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Big Brother 2006


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17:45 / 27.06.06
Yeah, a fair point, 'Nesh - male homosexuality is not the polar opposite of misogyny anymore than lesbianism is the polar opposite of femininity. But there is a particular type of annoying, boorish, heterosexual, homophobic misogynist that I would feel justified in engaging in ego-punturing by mocking their self-proclaimed sexuality, which is what I was trying to say there, albeit clumsily. And indeed fair play to ya for pointing out that clumsiness, and I can appreciate how the assumption that 'gayness' is somehow the opposite of 'machismo' would be particularly galling to yourself.

Incidentally, I would like to apologise, officially, here, to all unemployed people, past and present, on Barbelith and elsewhere, for comparing them to Grace's mother. I now realise that this was a deeply insulting thing to have said, and am sorry for any upset I may have caused with this remark. I appreciate now that Grace's mother is in a category of evil scumminess all her own, second only to her vile offspring, and that to equate unemployed people with this kind of bitchery is a truly hayness act, an act which I pledge, by the Lords of Kobol, never to repeat. Thank you for listening.
18:00 / 27.06.06
Cool. Let's all just be united in our boundless Grace-hate.
18:14 / 27.06.06
Indeed. Let's all focus on who the real villain is here...

You know what's amazing? Grace can cause conflict between people even indirectly. It's liks it's her superpower or something. We have to keep her well out of the way of Bush and Ahmedinejad at all costs.
19:07 / 27.06.06
Aw, I'm kinda sad Richard's not up for "eviction." Asylene'll obviously go in then, which will be OK, I guess..

But won't the housemates be surprised when Suzie doesn't get evicted? I wonder..
19:10 / 27.06.06
Yeah, I really wanted Richard in there; it's bound to be a more male-heavy Household. Ah well, I suppose he'll meet the new Housemates eventually.
19:15 / 27.06.06
You think? Will we have to evict someone from the "house next door" next week? Or maybe we won't get to do anything.
19:18 / 27.06.06
Well, it'd be utterly pointless having two Houses running in tandem, if they never meet. I suspect they'll meet sooner rather than later. They might have the much-feted twins in the Hidden House, so that one group knows there's two of them and the other group doesn't.
19:27 / 27.06.06
Wow I didn't realize that one of Pete's tics was miaowwing!! Awww...

No wonder all the girls have a crush on him.
19:28 / 27.06.06
He's not very astute, though.
Evil Scientist
19:40 / 27.06.06
Yeah, not too surprised by Pete there. Hope we're not going to have to go through the "Ooh I don't wanna." rigmarole from this point in as people he doesn't like get fewer and fewer.

Someone ought to point out to Nikki that coming into a thirteen week show on the second week is not quite the middle.

They've turned on the White Queen pretty quickly. I knew she'd be up but I didn't think soooo many would go for her.

The moral here is: Don't make friends with Imogen, she be cursed so she be!

Never thought I say this but...Vote Aisleyne!
20:05 / 27.06.06

they did the 2 house thing in the BBAU a number a years ago, I can't remember specifically how they handled the evictions. I think each house nominated as usual and those from each house were up. the public just voted whoever they wanted out, regardless of house. it got to the point where when one house got low enough they were merged with the other.

i can't say that's how they'll handle it here but it's a possibility.
Alex's Grandma
21:06 / 27.06.06
Poor Pete. That desperate, fraught and ultimately doomed attempt to find the strength in there somewhere to nominate Lea. If he wants rid of anyone it's got to be her, surely, but I suppose he calculated that Aisleyne would 'mind less' i.e., be less likely to go after his prize but fundamentally useless possession with a broken glass at a BB aftershow, and in that sense it's hard to fault his judgement. Still, what a coward though, eh readers?
Tryphena Absent
00:01 / 28.06.06
Hahahahahahaha. They're going to be holding in the milk for hours.
00:08 / 28.06.06
About another 44 or so. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha *pause for breath* ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Evil Scientist
12:39 / 28.06.06
Go Aisleyne!

Nice to see the threat of imminent eviction galvanising the White Queen into battle. Hopefully she doesn't go on a bridge burning campaign but not holding back on people would be a refreshing change to the current hesaidshesaid atmosphere.

Beacause already the paranoia is growing

Aisleyne'll most likely have a "Sezer" face on Friday when her name gets called out. But she'll be sunbeams and buttercups when she's led into the Secret House.

Lea'll be ecstatic that one of her rivals for Pete's affections has gone out. Which'll make the White Queen's triumphant return at the head of her Hellions all the more satisfying.

Of course, what would make it even more satisfying is if she twigs Imogen's secret mission and therefore loses them their luxury food list before moving house.

Needless to say...Vote Aisleyne.
12:57 / 28.06.06
For the first time I find myself wishing Grace was still there- can you imagine how overjoyed she'd be to see Ais go... and then how wonderful it would be when she came back with reinforcements like an avenging angel?
13:40 / 28.06.06
Just watching Imogen nominating for the VERY FIRST TIME...

...poor dear doesn't know that it's still not a real one.

(Wow. Imagine if they ran elections like this- you turn up at the polling station only to find you've been banned from voting for discussing it with people. AGAIN).
14:08 / 28.06.06
"East London's the bottom end of the PITS!!!"

Oh NIkki.
20:14 / 28.06.06
For the first time I find myself wishing Grace was still there- can you imagine how overjoyed she'd be to see Ais go... and then how wonderful it would be when she came back with reinforcements like an avenging angel?

Wouldn't be worth keeping her in for. We'd all be hankering after the fantasy money shot where Grace gets her come-uppance and is arse-booted into Selfawaria. It'd never happen.
Evil Scientist
20:39 / 28.06.06
People are soooo false aren't they Lea? Sooo false! They bitch about you behind your back and then turn on the smiles when you come near. They're all playing a game except you.


I may have had a few light ales. But that should not decrease the significance of the following two statements:

I liked the reponse to Nikki's "I didn't over-react to being nominated did I?" statement.

Vote Aisleyne!
Mourne Kransky
20:42 / 28.06.06
Big Bruthah... I smell like a cow's uddah...

It's ludicrous! It's ludicrous!

I <3 Nikki!
Evil Scientist
20:55 / 28.06.06
Wasn't that a beautiful image at the end there? Suzy on one side and Imogen on the other letting that milk flood out. Best housemate for that task, defo.

Want to bet Imogen will use all the criticism as yet more justification about the moral turpitude of other housemates?

By the way. If anyone's interested....

Vote Aisleyne
Mourne Kransky
20:57 / 28.06.06
You get me?
20:59 / 28.06.06
Spot the difference:

1) Gordon Ramsay

2) A dead man

That's right - no difference (oh, sorry, Gord, no fucking difference, unless C4 stops putting BB on an hour later for Ramsay's turgid so-called 'cookery' show.
21:06 / 28.06.06
It might be worth retitling the Hell's Kitchen thread for those who want to talk about Gordon Ramsay.
21:39 / 28.06.06
Why would I want to talk about Gordon Ramsay in a 'Hell's Kitchen' thread? He hasn't made an episode of 'Hell's Kitchen' since he left ITV. His new show, on channel 4, is called The F-Word (ho ho, how amusing). And I would be happy to ignore it completely, were it not for the fact that C4 keep putting it on in place of a programme called Big Brother, which is the subject of this thread. Unless of course it needs retitling as well.
21:53 / 28.06.06
That would be why I suggested retitling the Hell's Kitchen thread ie. to widen the subject matter to cover other Gordon Ramsay shows. And no, your motivations for talking about Ramsay are largely opaque to me. I can't, for example, really see the point of comparing Ramsay to a dead man in a thread about another television show altogether.

My point: could you vent about Ramsay's television empire somewhere else, please?

Back on BB, is anyone else faintly depressed to see the White Queen and Saint Pete making up a new Team SmugHet, along with Imogen, Mikey and Glyn? Alternatively, one could view it as Richard's mistake in allying himself with other Old Queens, Suzie and Lea, and neglecting the House's younger members (no idea what Nikki's up to). Richard really seems to be stuck in a sort of no-longer-sexually-active going-to-seed parental role now. He needs fresh blood a la Elisabet Bathory.
06:52 / 29.06.06
This Friday should provide that much needed fresh blood. So, what's the skinny anyway? Aisleyne get's voted out into the next door house along with 5 newbies and then what? Will it be next Friday until the original house finds out?
07:07 / 29.06.06
no idea what Nikki's up to

I doubt she has any idea either.

I'm kind of annoyed by Aisleyne's reaction to being nominated, which was to go to the door and throw a massive huff and not talk to anyone. It mystifies me when people do this: nominations for eviction are part of the game, and surely you should expect to be nominated at some point? And yet people continue to get pissed off that they've been nominated. All it shows is that, at the time people nominated, they were in a bad mood with you. So what?

Aisleyne's reaction was, however, better than Susie's attempt to calm Aisleyne, where Sue apparently temporarily succumbed to the belief that Aisleyne was some kind of dog. I mean, 'Aisleyne, come here. Come here. Sit here. There, there.' Not exactly person-centred counselling.
Evil Scientist
07:22 / 29.06.06
So, what's the skinny anyway? Aisleyne get's voted out into the next door house along with 5 newbies and then what? Will it be next Friday until the original house finds out?

That's pretty much the plan.

I predict that Bizarro-House will be placed under the thumb of the White Queen who'll have to, Secret Garden-style, select who will return to the main house and who will burn in the firey pit of evicition hell.

Aisleyne appears to be nomination immune whilst she's in Alterna-House (they said that the housemate moved will return to the main house).

Back on BB, is anyone else faintly depressed to see the White Queen and Saint Pete making up a new Team SmugHet, along with Imogen, Mikey and Glyn?

Blergh, I hope not. But, vicious back-stabbing aside, the remaining Autons do manage to maintain a relatively even keel emotionally speaking. Lea and Nikki blow hot and cold at a moments notice, Suzy's percieved "stand-offishness" keeps them from getting too close to her.

As for Richard, I don't know why either would be avoiding him.
07:30 / 29.06.06
hmmm. Why not bring all the new housemates into the orginal house after a week of bonding? That way when they are absorbed into the main house there is less of a newbie feel to them and more of an us and them vibe. Otherwise they'll be voted out as soon as they can be.
08:44 / 29.06.06
is anyone else faintly depressed to see the White Queen and Saint Pete making up a new Team SmugHet, along with Imogen, Mikey and Glyn?

Do you think Saint Pete is part of Team SmugHet Too? I missed yesterday's highlights so I can't say for certain. Certainly we've seen Asylene's true colors, in a way. Basically I think she'll ally herself with who she thinks is the most protective (for her) alliance. I guess that's a natural reaction so I don't really fault her.

I DO still feel bad that Richard's not going to get a chance to move next door. I think it would be good for him. He's got no one to play with, really, at the moment. I REALLY hope they bring in some new boys and more gayers with the new housemates.
08:54 / 29.06.06
Hmmm, Ganesh, I'm afraid I have to take issue with your 'smug-het' comment there. I thought the reason why the first smug-het group were labelled thusly was because a) they coupled up at the first opportunity b) would spend all night snogging on the live feed and c) were confident that their sexuality and attractiveness would see them safe from evictions. I don't see this at all in the group that you specify. So, unless you want to explain yourself fully, could you knock it on the head a bit? I don't think it's really necessary to keep harping on about the sexuality of the housemates. I mean, call 'em "the straights" or something if you must define them by sexuality, but I don't see where the smugness come into it.

(ps, I don't want to start a war here, I just needed to say that)
09:04 / 29.06.06
I'd just like to point out that when I asked my partner and my mum, they agreed that John needed to say that, because if he hadn't said it his balls would have exploded or something. So back off, gayers.
09:06 / 29.06.06
No Haus, now I want to explode.

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