Saskia's body image comment was made by Mary in the diary room. Maybe it isn't true.
Gawd, you'll be telling me next the seven anal probes didn't happen...
It wasn't a 'talk', it was an attack
It would've stood more chance of being a talk if Mary hadn't demanded an audience. As far as I could see, it was Saskia saying, 'you said one thing to me and another to other people and I look a twat; don't fucking do that again' - and Mary saying, 'other people think you're fake too, I don't like you, you're boring and childish'. So yes, attack, but I think it's Mary who did the attacking.
Maybe it's because I can't relate at all to that kind of Trisha-ness, but she just feels shallow to me.
And I guess I'm more appreciative of honest shallowness ("I want to be a footballer's wife") than smugly bollocky 'depth'.
And although I can see she was trying to appear put things right, I'm not sure I believe she actually meant it. She didn't really let Mary speak, she just did that talking really loudly over her thing, and forced Mary into attack mode.
Whether she meant it or not (and I think she'd have been happy with the most token of apologies), Saskia tried to address the issue on a one-to-one basis, but was sabotaged by Mary. As for not letting Mary speak, Mary managed to do a fair amount of weaselling (of the 'other people agree with me' sort) before moving into attack mode - and, frankly, she overattacked. |