Was doing a thing today where I had to sashay in as the Big Cheese, full of knowledge and authority, and take people through a process all day long. I was finding it hard going because they were a tough crowd and I'm not an expert in their clinical specialism but had to help them find ways to improve their performance.
Then, at lunchtime, someone mentioned BB and I was off and running! Meant that throughout the afternoon session, half the group chatted away and behaved liked my best friends, while the other half looked at me like I had two heads because of my depth of knowledge on this trivial subject. I think my claims that it was the analysis of group dynamics that appealed to me had failed to convince.
Anyway, lots of supporters there for Saskia and her real boobs and they didn't like the Moonpig and her false ones. Are her boobs false then? I was surprised that, in this enitrely female group, the discussion amongst the BB watchers was all about big breasts and the wisdom of augementation surgery. None of the men got a mention. |