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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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22:02 / 01.07.05
The Asperger's diagnosing is getting a bit silly. I'm biting my tongue.

Back home, watching the video of this evening's Saskeviction. Glad Davina tackled her on the not-entirely-single thing. It also occurs to me that, if one is striving to quash rumours that one is in any way racist, describing the housemates one didn't get on with as a "bunch of monkeys" is rather a poor choice of phrasing...
Brigade du jour
22:13 / 01.07.05
But Ganesh, she's a quarter Cypriot so she CAN'T be racist - ask the United Nations if you don't believe me.
22:15 / 01.07.05
Perhaps that means she can only be 75% racist at most? That's still quite racist. Ask "Queen Africa" (copyright Craig the Sniveller, 2005).

(It's Sri Lankan, isn't it? Rather than Cypriot? Or did I mishear?)
22:25 / 01.07.05
According to Digital Spy's live updates, Maxwell is advancing a theory (to Craig the Sniveller) that the crowd booed him and Saskia because they didn't want either of them to leave. Ahh, beautiful, beautiful denial!

Quite liking Maxwell's oddly formal funeral suit. Apparently the non-Saskian housemates were planning to wear black this evening, to facetiously signal their non-botherment at eviction (the opposite of their rather more inspired Ce-le-brate Good Times moment, the other night) but it doesn't seem to have happened.
Essential Dazzler
22:44 / 01.07.05
Why was this show extended by 20 minutes? I fucked up the VCR, and Digitalspy is showing nothing important, am I right that is was for NO FUCKING REASON at all?
Brigade du jour
22:47 / 01.07.05
Funny, Saskia doesn't LOOK like a racist ...
22:54 / 01.07.05
Difficult to see why the show was extended. There were all manner of rumours flying around concerning 'twists' on straightforward eviction: a double eviction; eviction into a bedsit; evictee getting to nominate another housemate, etc., etc., etc. I can't really see why they went for an extra 25 minutes, unless it was a decoy, a deliberate attempt to confound those who assume extended time automatically means a 'twist'.

If you look at Saskia's face really closely, you'll see the bleached shadow of a little Hitler moustache just under her nose. Honest.
23:32 / 01.07.05
I'm beginning to crack under the pressure... I keep finding myself watching it, with no memory of how I got there.

Did anyone ever point out to Saskia that Cyprus in particular is notorious for its racial conflict? Or would that have just been a waste of time?
23:42 / 01.07.05
I'm pretty sure Saskia's lower left quadrant comes from Sri Lanka rather than Cyprus.
01:04 / 02.07.05
Already the post-Saskians are rethinking their relationships with fellow housemates, now that their Den Mother has gone. Interestingly, Craig - who previously dropped Vanessa in favour of more (obviously) politically powerful hetpals - appears to be the least flexible ("I will never have a nice conversation with Kemal after what he said", etc., etc.).

Speaking of the reaction to Kemal's magazine deal/wet comments, I'm still slightly surprised that they provoked such a shitstorm - not merely Maxwell threatening violence, but Saskia saying, "if you were a girl, I'd deck you". What was it that attracted such a heated response? Is it the suggestion that the bleughsome twosome's "love" is inauthentic, or the fact that someone who's "not sure if he's Arthur or Martha" (copyright at least three housemates, 2005) dared to criticise good wholesome hetlove? I mean, two men risking a snog in mixed company would as near as dammit expect negative/disgusted reactions...

Two women snogging, obviously, would be different, especially on Big Brother.
01:33 / 02.07.05
Jim "Tapehead" Shelley is now describing Maxwell and Saskia as Britain's least likeable couple since the Hamiltons- "only more right-wing".
01:41 / 02.07.05
And a lot less chummy with Derek.
01:45 / 02.07.05
Both Anthony and Maxwell tend to the right.

Fist Fun
17:27 / 02.07.05
I thought Maxwell and Saskia were nice at the start. They were really cool and sensible when everyone else was having stupid arguments about nothing.

Then they turned really, really horrible.

Difficult to watch.
17:35 / 02.07.05
Craig- I own you in this house!
Craig- I'm saying I control you in this house.

I'd be more than a little unnerved if I was Anthony.
22:33 / 02.07.05
What, like with the power of his mind?
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:45 / 02.07.05
What were Anthony and Makosi doing in that pool?
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:03 / 02.07.05
Make that Makosi, Anthony, Orlaith and Craig. OMG WTF etc...
08:02 / 03.07.05
What, like with the power of his mind?


Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, the eyes, the eyes, not around the eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes. [click] You're under!
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:59 / 03.07.05
Erm... I've not watched any of this dire series, but I was just switching channels and I stumbled across what appeared to be the beginning of an orgy in a hot-tub. What the f---? Where's Mary Whitehouse now, eh?

Is this one of their tasks?
tea and biscuits
20:21 / 03.07.05
Derek is a quick one, the Craig/Antony angstship goes full steam ahead!
Spatula Clarke
22:00 / 03.07.05
I find it worrying that ever since Roberto got the boot, Derek has slowly been turning into the most personable of the lot.
Essential Dazzler
22:05 / 03.07.05
I've had the same problem. Derek hasn't done a single thing to make me hate him at all this week. I'm a little distressed. His Science dealings and orgy denouncing have started to earn him my respect. THIS HAS TO END.
22:53 / 03.07.05
Dear oh dear. Watching Craig the Sniveller this evening was like being transported back in time to some dreary 1950s/'60s Twilight World Of The Homosexual, when sad, closeted, self-loathing inverts lingered on the fringes of 'normal' society, becoming weirdly, doomily obsessed with straight boys. In fact, the Craig/Anthony dynamic is the plot of 1963 'kitchen sink' cult favourite (and Morrissey's 2nd favourite film ever), The Leather Boys: closeted, self-loathing invert befriends straight male newlywed; quickly becomes queenily possessive, and attempts to widen cracks in straight boy's marital relationship; gets horribly upset when straight boy insists on still liking women. The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name is never explicitly named.

On the one hand, I'm with Derek in that I can sympathise to a certain extent with the adolescent pain of unrequited love for (or at least, forming a strong 'crush' on) someone unattainable. For all Craig's "destroying people's lives" posturing, I suspect he never has had an intimate relationship, certainly not with another male. He's just too callow, and his insistence (to Saskia and Maxwell) that he can't go public with his "secret" crush because his parents don't know he's other-than-heterosexual is a laughably flimsy rationalisation of failure to acknowledge his sexuality.

On the other hand, Craig's narcissism is, at times, quite jaw-dropping. No matter who's doing what to whom, it's alllll about him, and how the cruel, cruel world's dealt him an evil blow in not making heterosexual men fancy him. Those around him are actually treating Craig with immense kindness - as well as Derek's consolation, both Anthony and Maxwell are, for young straight males, surprisingly patient and tender with him - which I suspect wouldn't be returned if positions were reversed. Craig's transparent jealousy, spiteful attempts to split (suck his fingers, and it's a fabulous joke; suck Kemal's fingers and it's "evil") and general incomprehension of do-as-you-would-be-done-by outwith his own narrow self-interest continue to limit one's sympathy.

And then, there's his admission that he once fried a butterfly in a microwave, which makes me wonder how highly he'd score on psychopathy scales...
23:01 / 03.07.05
Would you willingly characterise yourself as "the wackiest and craziest"? With a stunning irony-deficiency matched only by her lack of self-awareness, Vanessa would.
Tryphena Absent
00:12 / 04.07.05
I'm with Derek in that I can sympathise to a certain extent with the adolescent pain of unrequited love for (or at least, forming a strong 'crush' on) someone unattainable.

Well I think the vast majority of people can, straight, gay, possibly house pet and Craig has rather become the baby of the house, seeking reassurance and comfort in this horrible world that he can't communicate in. He really has no grasp on how to go about mending relationships, which is manageable when you're in the huge world but not so great when you're in a space you can't escape. Indeed he just told Maxwell that he wished he could just go out to a club or something and that he wouldn't mind sleeping in the house but he just wants to go out. Well that's no surprise, he's running out of chums to get through and Anthony's being (ahem) friendly with everyone. This inability to communicate and the tendency to manipulate relationships and really screw them up doesn't strike me as that weird from someone who's 20, people tend to lose it at that age anyway, I guess it's something to do with the changing structure of your life (less institutionalisation), confirming your sexuality (and I don't mean homosexuality, I think it stands for everyone) and your body really beginning to settle into some kind of vague maturity. That he doesn't handle himself at all competently isn't a surprise if he's having so much trouble with the idea that he's gay. His narcissism seems to stem from the fact that he's desperately trying to reject it... why is he trying to? If he had any communication skills at all he'd be trying to talk to Derek about it but I presume he's scared because Derek's so very cheerful about the whole thing.
00:46 / 04.07.05
This inability to communicate and the tendency to manipulate relationships and really screw them up doesn't strike me as that weird from someone who's 20, people tend to lose it at that age anyway


That he doesn't handle himself at all competently isn't a surprise if he's having so much trouble with the idea that he's gay. His narcissism seems to stem from the fact that he's desperately trying to reject it... why is he trying to?

Difficult to say. When he originally did that whole 'under the covers' thing with Saskia and Maxwell, he rationalised the convoluted 'secrecy' by saying his parents didn't know he was gay. However, this sits oddly with Craig's own previous statement that his parents keep asking him if he's gay, despite any number of exasperated denials. Craig's discomfort with homosexuality is, I suspect, his own problem rather than his parents. I wonder whether this is simply down to local stigma of gayery (where'd Craig grow up, again?), perhaps with the result that he's equated open homosexuality with being weak? Craig does seem concerned with being powerful/on the 'top team', and perhaps he sees being gay as incompatible with this?

I don't think his narcissistic selfishness stems entirely from his conflicted sexuality, although obviously there's a big overlap. Craig seems to relate to people only inasmuch as he's attracted to them or he sees them as 'winners'; he has relatively little interest otherwise, and dropped Vanessa like a fresh turd when Team Saskia beckoned. It's all quite His Majesty The Baby type behaviour, making it all the more ludicrous when Craig claims he always gets what he wants, is adept at controlling/manipulating/destroying people, and is capable of "protecting" his friends. It also makes his angry "I do so much for everybody and this is how I'm treated" tears look petulantly non-Selfawarian.

If he had any communication skills at all he'd be trying to talk to Derek about it but I presume he's scared because Derek's so very cheerful about the whole thing.

I don't think Derek was being flippantly cheerful or dismissive, though, when he comforted him in the bedroom; he was kind and solicitous, but I agree Craig was unable to appreciate or make use of Derek there. I've a feeling it won't be long before he's bad-mouthing Derek again, the whole episode apparently forgotten.

This really does seem to be a deficiency in Craig, even taking the 20-year-old emotional crapness into account; he seems almost puzzled when heterosexual boys behave heterosexually. It brings me back to my original theory that he'd thrown himself into furthering his hairdressing career at the expense of any sort of exploration/experimentation of his sexual identity or, indeed, his identity in general. I'm willing to bet he's happiest in - or at least familiar with - the role of camply ambiguous celibate with possessive "secret crushes" he almost never properly communicates or acts upon, but feels terribly slighted by when the love-that-never-was inevitably meanders elsewhere. Like I say, there's something quaint, even throwback about this sort of gay male behaviour. It'd fit quite well into one of Morrissey's beloved 1960s kitchen sink dramas - and it'd probably end with the queer-bashed protagonist contemplating suicide in a depressing Sarf Lahndahn bedsit.

Has all this been played out before? I bet it has, and I bet it ended badly. Perhaps he's tried to embrace his (as he sees it) unluckiness in love, and forge it into a powerful Destroyer identity?
07:42 / 04.07.05
I'm sorry I have no profound insight to offer on last night's pool shenanigans, but can I advance a queasy and lightly appaled grimace? What was all that fluid swapping in aid of? It didn't reflect well on anyone, except Vanessa who didn't throw all her dignity down the tube. Ewww. I think I may be turning Victorian.
07:45 / 04.07.05
What was all that fluid swapping in aid of?

To paraphrase the surprisingly sagacious Derek, they're young people; it's what young people do.
09:44 / 04.07.05
Predictably, the tabloids have been all over the pool shenanigans, with that amazing blend of attitudes only the tabs can have- double-page spreads littered with tits and salacious gossip, with little side-bars by the critics and stuff saying how much Derek, Science et al have gone up in their estimation for not joining in.
09:49 / 04.07.05
What was so bad about the pool thing (unsafe sex blah blah aside)? As Big Brother snogathons go, this one seemed reasonably sincere ie. because those concerned were pissed up and horny, rather than because they wanted to appear wiiild (although, naturally, the one doesn't exclude the other) or secure an OK! deal.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:06 / 04.07.05
I don't particularly object to the pool antics either, although Orlaith & Craig was very cringe-inducing. Totally baffled by something I read on another forum which seemed to imply that Eugene's endless, endless anecdotes were preferable to the ghastly horror of people copping off with each other.
10:09 / 04.07.05
But his mum put a currant bun in the toaster... and... and... the electric...

Did she laugh when you said that?
11:43 / 04.07.05
Ganesh- totally (not that I really relish the prospect of seeing ANY of these fucks naked)- I was more talking about the weird prurience/prudery tightrope the red-tops seem to inhabit.
Spatula Clarke
12:03 / 04.07.05
Maxwell came out of the whole sauna thing quite well, too. Seems to be wise to Makosi's wiles. Could that have been her ultimate reason for getting shot of Saskia? She was talking about making a move on him before the eviction, after all.

Also handled the Anthony/Craig biz nicely. Mind you, he *does* work in Top Shop.

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