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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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20:47 / 09.08.05
Craig is apparently going to tell Davina he knows "for a fact" that Makosi and Anthony didn't have sex. Presumably he has the vaginal swabs to prove it. Or perhaps he just is a vaginal swab.
20:50 / 09.08.05
Craig confident that he's "more photogenic" than Anthony:

Referring to the housemates' publicity shots, Craig announced: "I looked at my picture this morning and actually thought I looked beautiful. I think, going off those pictures, I think I might be the one that's getting the modelling contract, not you."

"Are you really being serious?" asked Anthony in disbelief.

"I'm really being serious," Craig insisted. "If an agency looked at those pictures they wouldn't pick you to do a photo shoot."

"You're a person who thinks they're better looking than they really are," Anthony claimed in the face of his defiance.

"Facially, you're too strong," mused Craig. "I've worked with modelling agencies, I've done photoshoots. I know what they want and I'm it!"

Fist Fun
20:54 / 09.08.05
So they gave Kinga non alcoholic wine and she acted crazy and drunk. How humiliating. Was funn when Eugene was all please go away I just don't like drunk people. Ok, just one song.
21:03 / 09.08.05
Eugene was word perfect on Tainted Love, wannee? And Kinga's placebo-inebriation reminded me of prepubertal school trips where someone would claim to have doctored their Fanta with their folks' drinks cabinet. We'd all take a sip and reel around theatrically, "I'm soooo drunk!"
Tryphena Absent
21:31 / 09.08.05
nooooo Kinga. Nooooooooooooo.

Every moment of this show hurts me. But Roberto jumped out of a giant cake and schnuggled Derek on BBLB so it's fine. It is fine.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
21:33 / 09.08.05
Kinga is an anthropomorphised, living, breathing placebo effect.
Essential Dazzler
21:40 / 09.08.05
I think she deserves a hangover after that effort. Bravo Kinga. Her liver has serious issues.
Fist Fun
21:50 / 09.08.05
The Kinga Eugene thing reminded me of some sort of brother sister things. With Eugene the older Brother busy studying something important and Kinga the spoilt younger sister demanding just one song like they always do. Has Eugene been singing lots? The delivery was amusing. Wish he had been there for the rap task in week one.

Why was he even reading the Big Brother house rules? It is cruel not to allow books.
22:38 / 09.08.05
"I looked at my picture this morning and actually thought I looked beautiful."

22:45 / 09.08.05
Craig then (leaping out of the pool in shock): Oh my God, they're having sex!

Craig now (leaping unsolicited to Anthony's defence): Don't worry though mate, when it's my interview - although it's about me - I'm going to get in that. I'm going to say 'just for the record, Makosi and Anthony did not have sex'.
modern maenad
07:29 / 10.08.05
So is Eugene a fan of the Soft Cell or Marilyn Manson version??
Fist Fun
08:11 / 10.08.05
I bet Eugene could do a really good rendition of Love Machine.
08:24 / 10.08.05
I liked that Eugene cracked slightly and muttered sotto voce "stupid bitch" when he was moving Kinga's wine bottle away from his bedside table. It endeared him to me, that he could demonstrate perfectly understandable frustration with someone who was getting on his nerves. He had quite a good voice, I thought.

I really really hope that the public can get over the belief that the winner should have had to 'serve their time' and that they will vote for Eugene, rather than automatically assuming that a latecomer shouldn't/couldn't win. I further hope that the voting population is a bit more enlightened than the semiliterate cro-magnons who text in during the live feed, and who were replying "Craig 2 win! he is the funiest in the house!! Kinga's a minger ha ha!!!" last night.

Alex's Grandma
09:27 / 10.08.05
So is Eugene a fan of the Soft Cell Or Marilyn Manson version??

'Well it's funny you should ask that, MM... Yes actually it's, ah, hnnf, urgh... It's really a fascinating story, because you see what happened is...'

Followed by twenty odd minutes of glazed eyes, scratched wrists and thoughts of suicide/murder in not just the Big Brother house, but right across the country.

A classic eccentric English boffin-type Eugene may very well be, m'lud ('I shall have... I shall have a flaggon of your finest ale, good barkeep! Gleurghsh!) but imagine being stuck in a lift with say Bill Oddie, David Bellamy or Patrick Moore.

After ten or so minutes, death, I'm guessing, would seem like such sweet release.

As a 'not exactly unintelligent, shall we say, if not perhaps all that gifted in the social skills department, urgh, young man of 27' Eugene's presumably been told before now just how unpleasant he is to be around when he's 'being himself,' so why does he persist? Isn't his refusal to just, y'know, shut up when he's obviously not just boring, but actively disturbing the people around him a sign of an admittedly less revolting, but nevertheless just as pernicious, form of narcissism as that routinely practised by Mr Toad? Eugene seems to be aware of his faults, but for whatever reason apparently chooses to do nothing whatsoever about them - In that sense, isn't he actually 'worse' than Mary, Maxwell, Saskia, etc?

Otherwise, if Eugene genuinely does have a medical condition (and in any operative sense, I highly doubt it,) wtf are his parents doing discussing it on national television? I can see why they 'might' have 'encouraged the boy' to apply for the show as a way of getting him out of his bedroom, but to then effectively label him as a bad risk employment-wise in front of at least four million viewers in the hope that he might just about limp home with the prize money on a sympathy vote... Just seems a bit counter-productive somehow.
Fist Fun
09:41 / 10.08.05
Leave him alone. So he tells boring stories and is uncool. He is a nice person. I don't want him to change.
haus of fraser
09:41 / 10.08.05
So is Eugene a fan of the Soft Cell Or Marilyn Manson version??

Maybe the Gloria Jones original!

Nahh, I think its Soft Cell- he mentioned it a few weeks back that he'd learnt it for Karaoke as someone told him he looked like Mark Almond, which he did Leather trousers eyeliner etc...

09:42 / 10.08.05
Actually, Aspergers is very hip in geek circles, Alex. I remember during the dot-com boom, everyone wanted Aspergers...
Alex's Grandma
10:19 / 10.08.05
He is a nice person

Well compared to the others, yes.

On the other hand though, and while I appreciate this is a matter of personal taste, if I met Eugene at a party and was given a choice between a)watching him have ecstatic sexual congress with a cold Pot Noodle while the family pet looked on and b)listening to one of his stories, I'd have to go for the former.

Just because it would be over more quickly.
10:27 / 10.08.05
Absolutely. Mild-end Aspergers = i-dotting, t-crossing conscientiousness, ability to absorb oneself utterly in the minutiae of one's work. In many areas of employment, this is a plus - hence the relatively reduced stigma attached to discussing it on television.

I'm not sure Eugene is unequivocally irritating the housemates: at times, they seem genuinely amused by him, and even Kinga (possibly not possessor of the world's highest attention span) seems to like him. In that particular setting, his complete lack of cool is probably welcome leavening. I certainly haven't seen anyone say outright, "Eugene, your monologues about radio/Morse Code/midnight mass are boring in the extreme, and we're all thoroughly pissed off with you; please stop it".
10:34 / 10.08.05
My "absolutely" in response to Haus.

I think you're being unfair, Alex. If I were at a party populated with not-terribly-bright, wholly apolitical media-conscious types obsessing over how best to make money from bumping uglies in the pool, I'd happily spend the night talking to Eugene. If you watched him with Derek, he was perfectly able to discuss a range of conversational topics with someone whose general knowledge and interests overlapped even a little with his own. The rambling, funny-for-the-wrong-reasons anecdotes are more likely to surface when no-one else will go high-brow (or even middle-brow) with him.
11:44 / 10.08.05
I really really hope that the public can get over the belief that the winner should have had to 'serve their time' and that they will vote for Eugene, rather than automatically assuming that a latecomer shouldn't/couldn't win.

Well, C4's bookie now reckons Eugene is favourite to win, which'd be nice. Wondering whether this being formally announced will mean Eugenists will now sit back and not vote, and Anthony gets it. Which'd also be okay. So long as Craig doesn't win, or Makosi, I'm not too bothered.
18:23 / 10.08.05
18:24 / 10.08.05

18:25 / 10.08.05
I was umming and ahhing about getting some wine, but I have to celebrate...
18:27 / 10.08.05
Who the fucking Christ is cheering?
18:28 / 10.08.05
That's Ganesh, his voice carries a long way, I've heard.
paranoidwriter waves hello
18:28 / 10.08.05
*tear in eye*

Almost makes me proud to be British... Anyone taking bets on how long before we see Craig have a very public nervous breakdown?
18:29 / 10.08.05
Fan-fucking-tastic. My faith is (at least partially) restored.
18:33 / 10.08.05
What was that sly thing Davina said..."Craig's out! Or is he...."

oo-er. Not sure if she's talking about his sexual preference or some pleaseno Endemol uberplan to stick him back. The former, I really. Really. Hope.
18:39 / 10.08.05
He's non-sexually out.





He knows it.
18:42 / 10.08.05
We are celebrating with the good widow Clicquot.

autopilot disengaged
18:47 / 10.08.05
me, i've got a big glass of Schadenfreude. mmmmmmmm. best served cold, i'm told.
18:49 / 10.08.05
Best served righteous.
19:09 / 10.08.05
Had I at any point had any faith in human nature, I think that would have restored it.
Mourne Kransky
19:11 / 10.08.05
Hehehehe hehehehehe

hehehehe bwahahaha!

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