Hang on a minute! That's the nice young woman you met on the road!
"Was this ingredient by any chance... beetroots?" you ask rhetorically, with a flourish, as you produce the three beetroots from your bag.
The girl rushes forward and takes them from you with much gratitude. She cries out in joy:
"I got the beets!"
Then she promptly begins to chop them finely, and throw them into a boiling pot of water.
"Could I sample some of what you're cooking?", you ask.
"Sorry", says the head chef. "Three beetroots is just enough for the second bowl of beetroot broth which Fred, our best customer, has ordered. I don't know what we'd do if Fred stopped coming here! Go out of business, probably. Anyway", he says, looking you up and down, "You have all the telltale signs of someone who'd have a nasty allergic reaction if they ingested beetroots. But feel free to order anything else from the menu." |