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Big Brother 2006


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22:35 / 20.06.06
Alex's Grandma
23:43 / 20.06.06
An animal of some kind, a pig say, as the new housemate would be good. Current housemates could then be told by Big Brother; 'This is what the British public thinks of you. This is the level on which you're now being judged.' The pig could have as much to eat and drink as it liked while the rest of them were starved even closer to the point of total delirium. The house would be the State Of The Pig. The pig would wear gold, be surrounded by images of itself and empowered to nominate with it's trotter. They'd have to sing its favourite songs, eat its favourite foods and mainly, mainly, they'd have to kiss, suck, fondle or do whatever else was necessary to get close to it's arse. And it would have a party. In this way, hopefully at least some of the housemates might begin to come to an understanding of the realities of their situation.

I mean let's face it, the pig would win.
06:22 / 21.06.06
Not if it were a fake, two-faced, backstabbing pig with a g*m*pl*n. Or a g*mm*npl*n.
Evil Scientist
06:59 / 21.06.06
They tried bringing a dog in on one of the first Australian ones, but had to remove it toot-sweet after it started showing signs of stress (%shockingly%). Does a colony of fire ants show signs of stress? No? Ideal housemate then.

Does that picture of Lisa-zilla look like she's stolen Science's hair, or is it me?
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:25 / 21.06.06
Oh dear Glynn. Let's hope this is just a phase...
Evil Scientist
10:27 / 21.06.06
It's weird to think how much this year's show's been shaped simply by people being penalised for discussing nominations. The Plastics have been hamstrung every time by part of their voting block being unable to nominate.

I'm not surprised Glyn's polarising towards the Plastics. He's been one of them in all but name for most of the time anyway. Although he doesn't vocalise it I do feel it's a similar antipathy to the "freaks" that Grace displayed. He's very comfortable with the bitching as well, doesn't say anything but laughs along with everyone. The fence-sitting had to end some time really.

It'll be between Lisa and Imogen this week. More likely Lisa as Imogen's keeping her dull-field to maximum.
11:05 / 21.06.06
I actually think Imogen's strategy of getting banned from nominating EVERY SINGLE FUCKING WEEK is quite clever, actually, given that nobody can ever accuse her of nominating them. Shame it all went wrong this time round, really...

Because it's unthinkable that anyone could actually be that stupid, isn't it?
12:04 / 21.06.06
g*mm*npl*n Really Ganesh, you should be ashamed of yourself. Or proud. Either/or.

I think Lisa to go this week is the obvious, sane choice for the GBP, but it's a bit predictable, innit? Also, I've got a horrible feeling Nikki's going to start thinking that she's invulnerable soon if she keeps on getting nom'd. Of course, the week that she does, she'll be out. Ha!
Whisky Priestess
12:08 / 21.06.06
She might be, for practical purposes, invulnerable against anyone but Pete, but that's unlikely to penetrate the Nikki-brain, which appears to be made up of successive layers of paranoia, insecurity, victimhood, childish naivete, RAGING FURY and cling-film.

Basically, I really don't think there's any danger of Nikki not throwing a hold-my-breath-until-my-face-turns-blue-and-I-die-and-then-you'll-all-be-sorry shit fit next time she's nominated. Or indeed next time anyone looks at her funny.
Haus of Mystery
14:03 / 21.06.06
Thought Lisa's apology was so fucking laaaaame yesterday. Glyn, despite his imminant plasticification, told Nikki fair and square why he chose her. Sure it was for fairly duff reasons ("you know I fancy Lea.."), but it sure beat Lisa's "If I could go back and change it I would" bollocks. Well of course you'd change it so as your tiny brain wouldn't have to deal with this strange new concept 'guilt'.

Two phrases that should now be penalised with electric shocks when used by the housemates;

licking arse to denote 'being friendly' (unless it's Nikki screaming "I WON'T SUCK ARSEHOLES!!!" at the top of her lungs, which is of course completely allowed)


two-faced which is now just a by-word for 'doesn't like me'

Actually there's a third, and it belongs solely to Dimogen - I'm so feckin' over it. Over WHAT!!?? The desire to talk to other humans? Smiling? Doing anything other than gaze into the witless drooping eyes of the Man-Cow? Jesus wept tears of salty thunder woman!! Next time she says it she should lose a finger.
Peach Pie
15:39 / 21.06.06
Grace's mother apparently ran at the crowd, screaming at them to shut their (possibly fucking, moose-like) mouths.

MMM... apparently she tried to pass the first time people chanted "Get Grace Out" off as Grace's friends sending her a code. Presumably that damage limitation tech was wrecked by the crowd's chanting the second time round. It was scary to read about Mama Grace commending her beloved daughter for physically assaulting an innocent woman.

I'd sooner see Monkey go ahead of Lisa. His behavior over the past week suggests he finds human civility too great a burden (on top of independent thought) and he'd be better off back in the wild.
Haus of Mystery
17:46 / 21.06.06
I really hate his casual misogyny. When Dimogen and Losa told him he was 'the nicest bloke in here' last night, I had to bite my fist (it's getting quite sore now). the entirety of his preoccupations are a)endlessly pawing the nearest 'fit' girl, and b) obsessing about 'peachy liddle booms'. Oh yeah, and labelling people 'shloots' (that's 'sluts', to you me and the rest of the nation) for daring to react to Grace's evil spoilt-brat routines.


Mourne Kransky
17:59 / 21.06.06
Concerned here that the anti-Plastics vote will be split three ways and that will increase the percentage voting against Nikki in a way that wouldn't have mattered in a two way contest.

Grace back on BBLB and at least Dermot is calling old orange gob on her modelling for glamour mags since coming out of the House. You get the feeling that they have a very controlled environment in there this week whilst the Toxic Babe's in the BBLB studio.
18:12 / 21.06.06
I'm like a wildebeest...on helium

Oh, you've gotta love Nikki after that little DR session.
18:22 / 21.06.06
Nikki's perhaps the only Housemate able and willing to majorly laugh at herself, in the Diary Room.
Haus of Mystery
19:05 / 21.06.06
I was saying just that to my girlfriend. I think it's what saves her after a tantrums.
Right at the mo, I only really like Pete and Nikki, with Dickie, Aisleyne, and sometimes Lea, bubbling under.
Glyn may well have gone over to the Plastic side for good sadly...
Man Cow's 'discussion' with Pete was cringeworthy as ever, and grist to the mill of MacReady-hate.
19:13 / 21.06.06
At the moment, I'd be very happy to see Nikki, Aisleyne or Richard win. I think it'll be Pete, though, which'll hardly make me weep and rend my garment - but I'd prefer it to go to one of the others. Having said which, I liked his catwalking in the fashionista task.
19:27 / 21.06.06
Hooorah!!! Home internet access restored and I can now joyfully watch the highlights show while following along my favorite thread!!

And then Channel 4 has to go and shorten the show for 'Desperate Housewives!!!' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Ah well, happy to be back.
19:28 / 21.06.06
I expect Pete will get some offers to do more of that when he gets out.

Reading back some of the stuff I've said about Pete, I feel a bit mean. The hobbit comparison was as much inspired by his feet as anything else. Apologies, Gamgee fans. Although I still think that the BB house is probably the worst showcase for his undoubted charms.

I'd really like Nikki to win. Although I remain a big Aisleyne fan for reasons I can't quite articulate. She interesting.
19:34 / 21.06.06
(threadrot)You know who I hate more than Grace? Gordon fucking Ramsey. I've just watched the end of his programme and jeezus, what a prunt. 'Oiyamm notttttyurrrrr facking myte, myte!' Jesus.

Yes, Gordon, you can swear. That makes you a big man. But you'll be a big man with a burnt face and no lips if you invite me to your restaurant and give me curry and a steak knife, big man.

...and I'm spent.(/threadrot)
19:34 / 21.06.06
I can't believe that they split the programme just for The F Word. Aren't they sending someone else in after all?
19:36 / 21.06.06
Ooh, I really like Gordon Ramsay. Start another thread maybe, vv.
19:37 / 21.06.06
Gosh I didn't realize they split it!! Even more irritating!
19:37 / 21.06.06
So I've missed half of it? Balls.

I hate Ramsay too, and I'm normally a fan of the swearier elements of society. It was that time he tricked a vegetarian into eating meat then boasted about having "converted" him, while the poor guy looked horrified, that will damn him to hell for all eternity. Or would if I were God, anyway.
19:40 / 21.06.06
Imogen rationalising why she'll be going: "it's girls that watch this, not boys". yeah, that'll be why sezer went, all the girls voting to save the pretty boy. dimwit.
19:46 / 21.06.06
I'd really like Nikki to win. Although I remain a big Aisleyne fan for reasons I can't quite articulate. She interesting.

I'm also not quite sure what makes Aisleyne watchable, but something does. I liked it when, during the OMG! IT'S TEH FIRING SQUAD1! punishment nomination thing, she said, "this is really funny". 'Cause, y'know, it was.

I don't realistically think Richard stands a chance. I want him to be reasonably near the top, though, because in terms of 'work', I think he deserves it.

But Nikki, increasingly, is my ray of BB sunshine. And you can't have sunshine without a little bit of SCREAMING HURRICANE now and again.
19:49 / 21.06.06
"They're bored of me, the public!!" Oh wow, how wrong she is..
19:51 / 21.06.06
I liked it when, during the OMG! IT'S TEH FIRING SQUAD1! punishment nomination thing, she said, "this is really funny". 'Cause, y'know, it was.

I think that's why I like Aisleyne- as I said someweher upthread, she really doesn't seem to have forgotten that she's supposed to be having fun like most of the others have.

And she seemed genuinely shocked by the anti-Grace chanting, even though they hated each other. I get the impression she wants to have fun, and wishes everyone else did as well.
19:53 / 21.06.06
Aisleyne's Borat-of-the-Valllleys Glyn-accent is pretty good.
20:12 / 21.06.06
I think all that's part of the reason I like Aisleyne. But although I tell myself that I like the Housemates I like based on some kind of analysis of them, in a way that I can explain objectively here, I'm aware that my favourites all remind me of certain people I know. (I use the cue and then hand it on to you.)
I'm probably a bit unfair on those who just don't happen to put me in mind of someone I find particularly appealing in real life. Is that just me?
20:16 / 21.06.06
Well Lisa reminds me terribly of someone I know in real life. Neither are particularly nice but when I ask myself if Lisa would annoy me less if not for such an obvious similarity with someone I dislike, the answer is always "NO".
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:13 / 21.06.06
Having said which, I liked his catwalking in the fashionista task.

Yes, it was charming...

...Prince Charming!
21:25 / 21.06.06
Ridicule is nothing to be scared of, after all.
Alex's Grandma
21:57 / 21.06.06
Well unless you're Glyn that is, and the majesty of your li-bi-do is being dis-respect-ed. He's not going to forget that in a hurry, I fear.
Haus of Mystery
22:20 / 21.06.06
"Don't mock my erec-tion!"

I'm actually beginning to worry about my dislike for Dimogen, Shortround and Man-Cow. Today's fantasy involved them buried up to their necks in the ground, whilst I polish my croquet mallet in the mid-day sun.

They are collectively SO FUCKING DENSE that they still see the fact that they are up for nomination as tEh KonsPIRazy!1!! even though (and here's the fucking clincher) they nominated each other!!!!!

I think today Dimogen got my goat the most, due to her perpetual 'miss popular' sneer, and general vitriolic poisonous vibe. Why can't she take the short ferry trip to Selfawaria and take a good fucking look around. maybe then she'd realise what a vapid waste of space she's been up till now; either attaching herself on to one, then another, loathsome 'alpha' club 18-30 sperm container, or sitting around grinching about how false and two faced everyone else is....babe.

Oh yeah. One more thing. One more thing...

Those fucking c***s jumping around to U2's 'Beautiful Day'? Any of them had tried that near me first thing in the morning, and I would have grabbed the nearest, bluntest object (Glyn) and started swinging. And I wouldn't have stopped until even the Man Cow registered pain.

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