"Russian to me will always be language of the oppressors! Ever since 1829 they took my country, piece by piece. It is you who should be ashamed to speak that filthy tongue of communists and theives!"
The big man frowns.
"But if you think I am going to kill you, it is you who have made a mistake! We know very well who you are now. Much confusion earlier, all a result of mix-up about shared genetic codes. I do not pretend to understand such things! I think it is risk when working with amateur goons and former pop stars."
He leans down and grabs you by the feet, then starts to drag you along the balcony much in the manner you dragged Winter earlier.
"We go see my sister now."
As he drags you, you manage to reach over and stab the syringe into the fleshy part of his left ankles, in the gap between his black jogging pants and sky blue trainers. He doesn't seem to notice: his skin is tougher than old boots even there. But somehow - and it takes all your remaining strength - you depress the plunger on the syringe and inject the black liquid into him.
The big man looks down, mildly distracted.
He reaches down, plucks the syringe out his leg, and tosses it over the side of the balcony.
"I think it will take more than that to slow me down! How silly. In Pskhu, they called me the Giant! You would need less of that drug to knock out an elephant!"
And yet, for all his bluster, as he continues to drag you round the balcony, you realise he seems to be breathing more heavily, and moving with greater effort. By the time he's dragged you to the bottom of the staircase at the southern end of the eastern balcony, it's fair to say that he's slowed down.
This doesn't stop him picking you up by your neck and lifting you bodily up the stairs, almost throttling you in the process.
He drops you at the top of the stairs, and you land on a linoleum floor. The big man sits down heavily on the top step, and with drooping eyelids and a slur tells you:
"You are a tricky one! I can see why my sister likes you, after all. I think I will just have a little nap now..."
And he falls asleep, right where he's sitting, drooling out of one corner of his mouth. |