominate one of the Parallel House's occupants. That housemate will then be evicted...into the main house. Cruel twisty goodness. We're through the looking glass here people.
Mourne Kransky
12:33 / 30.06.06
It would make sense that Channel 4 would want someone from the Other House going into the Original House whilst the parallel establishments are both still up and running, to increase the paranoia experienced in the original house, once they know theirs isn't the only BB House.
14:28 / 30.06.06
Xoc you insane genius you, that's an awesome idea. If they don't do it that way, I may have to break out the molotovs... oh, the paranoia!
Peach Pie
14:30 / 30.06.06
I think a big part of the problem is that it's not obvious. Lisa aside, Pete hasn't been particularly explicit with anyone. Nothing is explicit, nothing is obvious. He's shared a bed with Nikki, engaged in bathroom snoggery and agreed to go on a date with her

Yes. When I thought about it I remember assuming they had got together when I watched that part.

I dunno... I'd be more sympathetic to N, A & L if they weren't using him as an excuse for engaging in politicking with each other. They're not exactly being straight with one another either (L denying to the A & the general public that she fancies him and then telling him quietly the reverse, Nik and Lea complaining that he's getting too close to Ashleine, Ashleine accusing both Lea and Nikki of using him to stay in...)

None of them seems prepared to give the others the benefit of the doubt that they might want to engage in an honest relationship with Pete. At the same time, they're careful to cover their own tracks by denying they fancy him to each other. I found it significant that the first day the Pete fixating tapered off a bit, open war broke out between Ash and Lea.
15:04 / 30.06.06
"They're scepsi worshippers," said Nikki.

Did she mean?

16:48 / 30.06.06
Dark Crystal. That film scared the crap outta me when I was a kid.
18:44 / 30.06.06
Dick-Hating Babies

Somewhere, Laila's head is exploding.
18:47 / 30.06.06
But the people in the other house are gonna be the Tailies, yes? Like on Lost?
Mourne Kransky
18:59 / 30.06.06
You mean one of them will be a demented policewoman who goes round shooting everyone? Aisleyne will soon have her sorted out.
19:25 / 30.06.06
White Queen result! Yeah!
Jack Vincennes
19:28 / 30.06.06
But she's having a sob and is super scared! I'm glad she's not really being evicted. Has anyone eles been this honestly terrified before on eviction? It's mostly been 'stiff upper lip' type reactions this and last year at least...
19:45 / 30.06.06
Oh, poor White Queen. I suppose it'll be worth it when she realises she's not out.
20:00 / 30.06.06
Also, Pete, grow a backbone. "Nikki," *nervous giggle* "what are you doing?"
Whisky Priestess
20:02 / 30.06.06
"I'm RAPING you, PETE. I'm going to PUT my TONGUE in your FACE and there's NOTHING you can DO about it!!!"
20:03 / 30.06.06
*anxious giggle*

"Phewww! Miaow!"
20:08 / 30.06.06
Do we think the crowd is booing Aisleyne because it's an 'eviction' as opposed to an eviction?
20:09 / 30.06.06
excellent glee skillz, aish.
20:10 / 30.06.06
I am HEARTing Aisleyne big-time right now.
20:14 / 30.06.06
Yes way. That dress isn't built for excitement, though.
20:18 / 30.06.06
New Housemates!

Jonathan: sexually active Big Black Not-Gay Nightclub Bouncer (whose best feature, nonetheless, is his arse, apparently). An obvious foil to Big Dickie...
20:19 / 30.06.06
looks like Aisleyne's type of guy.
20:19 / 30.06.06
True: Aisleyne and Dickie's kinda guy.
20:21 / 30.06.06
'Spiral'. Oh dear. Irish DJ "constantly up for the craic" - but not crack because he's not into drink or drugs, just life. Fuck off.

(Disclaimer: he may turn out to be really nice.)
20:22 / 30.06.06
also: his accent is really really incomprehensible, and strangely much less attractive than a Northern Irish accent.
20:23 / 30.06.06
Sorry, Spoiiiril.
20:24 / 30.06.06
Lisa, mark II
20:24 / 30.06.06
Jenny. "Scouser... I'm a bit naughty... if I think something about someone, I just say it... I hate girly girls".

Lisa v2.0.
20:25 / 30.06.06
too slow, 'Nesh, too slow...
20:26 / 30.06.06
Same minute, H1ppychick...

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