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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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14:47 / 23.11.07
We talk and talk until my head explodes
I turn on the news and my body froze
The braying sheep on my tv screen
Make this boy shout, make this boy scream!

Regrettable Juvenilia
23:44 / 23.11.07
You walk South, pushing open the door marked 'FACILITIES / DORMS / MESS'.

You find yourself in one corner of a large, stark hall, most of which is taken up by two long formica tables that have seen better days, with benches either side of the tables. The room smells vaguely unpleasant, and the blue lights in the ceiling flicker and wane, giving a sickly aspect to the place.

On one of the tables, at the end nearest to you, is dirty plate and fork. A little further down the table there is a mug, an overflowing ashtray, and an incongruous, battered old typewriter.

There are doors leading WEST and SOUTH.
17:45 / 24.11.07
Eat the contents of the ashtray.
Alex's Grandma
18:37 / 24.11.07
Check the typewriter for words of wisdom.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:33 / 24.11.07
You pick up the ashtray, in the process spilling a few fag buts onto the tables and getting ash all over your fingers. Try as you might, you can't overcome a instinctive aversion to putting its stale, stinking-of-death-and-entropy contents anywhere near your mouth.

You examine the typewriter. On a single sheet of paper is typed the folling:

My Report, Day 1,812

[Current mood: at the end of my tether]

I have only been working at this Place for 1,811 days, but I feel I must inform you, readers, that I have arrived at an Epithany, namely: I cannot tolerate these conditions for a moment longer. The cause of my frustrations is my co-worker, K. Not only do I suspect him of helping himself to my corned beef rations and my special coffee, through fairly exhaustive Research. I now have incontrovertible Evidence that he has been plagiarising my Work here.

I assure you this is 200% True Fact, comrades.

I am getting pretty bored of being told by my "superiors" here that I am imagining all this.

After my latest encounter with K, in which I got the sense that he was threatening me someonehow, I came into the Mess, made and ate some corned beef hash, poured myself a cup of my special coffee, lit a cigarette, and then typed out this report...

Now I am going to make an ablution in the Facilities -

From the door to the West, you hear the sound of a toilet flushing.
Alex's Grandma
19:40 / 24.11.07
Feeling slightly, erm, edgy about all this, head towards the sound of the flushing toilet.
Alex's Grandma
01:50 / 25.11.07
Full of questions that must be answered now, perhaps?

On the basis that teh TAGE will choose to reply to what'll seem like a perfectly reasonable set of questions by asking even more questions, prepare to pounce on whoever emerges from the facilities, tie hir to a chair, and get some proper information, by any means necessary.
Evil Scientist
13:17 / 25.11.07
Using the ashtray to "pacify" him.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:55 / 25.11.07
You walk West, gripping the ashtray in one hand, and go through the door.

You are in a dirty, foul-swelling bathroom. A row of cubicles are to the West, ahead of you, and opposite them on the Eastern side of the room are a couple of washbasins.

A man emerges from the cubicle immediately opposite you, fastening his belt. He is a Caucasian man of indeterminate age, with a scruffy beard and long, matted dreadlocks. His clothes are military in nature - combat trousers, a khaki shirt, green overcoat and big black boots - but don't seem to match, and frankly have seen better days, and not many washes.

The man looks up and his eyes widen in shock at seeing you. But he quickly recovers, smiles, and profers his hand to shake.

"Evening, comrade!" he says.
Evil Scientist
20:18 / 25.11.07
prepare to pounce on whoever emerges from the facilities, tie hir to a chair, and get some proper information, by any means necessary.

Think: Shit, I'm being mind-controlled to go west. That bloody song is controlling me!

Say: "Well hello to you to sirrah. Got any coffee?"
Alex's Grandma
20:26 / 25.11.07
Wondering if this man isn't somehow strangely familiar, ask him what's good with him these days, on this island, or peninsula, or whatever it is, of his.

(Steel self for the possibility of torture, if there's any messing around ...)
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:42 / 25.11.07
You decline to shake the man's hand, and he puts it down in embarrassment.

"Well hello to you to sirrah. Got any coffee?", you say.

The man laughs nervously, and his eyes dart from side to side.

"Coffee? I think there's some in the kitchen, comrade. Just regular, boring, not very strong coffee for everyone to help themselves to. I don't have any special coffee all of my own that's only for me, no, certainly not, comrade."

This man isn't somehow strangely familiar: you've never seen him before in your life. You ask:

"What's good with you these days, on this island, or peninsula, or whatever it is, of yours?"

He shakes his head ruefully.

"It's not my island... I keep careful track of what things are mine and what are not, comrade. If only everyone would do the same!"

He leans in, and his voice lowers to a whisper:

"My work is mine, you see, and my special coffee, and my beans, and my corned beef... But they don't respect that, comrade, they don't respect my rights... him and her, they don't respect me at all..."
Alex's Grandma
21:06 / 25.11.07
Tell him a heartwarming anecdote, starring self, about rescuing some rabbits, or deer, from a caged facility in London.

Having thus gained his trust, hopefully, then ask him what he's talking about, with regard to the situation on the island in general.
Alex's Grandma
21:10 / 25.11.07
And his coffee in particular.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:51 / 25.11.07
You tell the man a heartwarming - albeit entirely fictional - anecdote about the time self you rescued some rabbits from a caged facility in London. He listens with an expression of rapt credulity.

"That's amazing, comrade! I'm very keen that innocent little creatures not be harmed in the name of science. I don't use them in my research, definitely not!"

"What are you talking about?", you say.

"My research!" He is starting to look agitated. "I do very important work here at the Abraham Facility! Although I don't do it here in the Facilities of the Facility, hahaha! No, I only use this room to make my ablutions... I do my work in the Science Labs. It's very important work! If it wasn't for me, they would never have figured out how to perfect the cloning process! But do they appreciate it? Does that cow Agent KHan take me seriously? Does her stupid fucking brother take me seriously? No! Nobody takes me seriously! I have asked for an audience with Comrade Gregory many, many times now! I am at the end of my tether! I need... I need... I need my special coffee!"

He lunges into motion, pushes past you, and charges through the door back into the messhall.
Alex's Grandma
23:26 / 25.11.07
07:02 / 26.11.07
THINK "If only I could get an audience with Comrade Gregory, or better yet the big cheese Abraham Facility himself."
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:50 / 26.11.07
You are still carrying:

- a stick of 'Bad Faith' lipstick
- a large brass coin
- a watch
- a money clip containing 67 dollah
- the key to room 23 at a Dancing Bear Inn
- a further set of keys including the key to room 7 at the Dancing Bear Inn, a car key, a small key for a padlock or safe-deposit box, and a swipecard for the Abraham Facility
- a Library card
- a small slip of paper with a crude map drawn on it
- a Babelfish
- a mobile phone, with no battery
- the envelope Robert gave you before his untimely death
All Acting Regiment
18:11 / 26.11.07
Apply lipstick
jentacular dreams
19:55 / 26.11.07
Show contents of envelope to paranoid weirdo to gain his trust.
21:09 / 26.11.07
follow man into messhall
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:28 / 26.11.07
NB. The computer apologises for the following oversight: in addition to the items listed above, you are also carrying an ashtray.

You follow the man East.

You are in the Messhall. It smells as bad as ever, although possibly better than the room you were just in. The blue lights in the ceiling flicker and wane, giving a sickly aspect to the place. There are doors leading NORTH, WEST and SOUTH.

On one of the tables is a dirty plate and fork, a mug, and an incongruous, battered old typewriter. The man with the dreadlocks reaches under the table and produces a thermos flask. He opens it, and fills the mug with dark liquid. Steam rises from the mug.

The man is muttering to himself and blowing on his coffee to cool it as you approach.

"Yes, yes... Special coffee... That's much better, isn't it, comrades?"

You get Robert's envelope out of your pocket, and pass it to the man. He puts down his coffee mug with some reluctance, takes the envelope, opens it, takes out the piece of paper and carefully unfolds it. His eyes widen in alarm when he reads what is printed on the paper.

"Where did you get this?", he asks, looking at you with suspicion. He puts the piece of paper back into the envelope, stuffs it into a pocket in his jacket, picks up his coffee mug and starts to slowly back away from you, towards the door to the North.

To what do you wish to apply the lipstick?
10:53 / 27.11.07
Apply lipstick to all vowel keys on typewriter.

Ask man if I can have fork handles.
Alex's Grandma
11:03 / 27.11.07
Seize hold of the man, force him to ground, then tie him securely to the nearest table leg with his dreadlocks. Holding the thermos over his head, and laughing like a maniac, demand that he "spills the beans" about his work, the island, who's in charge here and the significance of Robert's letter. In particular, ask about how to escape from here.

For added menace, refer to him as "comrade" in such a manner that implies a personal connection with the former KGB.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:02 / 27.11.07
You take out the stick of 'Bad Faith' lipstick and move towards the typewriter.

"What are you doing?", asks the dreadlocked man, nervously.

"I'm going to apply lipstick to all the vowel keys on your typewriter", you tell him, "and after that, comrade, you're going to give me all your fork handles."

"I only have one fork! They only let you have one fork here!", he says, and watches in horror as you smudge lipstick on the 'O' key. "Leave my typewriter alone!"

He makes a grab for your wrist to stop you putting any more lipstick on the typewriter keys. Without thinking, as if by instinct, you smack him in the forehead with the ashtray that is still held in your other hand. He goes down like a sack of bricks, wailing.

While he lies stunned on the floor, you attempt to tie him securely to the nearest table leg with his dreadlocks, but they're just too greasy to get any purchase on. You settle for seizing hold of him by the throat, and holding the thermos over his head, laughing like a maniac.

"Spill the beans, comrade!", you yell. "Tell me about your work and this island! Who's in charge here? What does that letter mean?"

The dreadlocked man splutters and struggles, both hands trying to prise loose your grip on his neck. As his attempts grow weaker you realise you won't get much information out of him if he dies, so you release your grip. Gasping for breath, he manages to get out:

"I'm j-just a scientist... I work for Comrade Gregory! He runs this place... He runs a lot of things on this island! Please... I just work on the genetic splicing formula, I don't know what they do with what I give them! I... I'm not allowed to know anymore!"

"How do I get out of this place?"

"G-go North through the Science Labs. Room... 23."

"Tell me more!" His thrashings are becoming more violent again.

"I can't... They programmed me too... Like they do to the children! I... I've said too much already... Please... Please! NOT THE COFFEE!!!"

His eyes roll back in his head, and he starts to foam at the mouth. You release him, and he flops down onto the ground. You assume he's lost consciousness, until you realise his lips are moving. You lean in to listen, and realise he's singing a song in a listless monotone:

"Father Abraham... Had many sons... Many sons had Father Abraham... I am one... And so are you... So let's all praise the Lord..."
Alex's Grandma
14:18 / 27.11.07
Drink some of the coffee.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:31 / 27.11.07
You pick up the mug on the table, and take a sip of the special coffee.

It is unbelievably rancid. You spray it out of your mouth and nose immediately in a noisy spit-take.
8===>Q: alyn
15:19 / 27.11.07
Sneer and hiss thru clenched teeth. Search Comrade's pockets and confiscate whatever seems useful.

Drag Comrade North by one foot.
16:05 / 27.11.07
8===>Q: alyn
16:33 / 27.11.07
Dude, the last inventory is right here, plus the ashtray we are now hefting with grim determination. Also possibly a Thermos of Special Coffee, at teh Computer's discretion. I would prefer to weaponize the ashtray than the thermos, personally. In fact

drop Thermos

just in case
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:09 / 27.11.07
You go through the man's pockets and find:

- a penknife
- a swipecard identical to the one on Robert's keychain, but bearing the additional words Prof. Winter: Science Personnel
- a half-eaten bar of Nutty Brown chocolate
- the envelope you gave him

You take them all and add them to the contents of your satchel (see above). You drop the thermos, and the lid comes off as it hits the floor, spilling the dark, steaming liquid everywhere. Some of it splashes onto the prone body of Professor Winter, but he doesn't snap out of his stupor, instead merely singing his song a little louder. You realise the bad smell in the room came from his coffee, and is now overwhelming.

You sneer.

"Fuck your special coffee", you hiss through clenched teeth.

You grab the Professor by one ankle and, with agonising slowness (he's heavier than he looks), drag him behind you towards and then through the door to the North. All the while, he continues to sing.

You drag the Professor clear of the door to the South, and it slams shut, displaying again the legend 'FACILITIES / DORMS / MESS'. You are in a T junction, with short corridors heading both North and South. The door to the North reads 'LABS #1-23: SCIENCE PERSONNEL ONLY'. To the East is a corridor that ends in darkness.
8===>Q: alyn
17:24 / 27.11.07
Drag Comrade Winter North, muttering the lyrics to Tom Waits' Clap Hands to so I won't have to hear that hideous nursery rhyme. If I can still hear it, sing louder.
Alex's Grandma
17:39 / 27.11.07
Drop PW, having warned him that he needs to find another line of work, possibly as a wandering teller of wild and wacky tales. He could do the UK festival circuit, maybe, or go to Burning Man.

Head north to the labs, with particular interest in #11 and #23.
Alex's Grandma
17:41 / 27.11.07
Use PW's keycard to enter labs.
8===>Q: alyn
17:43 / 27.11.07
Oh God, PW isn't here, is he?

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