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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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Regrettable Juvenilia
14:52 / 16.08.05
They are issues #1-3 of Violator/Badrock.

Perhaps not Alan Moore's finest hour. Chris Bridges, looking slightly appalled by your interest, lets you have them for free.
15:11 / 16.08.05
examine gold necklace
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:18 / 16.08.05
It is very shiny, and very, very heavy. Encouraged by your host to try it on, you do.

"Feels like a midget is hanging from my necklace?", he asks, proudly. You concur. This item of jewelry would significantly impede your progress through the jungle, so you decide to put it back.
15:30 / 16.08.05
Put necklace on Bridges.

Take All.

Run away with the loot.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:41 / 16.08.05
Bridges puts on the necklace happily when you suggest he wears it. It doesn't seem to impede his movement at all - maybe he's used to wearing heavy jewellery? He eyes you suspiciously as you reach for the contents of his shop, and you decide better of it, instead examining the camera again, stroking the shelves as if you were admiring their carpentry, and whistling innocently.
16:08 / 16.08.05
Open can of worms.
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:54 / 16.08.05
The can of worms does not belong to you, as yet.
17:09 / 16.08.05
Check caliber of pistol
17:30 / 16.08.05
ask for food
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:30 / 16.08.05
It's a .45.

Bridges eyes you expectantly, and taps his foot.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:35 / 16.08.05
Bridges rummages in his pockets and, after revealing that he has a lot of weapons on his person, produces a half-eaten bar of (British) chocolate. You wolf it down hungrily. Mmmm. Cadbury's Dairy Milk.

Bridges looks increasingly impatient to get on with the bartering. His expression implies in the strongest possible terms that the chocolate was the only thing you'll be getting for free today.
17:40 / 16.08.05
offer vampire novel for ammo
P. Horus Rhacoid
17:42 / 16.08.05
Offer vampire novel in exchange for pistol ammunition
P. Horus Rhacoid
17:42 / 16.08.05
(beaten to the punch)
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:51 / 16.08.05
After leafing through Unholy Seduction assessing the dirty bits, Bridges concludes it's not a fair exchange for pistol ammunition. He'll give you the T.S. Eliot for it, though. And/or can you offer him anything else in exchange for ammunition?
17:52 / 16.08.05
don't reveal dagger. sing shanty.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:57 / 16.08.05
"Row, row, row - " you begin, but falter when you see Bridges' expression. He appears to like that song less a second time around.
P. Horus Rhacoid
17:59 / 16.08.05
exchange pants for ammunition
17:59 / 16.08.05
Ask if knows the location of any hoes.
18:02 / 16.08.05
check pants before exchanging!
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:04 / 16.08.05
"I've got hoes in different area codes."

That's all he's saying.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:07 / 16.08.05
As you fumblingly try to check the contents of your trouser pockets while concealing the dagger, you manage to drop it on the floor. Chris Bridges looks down at it, looks at you suspiciously for a moment, looks down at the dagger again, then breaks into a wide grin.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:11 / 16.08.05
"My monkey-killing knife!"

He picks up the dagger and points to the 'L' on its handle. "See, it says 'L'! For Ludacris! That's my other name!"

You stare at him blankly.

"Ludacris, the rapper? That's why I've been talking to you in my lyrics much of the time."

You shrug dumbly.

"Anyway, I use this knife to kill the bad monkeys who would otherwise steal my shit. They don't believe that we'll stab them in the abdomem, as I once said. One of them ran off today with my blade stuck in him, and I'd given it up for lost. Thanks for finding it, I'm so grateful! Help yourself to whatever you like."
P. Horus Rhacoid
18:12 / 16.08.05
take all
P. Horus Rhacoid
18:13 / 16.08.05
ask for autograph
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:17 / 16.08.05
You take the digital camera, two .45 calibre pistol clips, the copy of The Waste Land and other poems by T.S. Eliot, and the can of worms. Ludacris even throws in a satchel to keep all this stuff and what you were already carrying in.

You glance at the chess set.

"Oh, you can have that too, I'm a bit bored of it", he says. "More of a checkers man myself. Fancy a game first, though?"
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:19 / 16.08.05
(Before you stick The Wasteland and other poems into your satchel, Luda writes "Keep pimpin'! - Love Luda" at the top of the first page of 'V. What The Thunder Said'.)
18:21 / 16.08.05
Ask if has domino set.
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:35 / 16.08.05
"Nope, although I sure would like some. I think they sell them in a shop down at the Harbour."
nedrichards is confused
19:13 / 16.08.05
Play chess.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:22 / 16.08.05
"White or black?"
Tryphena Absent
19:38 / 16.08.05
8===>Q: alyn
19:46 / 16.08.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:50 / 16.08.05
Ludacris opens with a classic Holzstein-Gefaphwisp gambit, but you counter with a standard St Petersberg defence, and within a few moves things are looking in your favour. It's evenly matched, but you have the edge. Then, to your surprise, Luda commits a schoolboy error - Knight's Pawn to C5!? What is he thinking?

You can go in for the kill, or let him live to fight another day.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:52 / 16.08.05
It would be rude to exit in the middle of a game.

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