Will it include the words, "look into my eyes look into my eyes not around my eyes into my eyes my eyes"?
According to the live updates, Mary's become a lot more assertive over the last 24 hours, readily taking sides against certain of the female housemates for little or no apparent reason. She got to choose who got which costumes for her Hallowe'en Goth-Lite party, and opted to give the sexy, tight dresses to Kemal and Craig (who's not even into cross-dressing, as far as we know), seemingly merely to deny those outfits to Sam and Saskia, who got comparitively frumpy cloak affairs. She describes herself as "ruthless", and I suspect this is her way of dealing with female rivals.
I'm in two minds as to whether or not she'll leave. I wonder whether her initial shakiness was the result of being booed when she entered the house, and now she's been suitably reassured that she's a lovely spiritual snowflake etc., etc. she'll stay. I suspect her announcement will be some crap about "bad energy" coming from Sam and Saskia, or summat.
Speaking of Sam, it looks like she'll be the target of much of this year's misogyny (despite Moonpig's heroic efforts): she's already being labelled a "slag" on account of "flirting".
Same old same old, then. |