BARBELITH underground

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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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Alex's Grandma
19:06 / 18.08.05
Psychic Inventory

Who is us?
Where did we come from?
What and who do we want? And does it matter what gender they are?
8===>Q: alyn
19:27 / 18.08.05
I don't see why we can't be a woman, and Luda simply a gentleman. Or maybe we're really, really ugly.

I think we should definitely try to find that magic horse again.
nedrichards is confused
20:08 / 18.08.05
Chaps, Asian chef may/may not be MIA. Or may just be a big fan.
8===>Q: alyn
20:13 / 18.08.05
Jesus fucking Mary, nedrichards, have you ever heard of a SPOILER WARNING!?!
20:18 / 18.08.05
That wasn't a spoiler, you're just slow.

I mean this lovingly.
8===>Q: alyn
20:47 / 18.08.05
That's ludakris.
Lord Morgue
01:36 / 19.08.05
I posit that we are an amnesiac Orlando, possessed by the collective spirit of BARBELiTH, which goes some way to explaining why we act like a horny, psychotic loon with MPD much of the time.
Alex's Grandma
01:52 / 19.08.05
Can we be a furry also?
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:43 / 19.08.05
You go back into the restaurant, pull out your gun and take aim at Fred, who is obliviously wiping his mouth on the tablecloth.

Suddenly, the woman you met on the road bursts out of the kitchen behind you, carrying a steaming tureen of beetroot broth. Seeing what you're about to do, she gasps in horror. Still holding the tureen, she balances on one leg and kicks the gun out of your hand. It goes flying across the room and under an empty table.

You look rather surprised by this display of martial arts prowess. She shrugs and tells you:

"I'm a fighter, nice nice fighter."

Then she serves the broth, of which she has not spilt a drop, to Fred.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:47 / 19.08.05
[Maybe start another thread for discussion of strategy, etc? I'd be very flattered.]
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:55 / 19.08.05
Who is us?

You don't remember.

Where did we come from?

A clearing in the jungle. Before that: a bar overlooking the sea.

What and who do we want? And does it matter what gender they are?

Ideally, you'd like a quiet, safe, peaceful life, secure in the knowledge that nobody was Out To Get You. But that's never going to happen.

You feel an unspecified but nagging desire for Revenge.

Other than that: you tell me.
08:57 / 19.08.05
Bodily Inventory

Penis, vagina, none, both?
D Terminator XXXIII
09:13 / 19.08.05
While you're at it, examine every available orifice for anything hidden.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:29 / 19.08.05
Before you can conduct an ill-advised and frankly unnecessary assessment of your orifices and such, the woman you met on the road who works in the kitchen walks over to you.

“Please don’t point guns at our customers! Well, customer. I’m Maya, by the way”, she says, pointing to a little name-badge she is wearing that says ‘MAYA’. “Would you like to see a menu?”

She offers you a menu. You feel extremely hungry, and your legs are starting to ache.
09:59 / 19.08.05

Exam menu.
nedrichards is confused
10:28 / 19.08.05
Check if the grades in the menu are inflating.
10:34 / 19.08.05
order a beer.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:01 / 19.08.05
You take the menu, put it face down on the table, and take a seat. Your foot clunks against a small, heavy object.

You may turn over the menu and begin. So you do.


Mango with salt and pepper 2 dollah
Beetroot broth 4 dollah
Rocket salad 3 dollah


Roast beets 6 dollah
Pesto pasta 5 dollah
Chicken in beer 7 dollah
Shark sandwich 9 dollah


Ice cream bombe 5 dollah
Actual Death by Chocolate 10 dollah
A selection of fine cheese and biscuits 3 dollah


Beetroot juice 2 dollah
Lemonade 1 dollah
Beer 3 dollah

Maya waits to take your order.

"Obviously", she says, "Anything that says 'beetroot' is off."
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:03 / 19.08.05
You order a beer while deciding what to eat, and Maya brings if promptly. It is strong, fine-tasting East European lager. Mmmm. Bit potent on an empty stomache, though.

Maya waits for you to order.
Jack Vincennes
11:08 / 19.08.05
Request that Maya wait for a minute while you examine small, heavy object. She seems nice, you wouldn't want her to think you were ignoring her.
11:10 / 19.08.05
Say to Maya, "What do I get for 10 dollah?"
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:17 / 19.08.05
You reach under the table and discover that the object is your gun. You take it, obviously.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:19 / 19.08.05
"What can I get for 10 dollah?"

"Anything you want!"


"...Since no individual item on the menu exceeds that price."
11:30 / 19.08.05
Will you love me long time if I have the chicken?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:35 / 19.08.05
Teh computer already loves you. All of you.

You order the chicken in beer. Maya goes into the kitchen.
8===>Q: alyn
11:51 / 19.08.05
Damn. I should've gotten the Rocket Salad.
The resistable rise of Reidcourchie
13:03 / 19.08.05
Not when everything's this literal.
13:12 / 19.08.05
Crave rocket salad.
Matthew Fluxington
13:50 / 19.08.05
Ask Maya is she would like to go out dancing with you after she gets off from work.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:39 / 19.08.05
Maya comes back with your chicken in beer. You tuck in, ravenously. It is superb. Realising how hungry you are, you order a rocket salad. Having a starter after your main course seems to be exactly the kind of crazy, devil-may-care behaviour that amuses a girl like Maya, and she laughs.

“I’m glad you like the chicken in beer”, she says. “It’s the favourite dish of Mr Bridges, who comes in here every now and again.”

She disappears into the kitchen again. You finish the chicken and your pint. Emboldened by the beer, when Maya comes back with the salad you ask her whether she’d like to go out dancing with you when she finishes work.

“Actually”, she says, “I’m already going dancing tonight, but you’re welcome to join me. See you outside Club Twart at 11pm British Standard Time?”

You don’t have a watch or know where this club is, but you’ll worry about that later.

“Sure thing!” you say.
14:45 / 19.08.05
Pay Bill. Leave generous tip. Ask directions to shops charmingly.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:00 / 19.08.05
There is nobody called Bill here for you to pay.

Maya returns to the kitchen. You finish your meal and leave 20 dollah on the table.

The only person in the room is Fred, who is smoking a cigar and occasionally belching. You could ask him for directions, but he doesn't look like the kind of person who would know. Maybe you should enquire elsewhere?
18:22 / 19.08.05
Leave restaurant, exit Dancing Bear, pondering homoerotic clinches with Ursines and hot date with Maya.
20:18 / 19.08.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:24 / 19.08.05
You leave the restaurant by the door to the West.

You are standing in a lushly carpeted lobby area. To the West is the Bar, while the door to the East leads into the Restaurant. To the North, a small set of steps leads up to the Inn’s Reception desk.

You turn South, and are just about to leave when you hear someone call out:

"Hello there! Do you need a place to stay?"

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