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Big Brother 2006


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20:24 / 26.06.06
Apparently Geoffrey 'Contractually Obliged To Head-Wobble Every Second Word' Beattie is on tonight's Big Brother's Big Brane, talking about Pete and girlies. I'm inclined to watch because I find him marginally less irritating than Blonde Toothy Psychologist Who Talks Shit.
Tryphena Absent
21:13 / 26.06.06
I think this guy's got it wrong. Pete does see what's happening around him. His emotional intelligence falls down because he has trouble responding, possibly because he found it difficult to get himself across before his tourettes was diagnosed.
Alex's Grandma
21:15 / 26.06.06
As much as I have issues with Glyn, I found Susie's treatment of the Priapus of the Valleys 2012 pretty objectionable, both during and post-Vomitgate. The complaints about the squalid, squalid horribleness of the whole incident, which wouldn't have been nearly as bad if earth mother Susie hadn't insisted on force-feeding Glyn water - 'he has to get it out,' she went on, as if Glyn was temporarily possessed by the forces of darkness, as opposed to the ci-der and the champ-agne, as well as her baffling refusal to defer to Mikey, who's clearly got far more experience in dealing with this kind of situation ... well none of it showed her in a very good light. Of course it was Glyn's own fault, but he's only eighteen, will probably be laying off the strong waters for a while, and didn't really deserve to be left in the garden to contract pneumonia, or put in the bath to choke on his own vomit, both of which might have happened if Susie had had her way. In particular, her thoughts next morning on what she'd have done if her daughter had come home like that seemed at best unhelpful - Glyn may be many things, but he is not the fruit of her loins.

And to think that she's supposedly doing this to further her media career - considering her best bet would appear to be a column in Good Housekeeping, or possibly a slot on the Living Channel, she's really not displaying many motherly qualities.
21:29 / 26.06.06
I think this guy's got it wrong. Pete does see what's happening around him. His emotional intelligence falls down because he has trouble responding

Well, presumably Beattie hasn't got it wrong when he says, "Pete scored lowest in emotional intelligence" because he's simply reporting the relative scoring on the psychometric tests they all completed before they went into the House. I suppose it depends how much credence one puts in such tests.

Personally, I was extremely interested to hear that Pete had scored lowest because, as you say, Pete seems aware of the House dynamic and doesn't get pulled into the hesaidshesaid paranoia-mongering. I think it's plausible that Pete has very specific blind spots in the sphere of emotional intelligence. That'd certainly go same way in explaining his difficulty negotiating relationships.
Tryphena Absent
21:32 / 26.06.06
Comparing him to Shahbaz though... surely not. Maybe he means current housemates?
21:37 / 26.06.06
Comparing him to Shahbaz though... surely not. Maybe he means current housemates?

I'm not sure - but there are different dimensions/components of emotional intelligence, so it can be impaired in a number of different ways. One could probably make a compelling argument for Shahbaz reading others' reactions fairly well but choosing to disregard them because his disordered personality dictated that his needs always trumped the needs of others.
Tryphena Absent
21:43 / 26.06.06
You have destroyed my sense of a functioning world.
21:44 / 26.06.06
One analogy might be language: if we suppose emotional intelligence is akin to linguistic fluency, one could argue that, while Pete is well able to understand what's being said around him, he's a bit rubbish at speaking the lingo himself.
21:58 / 26.06.06
Quite liking the three-way Lea/Suzie/Richard discussion going on in the bedroom. Started out as the standard "when did you know you were gay?" line of questioning (Lea quite funny - "when you came in here?") but it's getting more into how sexuality is shaped by introjected parental attitudes.

And we've established that Richard's that comparitively rare creature: a top.

Old gay scene joke:

Q: What do you call a top in London?








A: A tourist.

(You had to be there.)
22:40 / 26.06.06
Curiously, however, it's Mikey who's first to give a demonstration of the gentle art of mano e mano buttfucking, while the ladeez look on.

Mike Modular
22:54 / 26.06.06
That needs to be in Viz's Up The Arse Corner. Mikey's joyous expression is fantastic.
23:10 / 26.06.06
Speaking of filthy filthy devil-pictures, I noticed this stunna on the shelves today, in Sainsbury's to boot! Just as well our Gracie doesn't teach children or owt.

I guess the whole "I'm got gonna do Nuts covers, babes" went the way of "I'm hanging on for Mikey; he's fierce" and "just a glass of tap water for me, please".

(Okay, I made that last one up.)
23:21 / 26.06.06
I'm really trying hard to not fill an entire post with simply HAHAHAHAHAHAHA's but it's pretty hard.

Way to stick to your (already compromised) convictions Grace!
The Falcon
00:51 / 27.06.06
I'm curious, and don't really know where to look, so I'll just ask here (could bump Homo 101, spose) - what's a top? Is that someone who only goes on top?
01:18 / 27.06.06
Someone who prefers (often exclusively) the role of penetrator. As opposed to a bottom, who prefers (often exclusively) to be penetrated.

Not to be confused with the same terms used in BDSM context.
01:40 / 27.06.06
Just caught a clip of Richard warning Nikki about the danger of possible embolism, while pointing out her pounding forehead vein and discussing a quite likely early death for her during the big brother stay due to uncontrolled tantruming. The comical barrage was remarkably met without a peep from the Nickster, although she did seem to be glowering into her cornflakes and I began to expect a Hulk-like moment.
Oh, Richard, NO... you wouldn't like her when she's angry.
(Is rent limb from limb...)

Also, have been awaiting the horse-faced ones fall from (tee hee) grace so I can say something along the lines of "hard cheese Portia" but she seems to be making pretty much the best of it....damn.
07:42 / 27.06.06
Interestingly, Grace's mum ape-pears in this weeks/months (Pinky bought it, I knoweth not its frequency) More magazine, with a 'column' which seems to be little more than a series of reactions to photographs of housemates (and which by comparison makes Jade Goody's column in Now or whateveritwas look like the meditations of Marcus Aurelius).

Intriguingly, she seems to dislike all the housemates Grace liked - Richard is nowhere to be found, Faithful Lieutenant Imogen comes in for a savaging, and Mikey is lacerated in the extreme. Hmmm. Methinks this may explain Grace's newfound interest in George...also cf. my previous comments viz. Grace's mum = desperate for money.

Or perhaps just desperate...because, my god, does Grace's mum look like a dog. It would be churlish of me to insult a woman of advancing years and insecure mental health, especially given all the years of sacrifice and Little Britain style machinations she must have put in to get Grace into whatever tits-and-teeth stage school she's been farted out of, but if I didn't know better I'd say this wasn't the te'bly, te'bly posh Adams-Short materfamilias and was in fact one of the foul, fag-smoking old boilers one only ever seems to see hanging around the bus stops on Giro day. Just goes to show, eh?
08:10 / 27.06.06
Have you got a point?
Whisky Priestess
08:50 / 27.06.06
Just venting, I presume. I mean it's not like this is the Big Brother 101: Low-Snark, Kid Gloves Thread, is it?
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:16 / 27.06.06
Just goes to show... that velvetvandal hates people who are unemployed? Let's hope he never falls on hard times himself, eh. Let's all hope that really a lot.
10:12 / 27.06.06
Tt. Unemployed, fag-smoking "dogs", eh? No wonder they go on to spawn worthless, immodest slappers of the parish. Melee weapons, that's what they need.

Eye-toasting isms aside, one could speculate that Grace's mother is lacerating the individuals Grace liked while in the House because her daughter no longer likes them - because they've betrayed her with their faithless thumb-fumblings and such. Richard, by comparison, while undoubtedly the incarnation of all that's evil, is at least consistent. He hasn't actually disappointed Grace or her "old boiler".
10:17 / 27.06.06
What were their opinions of Lisa? Enquiring minds want to know etc...
Peach Pie
11:03 / 27.06.06

However, patrons of London's Boujis nightclub have brought her promise into question, claiming that she and George, who left the show insisting that he couldn't handle the fame, spent an evening kissing in a corner.

How completely unpredictable. And the club the royal princes were pictured at most recently. Would you believe it.

Meh. I can't watch BB at the moment. These seriously strange women fixat ing on Pete is driving me nuts. It's disturbing.
Peach Pie
11:17 / 27.06.06

Grace, George argue over bar bill

Grace's rumoured romance with fellow ex-housemate George could already be in trouble.

The pair were spotted having a huge row over their £800 bar bill at London club Boujis. Grace apparently walked out with paying, resulting in George being forced to borrow £200 from Sezer.

According to the Sunday Mirror, Grace was heard shouting, "I don't owe you anything!"

Grace was spotted kissing George in London recently, despite her vow to save herself for current housemate Mikey.
Alex's Grandma
11:22 / 27.06.06
Be interested to see what the Nuts sales figures are like this week - that's really not a very flattering photo, is it?

(Incidentally, VV, as a cigarette-smoking lady of advanced years who occasionally uses public transport, sometimes even on benefits day, I find your above comments unnecessarily hurtful. We're beautiful on the inside, some of us, you know.)
Peach Pie
12:19 / 27.06.06

What's wrong with the photo? I think it's nice.
Evil Scientist
12:19 / 27.06.06
Based on what we've seen of Pete from his time in the house, does anyone think he may just up and walk at some point? I haven't been watching the show the last few days but I'm picking up from here and the C4 site that everyone in there seems to be focusing in on him and how he relates to them (except maybe Suzy).

Assuming he doesn't get moved to the secret house (and that's unlikely as he hasn't accrued one nomination yet) he'll most likely lose one of his devotees (Aisleyne I hope) when they're shunted across. That may reduce the stress on him a tad.

Is he weathering the storm of enhanced booby being thrust at him?

On another subject, I'm wondering if the Secret House is going to be "in control" of the Main House as a task. Considering the problems after the Secret Bedsit of a few years ago descended into livefeed blackouts and visits by the police I'd be surprised. But Endemol do what's best for ratings rather than what's best for common sense.
Peach Pie
12:25 / 27.06.06

I don't see how the ladies' behavior is justified. He's just a nice guy. Is being the only straight man who can relate properly to women as equals in there really enough to turn him into an icon?

I think we should ask endemol if Velvet can go into the house. Then Pete would be deified...
Evil Scientist
12:32 / 27.06.06
I don't see how the ladies' behavior is justified. He's just a nice guy. Is being the only straight man who can relate properly to women as equals in there really enough to turn him into an icon?

Or does the huge wanger count as a swing vote?


I'm sorry, I'll go now.
14:55 / 27.06.06
Actually, I have very little problem per se with unemployed people - having been one myself for quite a while last year, it would be hypocritical. However, given that Grace has based a great deal of her persona on the idea that she is, in some way, one of them classy rich beeeehds like that Joanna Lumley in the Privilege adverts, I will continually use her repeated failures to live up to this posh template as a stick to beat her with. For the same reason I'd torment overly macho misogynists by pointng out ways in which they behave like the gayers, or would rag on an annoying evangelical Christian fundie by following them about and pointing out which bits of Leviticus they weren't following. It's not pretty, it's not nice and it's not 'politically correct', sheeple but...

Actually, fuck it. I did rather think 'jesus, that was a bit over the top, there', after posting, but, yeah, venting. And, as the elephant-headed one points out, this isn't 'Grace 101: A low-snark thread to discuss the actions of snooty hypocrites', after all.

And I can assure you I'd be very boring on BB. I'd just spend all my time bemoaning the absence of reading material and just sitting about. About the only way to ensure good television would be to put me in there with a Grace/Sezer/Lisa type, which would be entirely too dangerous for the well-being of all concerned.
16:11 / 27.06.06
I don't see how the ladies' behavior is justified. He's just a nice guy. Is being the only straight man who can relate properly to women as equals in there really enough to turn him into an icon?

He's a nice guy, but a nice guy who is, according to the reported psychometric testing, not very emotionally intelligent at all. We can speculate (and have speculated) that this is most manifest in Pete's relationships with women, specifically the mixed messages he sends out. While I agree that Lea, Nikki, Lisa et al have issues of their own, they're all apparently more emotionally intelligent than Pete himself, so characterising this as a one-way dynamic in which "seriously strange" women behave badly toward a blameless "nice guy" is, IMHO, wrong.
16:14 / 27.06.06
And, as the elephant-headed one points out, this isn't 'Grace 101: A low-snark thread to discuss the actions of snooty hypocrites', after all.

That would be the elephant-headed Whisky Priestess.
16:28 / 27.06.06
For the same reason I'd torment overly macho misogynists by pointng out ways in which they behave like the gayers

Some of the most "overly macho" misogynists I know are gayers, which rather points up the central flaw in your system, VelvetVandal: the fact that the sole authority ruling upon how much machismo is too much machismo is you - just as it's you who decides that, presumably, the opposite of machismo (or misogyny) is gayness. If one chooses to appoint oneself 'tormenting' arbiter of the appropriateness/acceptability of certain types of behaviour in others, one really ought to be sure that one's own underlying assumptions stand up to scrutiny.
16:47 / 27.06.06
Can we sue that magazine for under trade descriptions? Nudie shots in a tacky low-grade porn mag are EXACTLY the pictures I thought I'd see of Grace.
17:40 / 27.06.06
Aisleyne and Suzie up for 'eviction'.


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