That, my friends, looks like a Sun-God who has ascended past infancy (because, surely, even a Superman can evolve) and become a full-bodied solar deity -- after all, how many Earths can you fit inside a Su[perma]n? 333,000 -- according to a sexy cat by the name of James Olsen. Of course he's beatific, baby!
This is getting all a bit Bel Ami meets Titan Media in here.
"Getting all a bit?" It's been this way practically from day-one. Superman makes us feel special. He knows how to touch our special spots, man.
It does seem like a bit of a waste if it's not a final issue cover, but I'm left wondering at the State of the Union for the [hypothetical] comic in question -- is this just a pin-up cover like #1, or some expression of the story's contents? Is Superman destined to be bigger and harder* than Colossal Boy of the Legion, ending up like one of those Voyager Titans from P.R.O.J.E.C.T., an "anaerobic meganthrope?" Is he going to eat Solaris the Tyrant Sun like a evil monster chimichanga to be expelled in the typical way (which would, you know, open up a door to the Underverse and Zibarro's your uncle)? Or is just a pin-up to say: Superman is the man, and we're safe in his hands, baby?
Needless to say, it's time for Number Nine to come out with the Super-Bully from Krypton or P.R.O.J.E.C.T. or wherever, beating up Kal-El and stealing his milk money!
* - Sigh, sorry, can't get out of the Supersex Zone. |