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Big Brother 2006


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12:11 / 25.06.06
Yes, it could be something as simple as not fancying any of them. Or he may just have a very low sex drive.

Although it could ALSO be that he is indeed sexually insular (does that phrase sound right?).

I guess we'd have to see how he reacts to someone he DOES fancy, though... maybe one of the new HMs'll tickle his fancy, rather than just fancying his tickle.
Alex's Grandma
12:34 / 25.06.06
As Nikki so memorably said, "Whatever tickles your pickle" ...
17:44 / 25.06.06
Of course, it may be a while before Pete sees any of the new Housemates...
17:53 / 25.06.06
Yes, I still don't understand. That's not a request for another explanation, by the way- I've resigned myself to the fact that I've got a mental blind spot on it. When I see it happening, I'm sure it will all make sense.

Dear God, what's happened to me? Fifteen years ago I was studying philosophy at university. Now I'm having trouble following reality TV shows.
17:54 / 25.06.06
(Not that the previous explanation was unwelcome, mind...)
18:24 / 25.06.06
The Housemates think that tomorrow's nominations are just bog-standard voting for who they want to leave the House. They know nothing of the Hidden House.

We know this week's evictee won't be evicted but will be diverted into the Hidden House.

There are five new Housemates who've been in 'storage' for at least a couple of weeks, and know nothing of the above. They (presumably) won't be aware of the existence of the Hidden House or the other new Housemates, and will each think they're the one person going into the original House. Next Friday, the evictee will be surprised to find him/herself not in front of the BB crowds but in the Hidden House. (S)he will be joined by five other Housemates, each of which will also be surprised to be in the Hidden House.

Since no Housemate has yet nominated Pete for eviction, his chances of being next week's evictee are negligible - so he won't be the first to meet the Hidden Housemates.
19:18 / 25.06.06
I don't really understand why Nikki's so traumatized by the bathing task. It's just a bath! You've got clothes on! Chill , "babes."

LOved Richard, "Oops, I dropped the soap" comment. He he he..
19:27 / 25.06.06
If feel sorry for Susie, now I know that she came on Big Brother for the exposure. The editor's cut has been very unfair. I think I knew Bonner better.
19:30 / 25.06.06
I dunno, I kinda like Susie. There's something very 70s Charlie's Angels about her. I find it strangely comforting.
19:35 / 25.06.06
Ah. Pete says that he doesn't think he's ever been on a date before. Looks like my suspicions might have been right.
Mourne Kransky
19:40 / 25.06.06
Richard has lovely teeth. Canadian dentistry must be better than ours.
19:42 / 25.06.06
Everyone's dentistry is better than ours. We're famous for our shit teeth.
19:44 / 25.06.06
Pete says that he doesn't think he's ever been on a date before. Looks like my suspicions might have been right.

I suspect he's been out with people who fancy him and possibly think they're on a date - but find it all kind of gathers inertia and dissolves into vague goodfriendsness. He's agreed to a date with Nikki. In anyone else, I might take this as a declaration of interest, but in Pete it probably still means nothing in terms of sexual attraction.
Mourne Kransky
19:44 / 25.06.06
I only have shit teeth as a tribute to the late Queen Mum.
19:44 / 25.06.06
No offense to all of you lovely Brits, but 'tis true.

When do we get to see Glynn hurl? Looks like it's heading this way.. "Yer my besht mates..."
19:46 / 25.06.06
I only have shit teeth as a tribute to the late Queen Mum.

Now wouldn't be the time for another go at my Queen Mum = Vampire hypothesis, would it?

Hmm. Thought now.
19:47 / 25.06.06
Having done my best with a series of DS accounts of VomGate, I'm interested to see how it's edited for the highlights show.

And yes, we Brits deliberately allow our teeth to go beige and wonky as a mark of respect to the late Queen Mother, Gawwwd bless 'er.
19:49 / 25.06.06
I think Pete agreed to a date with Nikki cuz it's easier to say yes than to say no. 'NO' = conflict and also the seemingly scary area (for Pete) of active decision-making.
19:49 / 25.06.06
*stands and salutes the dear ol' departed Kveen Mum, and her legions of darkness*
19:51 / 25.06.06
"I hover on the toilet seat because it's unhygienic to sit on it".

Isn't it just a leetle bit unhygienic not to mop up your piss if you've weed everywhere?
19:53 / 25.06.06
Whereas where I'm from, the provision of flouride, braces and teeth bleaching creams are guaranteed by the Constitution. Which is why I have such a dazzingly brilliant smile myself.
19:54 / 25.06.06
That's so not fair. I always thought the deal was- one lot gets the teeth, the other the guns.

We was robbed.
19:54 / 25.06.06
Hmm, Mikey's doing well out of this edit so far. Which is fine and good, but both Richard and Lea got down to the actual scrubbing up, and we've only seen footage of them shrieking a bit.
19:56 / 25.06.06
Suzie's seeming kind of unhelpfully judgemental...
19:57 / 25.06.06
Yes, from what I read on DS today, Richard, Lea AND Mikey were all pretty useful. We're just seeing Mikey though.

From this edit, Richard's just freaking out that someone could be sick. According to what I've read, there was a lot more to it.
Mourne Kransky
20:00 / 25.06.06
Suzie being a bit fascistic with inebriate Glyn, for whom I am having random warm thoughts. Have you never been drunk enough to throw up all over the surrounding bits of planet irrespectively, Suzie? If not, you poor soul. What a deprived life. If yes, then you are such a hypocrite! He's 18 and for once that really does need to be remembered.
20:02 / 25.06.06
Well I think Susie did the worst out of the vomitgate edit. To be fair to Susie, I too was never the type to hang out in the bathroom, sympathetically holding my friend's hair back as she puked her guts out.

Though, unlike Susie, I wasn't being horrified at the baseness of human body functions, I was usually out in the back garden working on draining the keg with the other strong stomach folks.
Mourne Kransky
20:11 / 25.06.06
Every Sunday on BBLB, Dermot chooses an Employee of the Week. Couple of weeks ago they chose one of the guys who transcribes all the conversations in the house. When interviewed, Dermot asked him what was the best bit and what was the worst bit. His worst bit, he said was having to watch Grace. Dermot looked very uncomfortable.

One week later, the usual deal is that Dermot returns to pick a new Employee of the Week and the retiring one hands on the special badge and prize mug. Only our anti-Grace friend didn't show. Suddenly off sick, having developed RSI, we're told.

Also, no longer does Dermot ask them what are the best and worst bits for them. Instead it's done of VT so there will be no surprises, displaying any personal bias on the part of BB staff.

Being biased against Grace is verboten? No qualms about Dermot and Davina going easy on Grace and Lisa though. No qualms about Richard continuing to have unquestioned odium implied.
Mourne Kransky
20:28 / 25.06.06
I love Aisleyne. I really do. But, today on BBLB, it transpired that:
1) she was asked who was the first English monarch to divorce. Not only did she not know, she had to ask what does monarch mean?
2) she was astonished to learn that some birds can swim
3) she thought the youngest member of the Beatles was ...Bono.

But then, I'd know those things and yet be utterly shit in the Big Brother house.
20:28 / 25.06.06
You're spending too much time on Digital Spy, Xoc.
20:30 / 25.06.06
My last being wrt the MEEJA KONSPIRACY!!!23!!
Mourne Kransky
20:33 / 25.06.06
Perhaps but I think it more that it is a fact universally acknowledged that I am a drunk man in charge of a laptop and currently watching Dermot on BBLB.

Liking their wildlife documentary about the Petus Victimus trying to survive the onslaught of the females of his species.
21:43 / 25.06.06
sympathetically holding my friend's hair back as she puked her guts out

See, now this is why I had the sides of my head shaved when I first started drinking. In all my years of piss-artistry, even when I had dreads I could sit on, I have never once got spew in my hair.

Have I just shared too much?
21:45 / 25.06.06
Xoc, I watched that too and it was absolutely hilarious. So was Dermot when he said he was losing faith in the jury system because of Aislene's answers.

Ganesh, it just goes to show, doesn't it...I watched this evening's episode and thought Richard, Lea and basically everyone excluding Mikey were a bit shriekey and unhelpful with Glyn. Then I came here and read your accounts of the live footage and what really happened and I see that what the main programme presented was not the case at all.

Without this thread I would be of the opinion that everyone in the house was rubbish with Glyn and not the other way around. So what purpose does it serve BB to make me think this? Is it 'promote Mikey' week? Is it to do with making Susie look seriously bad?
21:49 / 25.06.06
And can I just say, sitting here watching the live feed, that Lea has just called Glyn 'Glen' again...has she STILL not got what his name is?

Glyn is sitting with Lea and Nicki on his lap, listening to them whinging and clearly (at least at one point) is only thinking, "wheHEY! I've got too birds on my lap!"
But in Welsh. Can't do the accent.

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