In the last couple of days, I've been chewing over the possibility that Craig's approach to sexuality owes something to *winces* Morrissey. Let's look at the evvvidence...
Craig's audition video and first few days in the House suggested he was someone who'd constructed a spiky, misanthropic persona in order to conceal feelings of personal inadequacy or self-loathing, most probably related to his distinctly ambiguous sexuality. Initially assumed to be gay, he has steadfastly refused to be drawn on whether his preferred, carefully gender-pronoun-neutral partners have been male or female. He's deflected the issue by either focussing on other people's sexuality (is any straight-identifying male housemate not 'in the closet'?) or insisting that he himself has absolutely no sex drive whatsoever. Nuh-uh.
Naturally, while keeping his sexual orientation close to his chest, Maxwell has actively solicited opinion from his three New (Straight) Best Friends who they think he fancies in the House (consensus: Anthony, cue much overprotesting) and, to Saskia, whether she thinks he's gay (reply: yes, but it makes no difference "whether you like dick or you like fanny, be proud of it", cue little or no response). Craig repeatedly draws attention to himself as a sexual being, but remains deliberately vague, ex-partners always couched as "them" and "they".
In last night's programme, there was discussion - mainly centred around Derek - of whether individuals were born gay. Craig claimed he had "friends" who would, if offered a pill which would turn them straight overnight (a sort of anti-bread, presumably), would swallow that pill with nary a second's hesitation. Self-loathing ahoy. Also, when pushed further to 'come out' (Maxwell: "Dale Winton might be waiting for you when you leave"), denied being gay and said he didn't talk about his sexuality because "people don't know what my life's like on the outside". Hm.
Despite the occasional grilling, Craig seems to be revelling in the company of the saskies, who're even schooling him in how not to punch like a girl.
So... we have a "devious, truculent, unreliable" individual, apparently dealing with self-loathing through misanthropy and, later, embedding himself in a gang of ordinary boys. Avowedly without sexual desire himself and determinedly opaque in terms of his own sexuality and previous partners, yet seemingly obsessed with discussing sex and both deflecting and soliciting of speculation on himself as a sexual entity. Apparently happiest when learning pugilism from straight boys with 'rough' accents...
Craig is teh quarry!!!!!11!!! |