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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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19:36 / 06.08.05
Yes, Eugene's tears are quite upsetting - but, increasingly, he seems to be crying more and more; I do find myself thinking, "oh, Eugene, just stop...".
Tryphena Absent
19:40 / 06.08.05
I haven't got to that stage yet, probably because I'd be crying in that house as well.
19:46 / 06.08.05
Well yes, sure, it's just that Eugene seems prone to tears so much at the moment, over such odd things (the fact that he was the only one to resist temptation in the Keeping Makosi In A Cage task) that I always feel like sitting him down and explaining that, really, it isn't worth crying over.

We're both incapable of watching Big Brother without shouting at the screen. I want Craig out because it can't be good to have so many little spikes of anger while being unable to do anything about it. Perhaps I should ask Xoc to throw beer over me to calm me down.
Psi-L is working in hell
19:50 / 06.08.05
Bah! I say let's get proactive and do something about it....we can all go to Craig's eviction and throw beer at him. Or better yet unopened six packs of beer at him.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:51 / 06.08.05
A message to Anthony: just kill him, man. The producers won't intervene. I'll understand, the viewers will understand, his parents will understand... And no jury in the land would convict.
Tryphena Absent
19:53 / 06.08.05
Generally three or four of us are watching BB at a time here and everyone yells at least once during every installment... usually at Craig. Flyboy has taken to screaming "just kill yourself" at him repeatedly. I would like to say it's disturbing but it isn't though my preference would be that I kill him. I'm selfish like that.
19:58 / 06.08.05
A message to Anthony: just kill him, man. The producers won't intervene. I'll understand, the viewers will understand, his parents will understand... And no jury in the land would convict.

Indeed. It'd be worth reviving the old 'homosexual panic' defence for. I'd turn a blind eye.
20:32 / 06.08.05
Yeah, I mean, Anthony may disqualify himself from the prize money if, just picking an example at random, he jammed a wire up Craig's nose and ripped his brain out Egyptian mummification-style, but Fly's right, no jury would ever convict him, and he'd never have to pay for anything ever again in his entire life. Drugs, booze, food- if he were to do something like that, or maybe something involving a giant stapler, or maybe even a big pencil-sharpener-type doohickey (possibly even smeared in poo- I mean, it's all hypothetical at this point, unfortunately) to Craig, who WOULDN'T buy him a pint?
Spatula Clarke
21:43 / 06.08.05

I'm leaning more towards AhoyGate, after Craig's favourite (only?) t-shirt. We've started humming the Captain Pugwash theme every time he appears in it.
22:33 / 06.08.05
He is SO not a pirate. Not on my ship, at any rate.
22:35 / 06.08.05
According to the avid footage-watchers on Digital Spy, Craig's been sitting on the settee this evening, talking about how, having been in the House for eleven weeks, he'll have built up a big media profile for himself - which will naturally result in a considerable "portfolio of offers" from agents when he leaves. "Ideally" he'd like his own chat show.

In Selfawaria, bipolar gayers are swimming for their lives.
22:38 / 06.08.05
Over on PunchACeleb, Craig appears to be leading by over 6 million hits...
22:54 / 06.08.05
That was satisfying. Could have used some blood, though...
23:00 / 06.08.05
In Selfawaria, polar gayers are swimming for their lives.

Ganesh, I think I love you. Not in a Craigtacular way, obviously.

What's that Craig's doing the "whip-cracking" thing with? Whatever it is, it's really not making him any less scary.
23:04 / 06.08.05
Why don't you support me then, Stoatie, instead of sitting there with that gormless expression on your pixels? Can't you see how Warewullf's torturing me? He wants to destroy both of us, he's evil. All I do is protect you, and I get nothing back. I can't take all this abuse. Help me, Stoatie, help meeeeeeee!

23:04 / 06.08.05
Ah. It's a whip left over from the cowqboy task, isn't it?

They gave him weapons? Endemol are fucking mental.
23:07 / 06.08.05
Aw, Ganesh, jusht... jusht give it a fookin resht, alriight?
23:16 / 06.08.05
Kinga: "I didn't mean to suffocate you today"

I said that to someone once. Funnily enough, there was no reply.
01:14 / 07.08.05
Craig just said "this time in three weeks I'll be clubbing and having sex..."

He didn't say WHO he'd be clubbing...
Tryphena Absent
01:34 / 07.08.05
I bet Craig goes to Liquid... being of unknown sexuality and all.
07:52 / 07.08.05
Easier than waiting until they're incapacitated with alcohol, I guess.

(Having become a celebrity, Craig enjoys a drink with Marc Almond.)
Spatula Clarke
11:22 / 07.08.05
He didn't say WHO he'd be clubbing...

The baby seal, presumably. Sex with another (conscious) human being isn't likely to feature in Craig's life until everybody forgets who he is.
autopilot disengaged
16:09 / 07.08.05
so, it's been confirmed that Eugene has Asperger's syndrome now, yeah? (apparently his mum said so in an interview).

assuming this is the case, just going into the house was an incredibly brave thing to do - and the fact he's never shared this with any of the housemates despite consequently being way more prone to confusion and alienation in there contrasts admirably with Craig's appalling self-cultivated, illusory, exploitative victimhood.

i'd love him to win, but suspect anthony's position in a borderline abusive relationship (and the good-hearted way he's tried to deal with it) has already secured him the prize.
16:19 / 07.08.05
I'm still confident about Eugene (and to think how you mocked me).

Ganesh, that made me laugh so much, spunk came out of my nose.
Tryphena Absent
19:32 / 07.08.05
Oh Eug, far too good for that house.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:48 / 07.08.05
Anthony seems to have genuinely turned now, telling Craig to shut up every now and again, and not giving in to his emotional twatmail.

Craig: "I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do." Just. Kill. Yourself. You. Fucking. Wankstain.

Quite enjoyed the Blaine-ian treatment of Makosi - she did deserve it - but equally, hard not to feel some admiration for 'Euge'.

I do wish Big Brother would start trying to push Craig over the edge when he comes weeping to the diary room.


"*sob* Yes, Big Brother?"

"Everything bad that's happening to you is your own fault."

And so on.
19:53 / 07.08.05
Anyone remember Vic Reeves' Big Night Out? There was a character who became fearful of chives (or spirit levels or summat). Eugene reminds me of him: he cries when confronted with cakes.

As far as Asperger's Syndrome goes, I'd remind people that such diagnoses are not either/or absolutes, generally form a continuum and do not exist within a sociocultural vacuum. In other words, the fact that Eugene has apparently (according to his mother) been diagnosed with Aspergers does not automatically mean he's "way more prone to confusion and alienation" than people who have not been diagnosed with Aspergers.

Personally, I'd say he'd fit somewhere on the mild-tending-to-moderate end of the autistic spectrum - as would many other 'geeks'. The fact that someone somewhere has called it a 'syndrome' does not necessarily confer a significant degree of disability...
paranoidwriter waves hello
21:33 / 07.08.05
Anyone remember Vic Reeves' Big Night Out? There was a character who became fearful of chives (or spirit levels or summat).

Was that 'Les'?
21:38 / 07.08.05
Tryphena Absent
21:45 / 07.08.05
The fact that someone somewhere has called it a 'syndrome' does not necessarily confer a significant degree of disability...

No but it's pretty obvious that he finds it more difficult than is average to judge social situations. It also explains why he's getting teary because the reactions of the people in the house at the moment are very finely tuned and he must be finding it difficult to process them.
22:20 / 07.08.05
He just strikes me, purely on the basis of watching him on TV, as a decent kind of guy. His rambling expositions seem intended to be interesting and entertaining- ie he's at least trying to do something good for the other housemates.

I also like the way that he genuinely seems to be inspiring sympathy in people (a lot of people on here, anyway, by the looks of things) whereas the nasty little fuck who's constantly ASKING for it is inspiring revulsion. Just like real life, really, and strangely giving me slightly more faith in the human species.

I'm not really too bothered about who wins, as long as it's not Craig. But it would be quite cool if, just for once, the person actually trying not to act like a cock got some form of recognition for it. It seems to be a dying art.
22:31 / 07.08.05
No but it's pretty obvious that he finds it more difficult than is average to judge social situations.

Yes, but my point is, diagnoses like Asperger's Syndrome, as well as including a large subjective element on the part of the diagnoser, are dimensional rather than categorical ie. one is not Aspergers-positive or Aspergers-negative, but generally somewhere along a continuum which broadly overlaps with 'normal' behaviour. Eugene does seem to find social situations hard to judge - or, at least, he finds certain social situations hard to judge (in a group of nerdier, less media-savvy individuals, he'd probably cope considerably better) - but I'm not sure that this necessarily maps neatly onto a psychiatric label.

It also explains why he's getting teary because the reactions of the people in the house at the moment are very finely tuned and he must be finding it difficult to process them.

I don't think Eugene's necessarily having significantly more difficulty processing emotional reactions than anyone else in the House. I think he's getting teary because he's rather more conscious of possibly Doing The Wrong Thing, and making a fool of himself. One might argue that the reactions of other housemates are more pathological than Eugene's because they're insufficiently concerned about how their own actions might impinge on others.

I guess I'm resisting the tendency to point to a diagnostic label as a way of explaining Eugene and his behaviour. This is partly because I'm aware of the many sociocultural factors around the acts of seeking and giving diagnoses, and because I think Eugene's autistic traits are relatively mild, and are in danger of being overemphasised.
Spatula Clarke
22:54 / 07.08.05
Ack, I just figured out who Eugene's pattern of speech and intonation when telling one of his painfully uninterseting stories remind me of.

Jeremy fucking Clarkson. We get the introduction, we get some information, we get the build up, then there's a pause...


..and then there's the punchline.

With the quick drop in tone at the beginning of the punchline and sudden rise back up for the very last word.

As a result, I don't know if I can support him any longer.
Mourne Kransky
23:03 / 07.08.05
E Randy, you have spoiled Eugene for me.

I shall have to vote for Dermot at this rate.
23:16 / 07.08.05
What have you done to me, you fucks? I'm actually pissed off C4 has no live feed tonight.

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