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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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Tryphena Absent
14:18 / 04.07.05
I don't think Derek was being flippantly cheerful or dismissive, though, when he comforted him in the bedroom

Oh no not at all, generally he's just been cheerfully secure.
14:27 / 04.07.05
he seems almost puzzled when heterosexual boys behave heterosexually.

That's what got to me, as well. The fact that he was looking at Anthony in a "why-is-he-doing-that-with-her?" way. He just didn't seem to understand it at all.
Fist Fun
17:58 / 04.07.05
How far did it go? They seemed to have actually had sex.

Has Big Brother offered Makosi the morning after pill?
18:06 / 04.07.05
Well, he had his dik-dik somewhere in the vicinity of her frou-frou. Might've gone in, might've stayed out, might've been shaken all about. Depending on one's chosen definition, yes indeed, it might well have constituted sex.

Given that spunk floats, has Big Brother offered Orlaith the morning-after pill too? We don't want willowy babies with black plastic eyebrows, do we?
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:11 / 04.07.05
Apparently he just "fingered" her and she came. Oh, and he "can't remember a thing".

OK, this isn't "dire" it's funny in a schadenfreude type way.
Mourne Kransky
20:12 / 04.07.05
Must be a horrible feeling, waking up unsure what you got up to when drunk the night before, but certain that several million viewers, including your family, remember it far better than you do. Nice of Craig to be such a comfort to him in his time of need. D'you feel bad? Vengeful little sniveller.

I did not have sex with that woman! or perhaps It depends what your definition of sex is. hehehe
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:15 / 04.07.05
I missed the whole sex scene in question (was that actually shown?), so I was just wondering: was it in the hot-tub? Was it like that scene in 'Showgirls' with what's her name and Agent Cooper in the swimming pool? You know the one where she looked like a demented dolphin?
20:17 / 04.07.05
Soapy clit wank.
Fist Fun
20:19 / 04.07.05
It is funny to see the drunkeness followed by the morning after shame. We've all been there.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:25 / 04.07.05
Plus it was either this or a program on another channel about an abattoir. I was OK with it until the bloke stared kicking the pig in the back of the head and then tickled its eye-ball to see if it was dead yet.

Sooo, do you believe the Geordie? I have to admit, no matter how wrecked I've been I've never woke up the next day with partial amnesia. You?

I love all the justification that's going on.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:29 / 04.07.05
Or is he a Maccum?
Mourne Kransky
20:34 / 04.07.05
Maxwell: Have you seen Anthony's toes, the way they overlap?

Orlaith: I've seen a lot of Anthony that I don't want to see again.
20:36 / 04.07.05
Sooo, do you believe the Geordie? I have to admit, no matter how wrecked I've been I've never woke up the next day with partial amnesia. You?

Yes. Lightweight.

I'm kinda disappointed that Science is, again, allowed to effectively opt out of a task he considers an affront to his masculinity. Every time there's been dressing up involved, or touching another man or a chicken's arse or whatever, he goes shouty-shouty and everyone tiptoes around him. I'd like to see him forced to get over at least some of his twattish prejudices while he's in the House.

Interesting that drag has been such a recurrent theme this year (and it's not like it's uncommon most years). Could this be related to this year's domination of the House by Alpha Females, and preponderance of tearfully-bonding Beta Males?
Whisky Priestess
20:43 / 04.07.05
Oh yes, I've had that be-your-own-detective adventure the morning after where you have to turn out your own pockets and check for bus tickets, receipts and such to see where you've been and how you got home ...
20:43 / 04.07.05
Of course, Science's "top of the man points list" apparently equates to being a "pimp".

paranoidwriter waves hello
20:44 / 04.07.05
"I always drink my tea from a mug, except when I'm with my friends. Then I use a glass."

What?! That made me howl (I have no dea why). Did I hear that properly?
20:47 / 04.07.05
"You get so much more in a pint glass than in a cup."
20:48 / 04.07.05
Whisky, that should so be a line of young adult adventure books.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:50 / 04.07.05
So when he's with friends he needs more tea than when he's on his own? I reckon he needs it as a weapon really. It's hard to cup someone.
Jack Vincennes
20:51 / 04.07.05
Must be a horrible feeling, waking up unsure what you got up to when drunk the night before, but certain that several million viewers, including your family, remember it far better than you do.

Oh yes. It was one of the best things I've ever seen on television, Anthony's drunk guilt, because despite all the prevailing circumstances described above, it's still how most people feel when they wake up hungover anyway. Or, how I usually feel.
Mourne Kransky
20:52 / 04.07.05
Derek now the bookies' favourite. Makosi knocked back to Number 2 with Maxwell and Anthony resurgent in the punters' favour. Surprised Orlaith isn't cutting more of a swathe through the public's affections.

The men are usually rewarded by the public for having sex and the women punished.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:56 / 04.07.05
Who's the guy with the teeth? He's f**king funny. I feel so guilty, laughing AT people.....
Jack Vincennes
20:56 / 04.07.05
Suprised Derek's doing so well, especially when it was (allegedly) a close fight between him and Roberto -but after watching Makosi and Vanessa (AAAAAAARGH) have a 'wee chat' about Orlaith, I've gone off the former somewhat...
20:57 / 04.07.05
Interesting to hear Craig's idealised fantasy sex (voiced for the benefit of Maxwell imagining a first night with Saskia, I think): essentially, surrendering all responsibility and acting utterly passively while the other party undresses, handcuffs, blindfolds and feeds him.

Masochistic (in keeping with his apparent happiness being slavebitch to hetboys) but also a regressive, childlike wish to be looked after, cared for, kept...
21:02 / 04.07.05
Who's the guy with the teeth?

Previously on Big Brother...

Now read/post on.
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:09 / 04.07.05
Soz. But I really didn't want to get that far into "it". I'll get my coat. Sorry....
Mourne Kransky
21:12 / 04.07.05
Maxwell currently being very tender and protective towards SnivelBoy. Sits oddly with his laddish-prankster persona the rest of the time. His presentation of self improved mightily when Saskia, the Puppet-Master, left.

Interesting to see the polarisation of last week being so swiftly reengineered. The three girls allied and freezing out Kemal. Max and Anthony interacting more widely once more.
Spatula Clarke
21:40 / 04.07.05
I keep on trying to put into words exactly what it is that I dislike so much about Makosi. I think today summed it up quite nicely - she lacks any sort of humility. If that was you sitting there, Vanessa creeping around you - and Vanessa is *really* creeping me out - then wouldn't you feel at least a little uncomfortable about all the praise being heaped on you? But instead, we get

Vanessa: You're great, Makosi. You're really, really great.

Makosi: Yes, I am, aren't I.

V: Oh my God, you so are.

M: Have you noticed that I'm so great, Orlaith wants to be me? Kemal and Orlaith.

V: Oh my God, that's so incisive.

M: Yes, it is.

It's just horrible and icky.
21:49 / 04.07.05
I quite like the lack of humility. For some reason, with Makosi, it makes me laugh.

I do wish she wouldn't alienate Kemal in favour of creepsome Vanessa, though...
Tryphena Absent
22:03 / 04.07.05
Vanessa is really creeping me out as well. I still can't see her personality... how many weeks have they been in there?
Spatula Clarke
23:02 / 04.07.05
She's got the cold, dead eyes of a killer. Every time she laughs, I find myself thinking there's nothing there - no intelligence, no personality, no sense of humour, and most worryingly, not a hint of a soul.

Eugene's the stereotypically creepy one - "and guess where we put it? In the dishwasher!" I honestly don't understand how you get to... whatever age Eugene is and fail to gain even the slightest ability to adapt yourself to different situations and different company. It's like he was abducted by aliens when he was a toddler and they've only just got around to returning him.

We have done an excellent job of raising the young human, my friends. I am particularly pleased with the way we managed to teach him of the alien concept 'hew-mer'. We should all thank brother Gork for his sterling work in procuring the recordings of their com-a-dee broadcast, Red Dwarf.

But at least there's a fucking person inside the body. A deeply tragic, socially-inept person, but a person nonetheless. It's possible to feel some amount of empathy with Eugene. Unlike Vanessa, who's obviously just a shell populated by some form of life that's yet to evolve emotions.
Spatula Clarke
23:09 / 04.07.05
I honestly don't understand how you get to... whatever age Eugene is and fail to gain even the slightest ability to adapt yourself to different situations and different company.

Well, barring yr full-on psychological disorders, naturally, but I'm not buying the amateur diagnosis on that one.
23:12 / 04.07.05
Where the fuck did she get the idea she could turn gay men straight? Marco?!

Inspired by a forum far, far away (I'm not the only one to spot Craig's hardcore subservience):

Maxwell: Bring out The Camp.

Anthony: I think The Camp's sleepin'.

Maxwell: Well, I guess you'll just have to go wake him up now, won't you?

Craig: (muffled, raspy sniggering)

It's rumoured that, if he wins, Craig will use the money to convert his salon into a weapons store, and live in a box in the basement.
Tryphena Absent
23:18 / 04.07.05
I don't mind Eugene, I think he's said some interesting things in a very boring way. No one in the house is particularly socially stunning so they don't take the time to keep the conversation running with him. I bet he's the type of person who, if you spent the energy steering the chat would be quite fun to argue with. After all he doesn't presume that you mean anything nasty when you talk to him so you could easily have a whopping great discussion in a really clinical way- I really like talking to people without that type of antagonism present.
23:34 / 04.07.05
I'm not bothered by Eugene either, although what little we've seen of him has been played for comedic effect. I daresay too much of that background drone might eventually get irritating. More likely perhaps, I'd probably just let it wash over me, as the housemates appear to be doing, just nodding and making the occasional "is that so?" comment. The downside of this is, no-one really makes much of an effort to engage with Eugene any more, and he might be an easy option come nomination time. He's also set apart from the others by his apparent lack of interest in a) alcohol, and b) sex (or, if you accept Eugene's way of packaging it, his "high morals").

Personally, I don't think Eugene would fulfill criteria for Asperger's Syndrome: he has a flavour of the social handicaps and restricted/stereotyped areas of interest, but these are not really severe enough for the full diagnosis. The concept of there existing a spectrum of (mild-moderate-severe) autistic traits has become a popular one, though, and I certainly wouldn't argue that he'd be out of place at the lesser end of that scale...

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