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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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nedrichards is confused
20:34 / 16.08.05
Show him some love.
nedrichards is confused
20:34 / 16.08.05
(By offering a draw that is)
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:51 / 16.08.05
Ludacris graciously accepts the offer of a draw. "See, I told you this game wasn't for me!" You pack the chess set into your satchel and he sees you out of the door, pressing a small hand-rolled cigarette into your palm as you shake hands goodbye. You tuck it behind your ear and walk a few feet West onto the dirt road that runs past his shack. The road leads uphill to the South, and downhill to the North.
Phex: Dorset Doom
20:52 / 16.08.05
Go north, smoke cigarette, look cool.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:18 / 16.08.05
The cigarette isn't lit. But you manage the other two.

You stroll North down a gently curving slope, feeling pleased with yourself and your bag of goodies. The trees around you seem to get taller and taller the further downhill you go, until eventually the canopy is far out of sight above you, and your surroundings become increasingly dark. The smell of the jungle is lush and mysterious.

After a while, you reach a triple fork in the road. There is a statue of a monkey here. On top of the statue is a sign that points down the path that carries on due North. Two other, less well-defined paths head North-West and North-East.
Tryphena Absent
21:22 / 16.08.05
Kick the monkey. Walk North-West very slowly.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:39 / 16.08.05
You kick the monkey. It hurts your foot, but not a lot. It also moves a little. You examine it more closely and realise that it could be easily moved (and could already have been moved) so that the sign - which reads PERIGO: macacos do zombi - points in any direction. You try to leave it as you found it, and start to walk North-West, slowly, feeling both guilt and mild anxiety.

The jungle grows darker still. You begin to hear strange sounds from just up ahead of you.
Tryphena Absent
21:43 / 16.08.05
Load the gun.
Alex's Grandma
21:43 / 16.08.05
Press on undaunted, singing Radiohead song quietly to self.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:45 / 16.08.05
Six in the clip, one in the chamber. Locked and loaded.

The noises grow louder.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:50 / 16.08.05
"This is what... you get...
This is WHAT... you... GET...
When you meeeeeeessssss with us..."

You cease your Thom Yorke impression when you see something shuffling towards you down the path. It looks a lot like a large gorilla, but part of its face is missing, bits of its skin and fur are hanging off, and its one good eye glows with an unearthly green light.

It is almost certainly a zombie gorilla.
Tryphena Absent
21:51 / 16.08.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:51 / 16.08.05
You fire at the zombie and miss.
8===>Q: alyn
21:57 / 16.08.05
Open can of worms
Regrettable Juvenilia
00:09 / 17.08.05
You grab the ring-pull on top of the can of worms and give it a few tugs, until eventually you're able to tear the lid open. Live worms ooze out and begin to crawl all over your hand. The zombie gorilla advances. Now what?
Alex's Grandma
00:13 / 17.08.05
Sit zombie down in 'Iron Jon' sweat lodge meeting, discuss the reasons for it's anger.
00:35 / 17.08.05
Or if no sweat lodge is available, fling the worms into the zomborilla's face and run screaming in the opposite direction.
Alex's Grandma
01:03 / 17.08.05
Cut arm with dagger, so it seems real, then huddle shivering in corner as penance for abuse of punctuation re:'the anger'
8===>Q: alyn
01:30 / 17.08.05
Sic worms on zombie.
Tryphena Absent
02:31 / 17.08.05
This is like threadrot, you're all maggots. Squirmy, ugly maggots. Maggots.
07:38 / 17.08.05
Run away.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:49 / 17.08.05
I don't understand 'Iron Jon' sweat lodge meeting, and the zombie is in no mood to talk about its feelings.

"Grmmarrgh!" is all it has to say.
Eloi Tsabaoth
07:52 / 17.08.05
Then use heaviest object to remove the head or destroy the brain...
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:53 / 17.08.05
(And you cannot cut your arm with the dagger, as you no longer have it.)

You throw the can of worms in the general direction of the zombie. As these flesh-eating little creepy crawlies (ouch, shit, you got one on your hand - okay, it's gone) land on the undead gorilla, they promptly began burrowing into and consuming its easily-digested rotting flesh. The zombie monkey bellows in pain, falls over, and rolls around on the floor making more terrible noises.

Which direction do you wish to run in?
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:58 / 17.08.05
You are carrying:

- a satchel
- a tiny, empty bottle of vodka
- a .45 calibre pistol, loaded with 6 bullets
- a .45 calibre clip containing 7 more bullets
- issues #1-3 of Violator/Badrock
- a digital camera
- a copy of The Waste Land and other poems by T.S. Eliot
- a chess set
- a hand-rolled cigarette

Which item do you wish to use?
08:04 / 17.08.05
Put maggots in worm can but don't change the label.
Scrubb is on a downward spiral
08:05 / 17.08.05
Take photo of monkey.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:26 / 17.08.05
You don't have the can anymore, and you can't see any maggots.

You take a photo of the now-rapidly-decaying zombie gorilla as it writhes around on the ground. The digital camera now has enough power left in its battery for around 11 photos.
8===>Q: alyn
09:20 / 17.08.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:49 / 17.08.05
You are standing on a path in the middle of the jungle, next to a pile of rotting meat and bones that used to be a monkey. To the North-West, the jungle grows darker and denser still, and ominous sounds can be heard. To the South-East, the jungle grows a little less dark.
Alex's Grandma
10:03 / 17.08.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:10 / 17.08.05
After a while, you reach a cross-roads. There is a statue of a monkey here. On top of the statue is a sign that says which reads PERIGO: macacos do zombi. Since you were last here, someone has moved the statue so that the sign points North-West, in the direction from which you have just come. "Yeah, thanks a bunch, NOW you tell me", you think to yourself.

A dirt road leads due North, or South up a gentle incline. A less well-defined path leads North-East.
Whisky Priestess
10:19 / 17.08.05
Open The Waste Land, read lines 359-365 of V. What the Thunder Said aloud in a deep, sonorous, emotive voice.
10:25 / 17.08.05
(btw this thread is pure genius)
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:27 / 17.08.05
"Who is the third who walks always beside you?
When I count, there are only you and I together
But when I look ahead up the white road
There is always another one walking beside you
Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded
I do not know whether a man or a woman
-But who is that on the other side of you?"

Someone walks past you, coming from the South and heading down the main road North. They are wearing a brown hooded sweater, blue jeans and a pair of blue and cream sneakers. You did not manage to see if they were a man or a woman as they passed.

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