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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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23:44 / 01.06.05
With the added bonus, of course, that all of it is aimed at people who did not, in fact, nominate him.

I'm not sure I like this fiddling around with the nomination system, but for tonight, at least, it's been fairly entertaining.
23:52 / 01.06.05
I'm wondering whether the 'successful 13th housemate gets to pick the nominees' thing was an on-the-hoof twist, based on Makosi's evident ease/relish at getting others to dislike her. Thinner-skinned or less conflict-happy housemates would've found her task a much heavier burden; I suspect they added more responsibility because Makosi seemed to be enjoying it.

The House appears to be dissolving into argument, with rows, sub-rows and meta-rows (people rowing about whether having rows constitutes 'playing up for the cameras'). Digital Spy has already christened this evening 'Fight Night II'...
23:57 / 01.06.05
Splendid! Lesley was just in the middle of telling Maxwell how she actually quite liked Sam - no, really - when Craig arrived to rather undermine this by telling Lesley that she was "right about that fucking bitch from day one".

Craig is very angry that people think he's camp. Lesley is very angry that people are 'stereotyping' him. I am very amused.

(Don't worry, I will stop with the wittering and go to bed soon...)
00:02 / 02.06.05
Witter away, (Duncan)!

Speaking of Moonpig, she's growing on me like a big-titted verruca. During one of yesterday's many bitching/straight-talking/truth-saying (but behind people's backs) sessions, she sayeth

"I have more sex experience than her. I've had two shags and they said I knew where to touch and everything"

I'm really warming to her!
Whisky Priestess
00:19 / 02.06.05
I presume she was talking about the apparently helium-breasted Saskia?
00:20 / 02.06.05
Who knows? I've rather lost track of who's accusing whose mammaries of peacockery at any given time...
00:21 / 02.06.05
Digital Spy has already christened this evening 'Fight Night II'...

To be honest, I'd be amazed if this evening is anything like as epochal as that, or as unique. I can't work out what's causing it, but the overwhelming facet of this year to date has been the constant stream of fairly serious shouting matches that've gone on, and I don't think anything that's happened (so far) tonight has been enough of an escalation to change either the tone of the house or the attitude of the producers (if they're to some extent responsible for provoking the friction).

Still not feeling the Moonpig love, I'm afraid. Did you see the singing on the night of Mary's birthday? I mean, nobody came out of it well, but Lesley's 'Oh no I couldn't possibly...Oh alright then' shtick was amongst the most cringeworthy things. In a night not bereft of cringe. It wasn't Michelle-bad, but it wasn't good.

Mary (just now): This isn't for television!

00:35 / 02.06.05
To be honest, I'd be amazed if this evening is anything like as epochal as that, or as unique. I can't work out what's causing it, but the overwhelming facet of this year to date has been the constant stream of fairly serious shouting matches that've gone on, and I don't think anything that's happened (so far) tonight has been enough of an escalation to change either the tone of the house or the attitude of the producers (if they're to some extent responsible for provoking the friction).

Oh, I agree. If, as with last year's crew, the housemates had lingered longer in Forming before progressing to Storming (guess who watched BBLJ today?), tonight's steady stream of disparate strops, row, barneys and bitchslappings might've appeared more dramatic. As it is, I think there's gonna have to be some touchy-feeliness injected soon or the near-relentless shoutery might risk turning some viewers off.

What's caused it? The personality mix, obviously, but Makosi's task may also be one of the factors which queered the pitch, kept people uncertain and inhibited group Forming/Norming. As mentioned earlier, this year has seen a larger-than-usual proportion of individuals whose video applications don't match their general presentation/demeanour, making me wonder whether there're more individuals with slightly maladaptive coping mechanisms/reality filters - and the fact that they're all having those mechanisms challenged (Craig's denounced as a camp non-Destroyer, Mary's genuineness is called into question, Sam's increasingly unpopular, Moonpig's ignored by the hetboys) is what's increasing the conflict. Self-images are being cracked too soon, and the addition of alcohol and nominations speed the process.

00:39 / 02.06.05
Mary trying to get Endemol to pull the plug!

Tryphena Absent
00:50 / 02.06.05
Jeez, do they know nothing, if you don't want your speech broadcast you just need to inject brandnames into every NIKE sentence. That way they can't Coca-Cola get away with making your speech public.
00:51 / 02.06.05
Or you Nadia pepper your Bubble conversation with Cameron names of former Marco housemates.
Tryphena Absent
00:53 / 02.06.05
Cor I can see someone sleeping through the window in the living room. How weird is that!
01:07 / 02.06.05
Moonpig arguing, quite persuasively, that she cannot be jealous of Sam because she wouldn't want "a spotty arse and a rashy fanny".

Digital Spy speculation, at this point, as to whether Lizzie from Wife Swap might have an estranged late-teens daughter...
Tryphena Absent
01:12 / 02.06.05
Oh moonpig. I'm jealous of Sam's body too, nicely tempered by my absolute lack of desire to possess her brain. Alas moonpig is a bit thick but hopefully she can be taught by time.
Tryphena Absent
01:14 / 02.06.05
Of course the fact that I don't feel any attraction to Sam should clue me into the idea that it's societal pressure that makes me want her body instead of my own.
01:14 / 02.06.05
I'd been thinking that the friction which has been directly caused by Makosi's task was no more than a small percentage of the whole, but I guess it could've set a precedent that the others are subsequently living up to.

The point about shattered self-images is fascinating. My assumption would be that that couldn't have been something the producers would have been able to predict, or certainly not in all cases, in which case they muxt be rubbing their hands with glee.

The alcohol thing is curious, because I don't actually think that many of them have seemed particularly drunk tonight.

Anyway, that's me done for the evening. I wouldn't necessarily bet on it, but the last half hour or so they seem to have calmed down, so it seems as good a time as any. It's been a pleasure, folks.
01:16 / 02.06.05
Mary (who one might've hoped would know better) claims she now sees Sam "for the silly little tart that she is". They're planning to have a second house meeting tomorrow, with Makosi chairing it (the gall of the woman!); Mary, her intellectual superiority complex coming along nicely now, apparently wants to "buy everyone new brains before trying to have a discussion with them".

How are C4 gonna edit this down? 'Cause what they do and don't show is gonna be crucial.
Tryphena Absent
01:24 / 02.06.05
I'm a bit confused because I missed a couple of hours of coverage, who's been fighting with who?
01:27 / 02.06.05
Slightly lost track of it too (and heading off to bed now) but it seems everyone's been screaming at everyone else, except Derek and (apart from her spat with Mary) Saskia.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:53 / 02.06.05
Mary drives me up the bloody wall: she really does have the worst characteristics of yer worst Barbelither, in that she a) thinks that anyone who does not share her own set of tediously familiar interests is part of teh shallow townie mainstream, and b) is unable to recognise when other people are attempting conciliation or diplomacy, because her own massive emotional problems need to feed on teh CONFLICT!!!

Typical conversation:

A shallow mainstream townie: "I know we've had our differences, Mary, but I hope we can find some common ground."

Mary: "Well that would be nice but you're not as clever as me, you take time over your appearance whereas I was born in these clothes blah blah blah."

Plus she thinks Science is some kind of genius! Gah!

Felt very sorry for Kemal last night, having to sit there silently as simpleton Makosi blathered on and on to the two people she'd picked to be up for eviction, who were in turn banging on unawares about those evil other people who'd probably nominated them. Poor guy had the expression of someone who'd just started to realise what they'd let themselves in for...

As for Craig: "If you want to be on a gameshow, go on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? - this isn't a gameshow!" What a simpleton.
Evil Scientist
10:03 / 02.06.05
If things run as normal in the eviction stakes then Mary will be out tomorrow. It's a relatively consistant feature of this show that the housemates that cause the most agro the first couple of weeks will get nominated, and then the public votes them out. Annoying as that is. Personally I'd rather the pseudo-Atlantean stays in, but then I like seeing these people suffer.

I'm enjoying their constant whining about Big Brother not being fair. Didn't these people do any kind of research on the situation they were putting themselves in? Of course not, all far too concerned with getting their pictures in the tabloids.

Now I'm going to hide in the corner. First post-Introduction thread I talk on and it's Big-bloody-Brother. Kill me.
Nobody's girl
10:53 / 02.06.05
I reckon we got ourselves an alpha bitch contest going on here. Lesley and Sams argument was one aspect of this, but I suspect Marys huffing and blowing might be an aspect of it too.
Nobody's girl
11:01 / 02.06.05
Hmm, and it looks like Makosi is the one with enough cunning to pull alpha bitchdom off. Mind you, she was forced into her scheming position, what's interesting is that she's still playing and she doesn't have to anymore.
11:47 / 02.06.05
Mary drives me up the bloody wall: she really does have the worst characteristics of yer worst Barbelither

I'm wondering whether this is why she's consistently pushing all my GANESH SMASH! buttons; it's the peculiarly Barbeloid familiarity that's breeding my contempt.

As well as the misplaced intellectual superiority and much-denied thirst for conflict, Mary really isn't (for a psychic) terribly good at reading people. She seems to swing alarmingly in her likes and dislikes, often spiking into what appears to be acute paranoia. Saskia was initially possessed of "good energy"; now she's a "telepathic snake". Roberto was liked and indulged; now he too is the enemy. Latest on Mary's Instant Shitlist (for no immediately obvious reason) is the relatively innocuous Derek (who nominated Mary's two main female nemeses, Sam and Saskia): today, he's been described various as "sly", "nasty", "vile", "disgusting", an "arrogant old man" but, paradoxically, also a "fucking immature" "kid". She "hates" him, wants to be rid of him and hopes he is booed when she leaves. She's told the "sly little man" some of this to his face (which makes it okay, then, because straight-talking trumps tact), adding that she "can see right through" him. Derek was understandably perplexed and angered (as was Roberto, previously) by this seemingly unprovoked burst of venom.

This is something that worries me slightly about Mary. Her internal world seems, often, to take precedence over what's going on around her, and she appears to have no qualms about reacting to others according to what's going on in her head rather than what they've actually said/done at any given time. This fits with the previous anecdote (a page or two ago) by a friend from drama school, wherein Mary would occasionally just sit down on stage during rehearsals, refusing to say her lines, and the other actors would have to rearrange the play around her. How she feels is paramount.

For me, she's starting to creep from the box marked 'Odd Personality' to the 'Psychiatric Disorder' one. I'm wondering whether she's swinging in and out of brief paranoid psychosis.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:02 / 02.06.05
Well, from the time I saw her interview and pretty much every time I've caught the program so far, I've been asking of whoever's in the room "Is it really OK for Channel 4 to put people who may not be 'well' into the program..'. She doesn't strike me as being all that mentally healthy.

Then again, was the Max Carlish prog on 4 as well?

Answers that question then.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
12:03 / 02.06.05
Ooh, I bust my Big Brother Thread cherry.
Lurid Archive
13:23 / 02.06.05
This is great fun. Much better than I remember the actual show ever being, which I haven't got access to at the moment. Anyway, I have a question about the nominations. How do they work? I seem to remember that everyone in the house voted and the two people with the most votes got voted on by the public.

Things have changed, right? At least thats what it seems like with all the talk of "sly" Makosi.
Evil Scientist
13:30 / 02.06.05
Contestents are supposed to undergo psychological evaluation before being put into the house. I've no idea how intensive it is but after last year's little dust-up I doubt they'd put anyone in who had a question mark hanging over them.
13:33 / 02.06.05
Verb Noun, you're almost spot on, the contestants with the most nominations get put up for eviction, this can be more than two in the event of a three-way tie, for example. It's then down to the public who they want to vote off.
13:37 / 02.06.05
Forgot to add: it's seems like it's changed but I don't think Endemol are going to keep pushing the 'stealth nomination' angle for fear of turning the audience off with too much backhandery... It was more of a sweetner to keep people watching for week one (and be hooked for w2 by the time it ends). Sneakies!
Alex's Grandma
14:51 / 02.06.05
Yeah, if the voting public's continually prevented from getting at the house members it really hates by nomination jiggery-pokery, there will be trouble, I guess.

I'm also wondering about Mary's apparently uncontrollable outbursts - Are they just a function of the early threat of eviction, or would they have happened in week one anyway ?
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:32 / 02.06.05
Contestents are supposed to undergo psychological evaluation before being put into the house. I've no idea how intensive it is but after last year's little dust-up I doubt they'd put anyone in who had a question mark hanging over them.

I'm guessing you don't work in the media.
Cat Chant
15:41 / 02.06.05

He never went home from our first date and had had his mail redirected after one week


[ / threadrot]
15:55 / 02.06.05
Well, from the time I saw her interview and pretty much every time I've caught the program so far, I've been asking of whoever's in the room "Is it really OK for Channel 4 to put people who may not be 'well' into the program..'. She doesn't strike me as being all that mentally healthy.

How would you go about defining "mental health" - or, for that matter, "health" generally? Absence of illness? Slightly shifty goalposts, especially where mental health's concerned. Happiness? Back to definitions.

This is the problem. Absence of psychiatric illness (as defined, presumably, by ICD10 or similar) is not the same as "mental health" - and, where Big Brother is concerned, we're faced with a variety of individuals whose character traits might well be considered statistically unusual (in that they're fairly extreme exhibitionists/narcissists/whatever) but it doesn't automatically follow that these people are not "mentally healthy". One can probably speculate with a mild degree of accuracy how a given individual might react to situation stress, but not to the extent of being able to unequivocally predict problems.

Prospective BB housemates are assessed by a psychiatrist, who checks them and their history for evidence of serious psychiatric illness (depression, schizophrenia, addictions, eating disorders, etc.) and at least one psychologist carries out personality testing - but it'd be naive to suppose that this process could (or, arguably, should) screen out all individuals with a possibility of developing a psychiatric illness.

I don't think I've ever felt a housemate is "unwell" in the sense of having a defined psychiatric disorder. Last year, I thought Kitten had borderline personality disorder (which meant she was unlikely to tolerate the House, and it was silly to put her in) and this year, I initially reckoned Mary had histrionic personality disorder - but am wondering if schizotypal is nearer the mark. Alex, a few years back, had mild obsessive-compulsive disorder...

Other than those, I can't think of anyone offhand.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:35 / 02.06.05
Sheesh, some people just can't leave the office at the office, knowarrimean?

I knew when I posted it you'd pull me on it. I could say that she strikes me as prone to statistically unusual and most likely societally / interpersonally difficult to assimilate modes of behaviour or expressions of emotions and thoughtforms, but shit, she'd probably love that description.

I'll shut up now, and leave to her is-she-/isn't she faking it ways. Different strokes for differnet folks and all that.

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