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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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Spatula Clarke
23:59 / 04.07.05
Oh, I don't mean that I actively dislike Eugene. I like how he's easily managing to remain impartial and not getting sucked into either group, although it's probably more that he doesn't possess the ability to do that than a conscious decision on his part.

There's some nice Alex-style to-camera stuff going on with the remaining members of TS right now. I'd imagine that the reason Derek's now favourite with the bookies is only because he's stayed quiet and more or less out of the arguments recently. Can see Maxwell getting himself back there again now that Saskia's been kicked out and Makosi's managed to wipe out any power that she held over him with the pool antics.
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:14 / 05.07.05
Euguene seems like an average geek to me. And by geek, I mean someone who is seen as different by others because his social skills are poor and because his interests are contrary to what may be considered "cool" or "normal" by his peers. I thought he was funny and I reckon (for example) if someone had pulled him up on his "glass/cup" line he'd have probably laughed along with them. He doesn't seem as egotistical as the others.

That said in every geek (myself included) I reckon there's vein of Columbine-type frustration and physchosis. I meant what I said about that glass.

Also, do you reckon the Good Folks at Endemol would stoop so low as to spike the "contestants" drinks?

Hmm.. "Endemol"? "Le Monde" backwards. A backward world? Hmm....
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:22 / 05.07.05
should have read.>

Eugene seems like an average geek to me; and by "Geek", I mean someone who is seen as different by society because his social skills are poor and because his interests are contrary to what may be considered "cool" or "normal" by his peers. I thought he was funny and I reckon (for example) if someone had pulled him up on his "glass/cup" line, he'd have probably laughed along with them. He doesn't seem as egotistical as the others.

On the other hand, in every geek (myself included) I reckon there's vein of Columbine-type frustration and darkness. I meant what I said about that glass.

Also, do you reckon the Good Folks at Endemol would stoop so low as to spike the "contestants" drinks with some kind of soma? I can't help being paranoid; it's Big Brother after-all.

Hmm.. "Endemol"? "Le Monde" mixed up. A mixed up world? Hmm....
00:22 / 05.07.05
I'd imagine that the reason Derek's now favourite with the bookies is only because he's stayed quiet and more or less out of the arguments recently.

I think it's more than that. I think it's probably also a response to Derek's paternal/maternal kindness to Craig when he was bawling his eyes out over Anthony's perceived abandonment. Having seen Derek be irascible, acerbic and bitchy, it was actually quite touching to witness his more tenderly parental side.

Not that Craig will remember it or owt.
00:31 / 05.07.05
I guess the premise of the autistic spectrum would hold that "average geek" = "very mild autism", not merely on grounds of 'uncool' spheres of interest, but in the degree of intensity of focus on a relatively narrow field (electrical household goods, say), an apparent lack of interest in (what are perceived to be) more universal subjects (sex) and significant difficulties with social interaction. Even taking all other factors into account, I think Eugene does have problems interacting with the group. Whether we view this as geekiness or mild autistic trait depends on where we're standing.

I don't think he's particularly "dark", though.

I feel quite sorry for him because he's already marginalised. I think he'll be out either this Friday or next, and won't have enjoyed his stay in the House too much.
00:42 / 05.07.05
Courtesy of one Digital Spy poster who apparently had dinner with one of the previous Big Brother psychologists, here's some insider info on how the Sunday psychological commentaries are commissioned and edited:

1. Apparently the psychologists have to submit their 'interpretations' to Endemol in advance of the psychology show being made. Endemol will only select the interpretations/comments which support the narrative the producers are creating. The example given was the Jade turnaround, when Endemol rejected negative comments about her and constructed their own 'positive' version. Apparently Jade was widely disliked by the psychologists.

2. Endemol hire a large number of psychologists to submit commentaries - up to about 30 - and select from the submissions they make.

3. All the psychologists used have access to all the footage, although Endemol have reduced the amount of direct observation allowed in the house.

4. This particular psychologist endorsed the view that the psychotherapist on BB3 gave Jade very close guidance about how to behave.

5. The psychologists commenting on the show have no part in the selection process, nor do they ever get to talk to the HM's during the show.

6. The favourite HM for the psychologist I met was Dean - yay Dean!

Doubleplusgood? Doubleplusungood?
paranoidwriter waves hello
01:18 / 05.07.05
Hmm.... My suspicion: Endemol = bunch of sinister cock-c**ts. I know I should support this with data, but I can't be arsed. I think Ganesh's last post sums it all up perfectly. Nice one comrade!
06:51 / 05.07.05
Yeah but...

Also, do you reckon the Good Folks at Endemol would stoop so low as to spike the "contestants" drinks with some kind of soma?

Not very likely for legal reasons, I should imagine.

My old boss used to work for Endemol, and fucking hated every minute of it.
Alex's Grandma
07:18 / 05.07.05
Now quite liking ( and I never thought I'd say this, ) Science, for his high-handed, junior-militant-rasta, puritanical disgust with regard to the other day's sexploits. It's not all that fashionable, but at least he's sticking to his guns.

You're right, Science, all these people are corrupt, venal and enslaved by Babylon, and they will have some explaining to do on Judgement Day.

( Not sure if he's actually come out and said this so far, but it's definitely what he thinks, IMVHO. )
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:26 / 05.07.05
Eugene seems like an average geek to me; and by "Geek", I mean someone who is seen as different by society because his social skills are poor and because his interests are contrary to what may be considered "cool" or "normal" by his peers.

Yes, because it's really hard to find a bunch of students who sit around reciting Monty Python sketches and doing impressions of Alan Partridge, isn't it?

He doesn't seem as egotistical as the others.

Depends how you define 'egotistical'. Eugene's inability to take into account other people's reactions to him and thus discern their feelings (for example, the feeling of extreme boredom bordering on physical suffering), strikes me as extremely solipsistic.
Evil Scientist
11:01 / 05.07.05
Eugene seems so utterly out of place in this year's house. But I'd guess that's why he got his shot at Z-List status. Compared to the others though he seems like a much nicer person, although admittedly rather dull. Not sure it's os much that he has some kind of social disorder rather than he isn't as much of a self-promoting predator as the rest of them.

I'm theorising BB's put him in there to act like some kind of tranquilising anti-Roberto. Whereas R could get an argument rolling from someone quietly eating opposite him, Eugene seems to dull the fight-gland of anyone in his near proximity with his endless electrical annecdotes.

The house does seem quieter without Saskia.

I'm seriously impressed at the way Maxwell's been letting Craig fondle his feet and play with his hair. Surprising tolerance from such an utter Lad.

Here's hoping that when this is all over we'll see a program where John Tickle finds out all of the things Science's body can't do whilst he's being electrocuted. They could call it Brainiac: Science Abuse.

...nah, that'd never work.
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:22 / 05.07.05
Yes, because it's really hard to find a bunch of students who sit around reciting Monty Python sketches and doing impressions of Alan Partridge, isn't it?

I've never thought of students as being "geeks" per se. Can't you do degrees in Physical Education Science, Fashion, and Media Studies, etc? I'll bet nowadays you could choose to write an eight thousand word degree on "The Rebirth of Cool" (or somesuch title) if you can argue relevence to your degree. Also, the last time I checked Monty Python and Alan Partridge are very popular comedy classics, and therefore part of "mainstream cool". Or has the backlash started already?

As for Eugene: because he doesn't throw a wobbly or "appear" to respond to the others obvious reactions to him, does that really mean he's being egotistical in his own boring way? I'm not so sure. But of course, like I typed earlier in this thread, I've missed most of this series and I'm basing my speculations on appearances only.
Jack Vincennes
11:38 / 05.07.05
Monty Python and Alan Partridge are very popular comedy classics, and therefore part of "mainstream cool". Or has the backlash started already?

I think that Flyboy's comment (correct me if I'm wrong Fly) was more on the people who can, and will, quote these things ad infinitum rather than the people who watch them...
paranoidwriter waves hello
11:48 / 05.07.05
Oh.... right. Do people really do that? I mean, sincerely, really? Do they?
12:01 / 05.07.05
Some people do, yes, in the same way that some people get drunk enough not to remember the night before. It happens.

Craig himself has alluded to being Anthony's gimp, amid suggestions that the two (and Maxwell makes three) of them become flatmates after BB finishes. Which would be all well and good until Anthony started trying to see filthy filthy girls again. The problem with extreme masochists (the kind who want "24/7" slavery/subservience) is that, ultimately, they call the shots - or try to. Don't do it, Anthony! It'll go all Orton/Halliwell, and you'll be clubbed to death with a hairdrier while you sleep!
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:05 / 05.07.05
Also, the last time I checked Monty Python and Alan Partridge are very popular comedy classics, and therefore part of "mainstream cool".

Yes, this was precisely my point. I was responding to this:

Eugene seems like an average geek to me; and by "Geek", I mean someone who is seen as different by society because his social skills are poor and because his interests are contrary to what may be considered "cool" or "normal" by his peers.

...Which you have now flatly contradicted.
12:08 / 05.07.05
Craig's been promoted to participant in rather than butt off the tedious "pranks". He seems to have an even odder idea of what's actually funny (as opposed to simply nasty) than the other two, though, apparently being preoccupied with wanting to knock down Eugene's sandcastle.

Poor Eugene. Will he ever become Hero of the Beach?
12:09 / 05.07.05
Perhaps the 'What Makes A Geek?' discussion is worthy of its own thread? Somewhere other than here?
12:44 / 05.07.05
Ganesh- wrt the BB psychologists...

...I think we've found your dream placement.
12:58 / 05.07.05
Ganesh- wrt the BB psychologists...

...I think we've found your dream placement.

Heh, we talked about this last year, too. I'd love to get involved. I honestly think it's a matter of time before the Royal College of Psychiatrists decides 'Media Psychiatry' is a sub-specialty in its own right, and we all get specific training in it...
12:59 / 05.07.05
Beth Orton and Geri Halliwell are lovers?

13:09 / 05.07.05

More random chin-stroking on Craig's sexuality. Believe it or not, I posted this on Digital Spy:

Craig's sexuality is complex, equal parts intriguing and irritating. He's avoided making any definitive statements, and it's difficult to know why. He makes oblique reference to situations on the outside of the House which mean he can't talk as freely as he'd like to, but I can't help but wonder whether these are largely in his own head. His whispering to Maxwell and Saskia under the sheet, for example, wherein he stated that his parents didn't know he's gay (or did he say bi?) sits rather oddly with his previously complaint, in the first couple of days, that he's not gay but gets fed up with his parents constantly asking if he is.

His response to Sam's "camp" comment was disproportionate too. It's difficult to imagine that someone with Craig's voice and mannerisms working in a profession traditionally choc-a-bloc with gay men would be [i]unused[/i] to people assuming he's other-than-heterosexual. Why the overreaction to "camp", then?

Craig seems quite inexperienced, sexually, and appears happier 'rough-housing' with straight boys than anything else; it's difficult to know whether this is because he desperately wants to be straight himself (or, at least, ignore those elements of 'campness' he despises) or whether it's related to his masochistic streak. He's certainly very keen on the idea of being a hardcore submissive. I think that's partly to do with his need to be babied, looked after, cared for. His idealised sexual experience (as voiced to Maxwell last night) was essentially him being utterly passive, while the other party undressed him, handcuffed him to a bed, blindfolded him, fed him, for fuck's sake. How infantilist is that?

His sexuality's a convoluted one, in the sense that it's apparently more defined by wanting to be a slave/servant/infant/object than anything else. By comparison, the stuff most people think of as 'sex' (sucking, fucking) seem to interest him little if at all. I do think he wants to be a slave etc. to males, though, so in that sense his orientation could be said to be homosexual.

I was initially surprised the hetboys have been so tolerant of Craig. It strikes me that their relationship with him is slightly anachronistic: it's the sort of straight/queer dynamic one might've seen in all-male institutions 50 years ago, rather than today, when the g-word was never explicitly articulated but certain 'feminine' males were treated more protectively - and, of course, used for sex. I've talked to seventysomething gay men, old enough to recall their National Service years with misty-eyed nostalgia, and Craig's behaviour puts me in mind of them...
haus of fraser
13:14 / 05.07.05
Eugenes gonna snap 'Falling Down' style.... its just bubbling under...

"I haven't done anything to him, so he shouldn't do anything to me..."

Watch out Maxwell!
13:17 / 05.07.05
I think Eugene really doesn't comprehend that whole laddish birds/booze/"pranks" thing - which is one reason he cuts such a lonely figure in the House.
16:01 / 05.07.05
Sooo... this week's nominees for eviction are Maxwell and Science. The inclusion of Maxwell surprises me a little, as he seemed to be bouncing back from the Saskia Effect and starting to increase in popularity both inside and outside the House (he's now bookies' favourite to win). I thought it'd be some combination of Science, Eugene and Vanessa.

And, according to at least one Digital Spyer who's been checking Betfair, *something is rotten in the state of Endemol...

(*link removed because original Digital Spy thread removed "for legal reasons". OooOOOoooo,,,)
16:14 / 05.07.05
Ooohh, tough one. I want both out. I'd like to see Science go but I'm afraid that Eugene's boringicity will overpower the lingering dislike for Max and he might not get nominated again (he does not deserve to win) whereas Science will always have a bad attitude so he's more likely to get nominated again.

So, Max out this week, Science the next. It'll be interesting to see how the public vite goes on this one.
haus of fraser
16:25 / 05.07.05
I'm with Warewullf I loath Maxwell and can't bear to see him win- a nasty victory for the daily mail readers.

As Derek rightly pointed out he seems to hold a few too many dodgy views so lets give him the chop now- Science won't under any circumstances win so vote tactically i say.

(Stoatie if your still watching I said it would get better- yes i'm now hooked)

I do have a horrible feeling that in a Science vs Maxwell head to head the only thing that'll save science is if someone (Kermal? Derek? Makosi?) can get Maxwell to kick off again.

C'mon lets see that drunken temper get you evicted....
16:37 / 05.07.05
Remember ScabGate!

If you'd asked me this a few weeks back, I'd have been rooting for Maxwell to stay and Science to go, no question. I'm much more equivocal now; Maxwell's irritating me more and Science less. More to the point, I really don't want a straight white Cockernee everygeezer to win.

The deciding factor is Craig. Perhaps it's a visceral reaction to those elements of myself I despise (as was the case with Marco, although the Craig-hate's more convoluted), but I really really dislike Craig - and, now he's bolstering Maxwell's evident self-belief that he won't be evicted, I want to prove them both (and Saskia) wrong.

I also think Maxwell would be the more interesting housemate to evict in terms of changing the overall dynamic. How would Anthony cope? Would he be more or less likely to turn to Craig for emotional succour?
haus of fraser
16:48 / 05.07.05
How the fuck is craig not getting nominated?

maybe we'll end up with a Jason style situation where he wings it till the end then gets booed when he comes second.

I'd actually quite like that as long as maxwell doesn't win.

Keep the tearful fool in there for entertainment but deny him his glory...
16:55 / 05.07.05
How the fuck is craig not getting nominated?

I think he's successfully carved a niche for himself as House baby. People - especially male housemates - feel protective of him. As I say, in decades past, he might've been the delicate, girlish squaddie the other men protected as a sort of mascot. With his foot massages and attentiveness without pushing or making explicit any sort of desire for yer actual male-male sex, he's ploughing the fag/bitch/gimp furrow beloved of old-school homosexualists.

A spell in the Army, that's what he needs. Short, sharp cock.
Tryphena Absent
18:27 / 05.07.05
Maxwell has been sleeping with a pair of Saskia's knickers.
19:17 / 05.07.05
19:20 / 05.07.05
Are you sure you don't mean sleeping in Saskia's bra?
19:22 / 05.07.05
Craig continues his increasingly creepy self-infantilisation:

"I've lost my mother. I don't want to lose my father."

Tryphena Absent
19:36 / 05.07.05
"I knew you'd be up against one of them," said Anthony. "Mate, you're safe."

Yes, Science is one of them. Anthony is so thick. Was he or was he not getting intimate with a few of them in a pool the other night? Tsk.

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