This image, Papers. It was a teaser from months ago for Countdown.
I wouldn't go as far as saying that it was an intentional commentary, first because it's just not cool to do so; I don't think Moz is immune from being able to be a prick, but that'd be beyond petty (and perhaps professionally damaging). Makes more sense calling out on the readers into tapping on why these things are there, what imaginative purposes are these stories and myths fulfilling and why; or like in #4, why did we the readers -- we, the symbolic Jimmy Olsens -- felt we needed to see Superman dying?). So I don't think it was intentional. But it ends up falling on the same territory of commentary, like the underground bizarro JLA being coincidently almost as the same concept we see in something like ASBRBW's Sewer JLA anti-heroes (because moonbase is too silly and goofily whimsical). Also the necessity to play "HIGH! STAKES! OF DOOM TRAGEDY!" cards, meddling in the "grotesque" and mud of the grand guinol decadence, every (anti-)hero tortured on a perpetual via crucis, showing a destroyed Statue of Liberty, lots of corpses (and superhero body-counts) and a Crying!! Superman (the most cliche cheap tool to use; "make the story and Superman relatable: make him cry, take all his powers, make him bleed, fail and send the world to hell, make him die; we! mean! business!" in the same vein of "make it adult and intriguing, throw a rape in there. Remember Watchmen? Eh? Killing Joke? Eh? Put even some cruelty stuff there, yeah make some questions like 'does the villain have some point in a peverse way?'"; "make that faggy goody-goody silly bullshit into something more hardcore*, put Mary Marvel in a blacque short cheerleader outfit, make a few allusions to alluring and seducting darque sideh and underage sex 'cause sex is teh danger and sexual girls are dark dirty bad, whoreswhoreswhoreswhores"). There's something in all these things that are centered around a single axis.
*and of course, the intended "no nonsense hardcore" comming off as even more silly than the old goofy comics for too many reasons to list here without becoming huge threadrot (I mean, the last I saw in Countdown was Mary Marvel talking to a demon made of TEH DEAD BABIES!!!, and him saying he was going to suck the shit from her bowels and, supervillains now snort cocaine as if straight from a 90's film. I mean, even if you dumbly wish to out-Marvel Marvel, idiotly darken it up, stupidly make it "real" and god-knows-why make it hardcore "mature" and tough it up, that's what they put out? Fear of sex, underage porn and an intrigued fear of drugs? Are these writers 8 years old who just saw Tarantino for the 1st time?).
Basically, I'm trying to say is that in normal logic, the current state of heroes and it's world belong in bizarro land and this series sort of taps on that, even if unintentionally (but maybe there's a hopeful trace in there like the no-longer-brooding Zibarro we see in the last pages).
[/threadrot rant]
I think the only thing in that display is Bizarro-Home and the Noom getting stretched out of recognition as they spiral down the cosmic drain.
No, you're right. It's just that I sort of took it as the narrative saying "they only see the despairing draining, but we know he's getting out of there, but may have to deal with stuff on the way" (he wouldn't be visible in the distance of that representation anyway). I thought it was just a tiny visual play on a blooming flower looking like a Lily of the Nile, playing on Isis&Osiris' rebirth motif (wikipedia says it's also named "Calla Lily"; here we coloquially call it "cup o' milk" and in Portugal "Jar"; apparently it represents the union of marriage, sacrifice and variations of Osiris' myth tell of his return from the underworlds by the hands of Isis as a sacred blue lily of the nile) by using the distorted planet and moon (and the funnel) to do a tongue-in-cheek "coincidental" visual similarity to represent Superman rising and returning. Just to sort of represent the wheel (sanskrit, "chakra") put in motion, b(l)ooming up. But I don't think much of it is intentional (although I do think FQ intended the astronomical-bodies flower, linking with issue #6's gift).
(sorry for messy babble. Bit drunk) |