I read a theory that could be a hired suicide by Wayne (maybe gone wrong, maybe blahblah). But, no...
Well ok. When in speculative fanfic Rome: Thomas Wayne hired Chill through Alfred to kill Little Bruce since he's a fucking pain -- and maybe for some other benefits, maybe Bruce was draining them dry or he kept falling in caves breaking legs, or Thomas wanted his childless sex life back -- Chill either fucks it up or was actually saving Brucie. Bruce's entire sense of revenge, rigid purpose and obsessive anger with criminals is put into perspective (enters dance number with sweet-loving good-hearted criminals). "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!" is said with the same frequency, now with smiles and release. The repetitive flashbacks of BANG!s in alleys are now music beats, Bruce dances to these flashbacks like that clubber dude from 'Spaced'. In between weird silver-age adventure parties, he fights only the worst of criminals and rich folks -- repetitive images of pearl necklaces being pulled (by Batman's hand) and each being put under poor children's pillows. He's finally at peace, his soul rests. Alfred is truly sorry, but Batman punishes him by injecting the 80 year old butler into a cat (although it's not much punishment since Alfred becomes immortal, by switching through cat bodies through the years, and other things).
Is it even possible for a genuine and good surprise at this juncture (even if blocking off from your head the ruined sense of a surprise twist)? I'm afraid I feel that anybody would be a bit too Xorn-y. There might be perhaps "clues" that make some sense when looking back after a reveal (for instance, if it's Gordon, we saw Gordon altered on the first). I might be forgetting things (or not picking up on them) by the overall monthly rhythm. But can there be anything genuinely surprising or efficient, that doesn't feel somewhat like a cheat or bearing little impact on what's being seen so far? |