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Big Brother 2006


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21:50 / 25.06.06
So what purpose does it serve BB to make me think this? Is it 'promote Mikey' week? Is it to do with making Susie look seriously bad?

I dunno. I'm stumped. Perhaps it's just that Mikey's not really shown much evidence of usefulness before now, and he's being allowed his moment. He was pretty good with Glyn, just not the only one.

Meanwhile, on tonight's live feed, Lea has a moment of unSelfawarian twistiness worthy of Carly Simon herself:

"I'm not going to let them make me paranoid."

She probably thinks this post is about her.
22:01 / 25.06.06
Yes I was glad to hear Lea say that.

I've been watching Aislene and she's a very different pissed person. To me she appears not to do too well when she's pissed; when she's not she's much better at concealing her feelings and she isn't so obviously judgemental (for that maybe read loud) about people.

Is it just me or does anyone else think this too?
22:15 / 25.06.06

He's finally - finally! - got pissed off with Lea. Not with the neck-schnoozing, but with her telling him he's "changed". Lea insistent that, because she perceives him to have changed for the worse, he very obviously has. Aisleyne's implicated somehow, with variants on the following exchange:

Pete: "But there's nothing going on between me and Aisleyne."

Lea: "I don't give a flying fuck if there is."

Pete: "But there isn't..."

Lea: "I don't give a flying fuck if there is."

Repeat to fade.

Lea clearly, passive-aggressively, giving a whole squadron of flying fucks. Pete, having expressed commendable directness ("I just don't like being told I've changed; it's like with Lisa") has, unfortunately, been steamrollered (Lea: "can I talk? tell me when I can talk") into accepting that he "doesn't have a fucking clue" about what's going on in the House, even when it directly involves himself. He's back to "nothing's changed, you're my mate and I love you" reassurance cuddles.

Lea's shaping up to be my next spite-receptacle. This is all the aftermath of she and Aisleyne's let's-do-impressions-of-each-other moment of sense of humour failure in the Diary Room.
22:22 / 25.06.06
Ahh, it's also Suzie's fault, somehow; the atmosphere's changed since she arrived. Although it's ac-c-ctually to do with anxiety about not being fancied by people younger than her, because someone referred to her as "maternal".
22:29 / 25.06.06
"Trust me, everything's stopped now."

Lea no longer trusts Pete because some sort of nebulous Pete-vibe has "stopped". This is not, of course, anything to do with her vast reserves of insecurity periodically geysering into frank paranoia. She's a great judge of character, as we all know (and she frequently reminds us), so obviously she's far more able to provide a grounded, objective viewpoint than anyone else.

I actually am quite impressed by Pete attempting to grapple with this. He's not really getting anywhere, but at least he's trying. He's engaging. He's not getting too drawn into all the "things have been said... stuff goes on in this House... people have changed and I don't like what they've changed into... no, it's alright..." vague insinuation, but is repeatedly pointing out that he hasn't changed, and she just needs to try to trust him.
Alex's Grandma
23:43 / 25.06.06
It's a bit of a thankless task though, trying to explain things to Lea. Pete now looks like an Expressionist film star from the early Thirties, or someone who's just come down, with a bump, from a month-long drug binge (his reaction to Lea's declaration of love - 'wow, that's brilliant!' - seemed much the same as you'd have expected from a pilled-up, white-gloved, round-the-clock raver from back in the day.) He has the haunted look of a man who's had this kind of conversation once too often before, and it's not hard to picture him reflecting to himself, in his quieter moments, that actually, it's not him that's ke-razy, it's everyone else. And I'm guessing that the 'trying to sort things out with Nikki' chat, which, OK, he possibly should have, now must seem about as appealing as the prospect of attacking the old chap with a cheese grater.

Mistress A will be fine, and Pete's really not responsible for Lea, Nikki, or the fookin' dead woman's emotional issues, which I dare say may have to be dealt with, in years to come, by trained professionals.

Basically, Pete spent what felt like about an hour and a half talking to a brick wall, with heavy buttressing, this evening, and it got him prescisely nowhere. Hard to blame him if he can't be arsed from here on in.
23:52 / 25.06.06
Dunno about "precisely nowhere"; Lea seems reassured now, all smiles and joining in with the young 'uns again (who seem to be uniting against Suzie...). For all her "trust me, Pete, I know", she seems to have decided to trust him again, for now.
Alex's Grandma
00:08 / 26.06.06
Yeah, but that's to last all of however long it takes for her to start listening to the voices again - ten hours? Twelve? As with Nikki, Lea doesn't seem like someone who pays the slightest bit of attention to anything anyone says, unless it's framed as unconditional praise;

'Ok, you are one very beautiful, sexy lady ... now can you go sex for the camera?'

'But am I really beautiful and sexy?'

'Yes, yes ... Bored now. Time is money, get to it.'
00:20 / 26.06.06
Still not "precisely nowhere", though, is it? Given Lea's bedrock of insecurity, it'd take more than an hour and a half's chat to dispel her paranoia forever and ever and ever. For now, it's not necessarily a bad result.

I'm not sure that it's fair to conflate Lea and Nikki in terms of not seeming "like someone who pays the slightest bit of attention to anything anyone says, unless it's framed as unconditional praise". They're both able to take some criticism, Nikki more so than Lea, and it's unfair to say they won't pay any attention to anything that's not undiluted praise. I think you're being a tad overinclusive here.
00:26 / 26.06.06
And I'm guessing that the 'trying to sort things out with Nikki' chat, which, OK, he possibly should have, now must seem about as appealing as the prospect of attacking the old chap with a cheese grater.

You reckon Pete needs to have a 'sorting things out' chat with Nikki? About what? The fact that she thinks he's attracted to her merely because they've snogged several times and he's agreed to go on a date with her? If Pete didn't in any way fancy Nikki, one simple way to avoid such a foreskin-grating conversation would've been to not snog her or agree to go on a date with her. I don't think it's horribly unreasonable of her to suppose, from his responses, that there might be something more than platonic friendship there. If Pete really has had too many of these conversations in the past, he might do well to consider whether he's confusing people with potentially mixed messages.
00:50 / 26.06.06
Although it was heartening to see Pete actually engaging Lea, he appeared to resume a consoling role pretty quickly. He still seems keen to bury his head in the sand as soon as imminent danger is avoided. Telling Lea that everything is 'fine' isn't going to do more than temporarily soothe her, given that Pete spending private time with Aisleyne clearly isn't fine with Lea.

I suspect that ignorance is truly bliss for Pete, and he'll remain vague and non-commital for as long as he can. That's why I thought his line to Nikki that he didn't think he'd ever been on a date was telling. I don't believe he meant that he couldn't remember, more that he'd been out with people but didn't know (ie. want to know) at the time whether it was a date or not.
Alex's Grandma
00:54 / 26.06.06
That's fair enough I guess - Nikki seems to be capable of taking (really quite mild) criticism on board at the time, up to a point. It's just that nothing seems to stick for more than a day or so. And I'd be fairly surprised if it turned out this evening was the last time Pete had to go through this stuff with Lea - he can't give either of them what they want, at least for more than a couple of one-nighters, and at this stage, I'm not sure if anyone could. However well-intentioned you were, how would you go about making Lea happy? What would you do to help maintain, or possibly create from scratch, Nikki's sense of perspective? From the semi-God-like position of the BB viewer (sitting there watching it in my drawers, with a beer,) I can't think of much.
06:45 / 26.06.06
Nikki seems to be capable of taking (really quite mild) criticism on board at the time, up to a point. It's just that nothing seems to stick for more than a day or so. And I'd be fairly surprised if it turned out this evening was the last time Pete had to go through this stuff with Lea

It depends on the nature of the criticism, doesn't it? If we're talking asking them to change the personality traits/coping mechanisms they've employed for a lifetime, then no, this stuff is difficult for anyone to change. Dickie has talked to Pete about the importance of being assertive, and it doesn't seem to stick for more than a day or two, I don't suppose it's the last time he'll have to "go through" it with him, etc., etc.

With people who tend toward paranoia generally, or who are explosive in terms of temperament, or cope through passive compliance, telling them not to be paranoid or explosive or passive generally doesn't "stick" after the one telling.

... he can't give either of them what they want, at least for more than a couple of one-nighters, and at this stage, I'm not sure if anyone could.

Depends what one considers them to want. If Nikki wants Pete to be sexually attracted to her and he can't give her that (and I daresay other people could), then perhaps he ought to say so rather than snogging her and agreeing to dates. Pete's difficulty is that he allows people to think he can and will be what they want him to be.

However well-intentioned you were, how would you go about making Lea happy? What would you do to help maintain, or possibly create from scratch, Nikki's sense of perspective? From the semi-God-like position of the BB viewer (sitting there watching it in my drawers, with a beer,) I can't think of much.

From the point of view of a psychiatrist, I can assure you that happiness and perspective are not the sort of things anyone can readily pick up from others, not easily. I don't think I'm suggesting that Pete can and should attempt to make Lea long-term happy, or fundamentally alter Nikki's sense of perspective (although I think she does have one; she just loses it from time to time). I'm suggesting that he bears some responsibility for having honest relationships with them ie. if he doesn't like something (neck-schnoozling) or doesn't want something (an intimate/sexual relationship), making that clear.
06:52 / 26.06.06
I suspect that ignorance is truly bliss for Pete, and he'll remain vague and non-commital for as long as he can.

It's this non-commital vagueness that allows his fellow Housemates - and, to an extent, we viewers - to project stuff onto Pete. The fact that he does little or nothing to correct people, and indeed often encourages them in their assumptions, makes it difficult to know whether he has a core sexuality (is he attracted to anyone in the House?) or just goes along with the propositions of others, whether he's attracted to them or not.
12:33 / 26.06.06
I wish Pete was in Richard's sex terror cross-hairs. It's such a target poor environment for Dickie, I'm a bit surprised he hasn't. I'd like to see how Pete would respond to that in contrast (and how the others would react to that response).
14:13 / 26.06.06
Someone here says they read somewhere (all rather vague I know, sorry) - that there was a secret house next door to the BB house with 5 new housemates! Could this be where George's replacement will come from? Anyone know anything more on this?
14:22 / 26.06.06
Look up, Jubbers.
18:59 / 26.06.06
I wish Pete was in Richard's sex terror cross-hairs. It's such a target poor environment for Dickie, I'm a bit surprised he hasn't. I'd like to see how Pete would respond to that in contrast

I was actually just thinking about this myself. If Richard ordered him into bed and orchestrated snoggery, would Pete just go along with it? I think he might.
19:13 / 26.06.06
Pete exemplifying his emotional incoherence there.
19:25 / 26.06.06
Ugh, cringeworthy conversation about the HM's spiritual sides.

Mikey is really getting the focus of my hatred first with his "If you believe in the bible then you have to be against gay people" followed by his views on the meaning of life.

Ugh ugh ugh..
19:29 / 26.06.06
Alrighty. Let's have a crack at predicting this week's nominations...

Lea & Glyn
Because she did 'impressions' of both of these people (at their urging) and fell out as a result. Aisleyne's a tough one to predict: it could equally be Lea and/or Suzie.

Richard & Suzie
Again, Nikki and Aisleyne are both possibles.

Richard & Suzie
Then again, she's also fallen out(ish) with Lea. She hates Richard, though, and won't miss him in her first chance to nominate.

Aisleyne & Nikki
She'll want to get rid of Pete-rivals. Alternatively, she could well nominate almost anyone - other than Pete, of course. She's globally paranoid.

Suzie & Richard
Definitely Suzie, but Richard's possibly a bit random there.

Richard & Suzie
She's in a big Dickiesnit at the moment, and she can't be arsed with Suzie. Or Aisleyne, sometimes.

Imogen & Lea
Another wild card. Depends how pissed off he gets with Lea.

Imogen & Glyn
He's increasingly unable to stand Imogen, and has fallen out with The Glynster a few times this week.

Nikki & Mikey
Suzie's slightly Nikki-intolerant, and I suspect the Mikey-defending-water-throwing still grates.

One thing that strikes me, this year, is how difficult it is to predict which way people will swing. Alliances are shifting, inherently unstable, and in most cases it really does seem to be a how-I-feel-on-the-day thing.

I'm thinking it's going to be Richard up this week, though, and Suzie.
Tryphena Absent
19:31 / 26.06.06
Well I thought Mikey was kind of on the ball there. I mean, he doesn't believe in the bible but holds little illusion about it as a literal text and he doesn't think that tramps are happy because their lives are simple. Okay, the procreation stuff was kind of nonsense. That was about as well as he's come off for ooh, 5 weeks or so.
19:35 / 26.06.06
You think? I think he came off better last night when we saw him putting the puke bin next to Glyn's bed.

Not really what to make about Richard's happy tramps comments, though.
19:36 / 26.06.06
Yeah, I thought Richard's assertion that the homeless are, like, really happy was all a bit Barefoot Doctor, and I'm with Mikey on that being a bit bollocky. Of course, his conceptualisation of Richard as "lying" (as opposed to "mistaken" or "wrong") was somewhat crass, but hey ho.

I did like Dickie's "Grace must be spitting her teeth at the television screen" laughter.
19:41 / 26.06.06
I really have not much idea of who will vote for who.. But don't you reckon it's possible Aisylene will vote for Nikki as well?

That would be GREAT if it was Richard V. Suzie, though. Richard would definitely make it into the secret house and I think he'd be a great choice to go in there.
19:44 / 26.06.06
But who do we want to be 'evicted'?
19:45 / 26.06.06
I want Dickie 'evicted'.
19:47 / 26.06.06
More on Richard potentially going into the secret house: He's a very strong personality and I think he definitely is in the "Daddy" role in the current house. It would be interesting how we could cope in a new environment and how the old HMs would cope without him.
19:47 / 26.06.06
So, according to Mikey when comforting Glyn for the loss of Lisa, there are 13 weeks to go. There are 9 of them in the house. Surely the housemates must have realised that they need at least another 5 people in the house to make it through to full term? Or are we just not seeing any discussions that they are having on the topic in the highlights programmes?
19:52 / 26.06.06
The Housemates have been speculating about the addition of newbies.
Tryphena Absent
19:55 / 26.06.06
his conceptualisation of Richard as "lying" (as opposed to "mistaken" or "wrong") was a bit crass

Yeah but you know you have to figure in how thick he is. I mean that was like the advent of Cartesian thought from Mikey.
19:57 / 26.06.06
I could almost hear the neurones branching.
19:59 / 26.06.06
Ugh Lea + Drunk + Paranoid = A formidable opponent.

Pete still couldn't bring himself to say she was pissing him off, could only get to "You're making me feel funny" or whatever. Is that PeteSpeak for "pissed off"?
20:04 / 26.06.06
He threw his glass in the pool and was a bit snappy with her for a bit. That's him incandescent with rage.
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:10 / 26.06.06
A formidable opponent for Pete, perhaps. Those less willing to put up with extreme passive-aggressive victim mentalities might have thought to respond to "Let me know when I'm allowed to speak and I'll speak" with "Fine, I'll let you know when you're allowed to speak", and walking off.

Lea is a monster. Who will stop this monster?


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