You watch someone who looks very much like you sitting in a bar which looks out over the sea, drinking a vodka martini. While the barman isn't looking, the earlier you reaches over the bar and steals a packet of Mini-Cheddars and a tiny bottle of vodka.
A dark-haired androgynous beauty walks up to you, coming from the direction of the bathroom.
"Right then," ze says, "My hotel or yours?"
"I'm staying at a youth hostel," you say, "So yours."
You watch, powerless and disembodied, as your past self walks out of the bar with this deceiver and is promptly coshed over the head in the car park by a bearded thug. Thug and androgynous beauty search your pockets, empty out your wallet and unload your pistol, sling you into the back of a car, drive into the jungle and dump you in a clearing. Those fuckers! You tried your best to pay attention to the route they took, this time round, but your picture of the past is slowly... breaking... up...
You, the current you, wake to find yourself lying on the dirt road where you collapsed. Quickly you check your satchel, but the monkeys have left well alone this time.
To the North, you can see a Gate at the end of the road. |