Yeah, but the Doctor's a Timelord, Fly. Don't they exist outside of the regular boundaries?
But what I’m saying is that maybe *all* time travellers exist outside of normal time, a separate continuity that stays relatively stable while the rest of the universe is getting rewritten all the time. Jack’s from the 51st century, but that’s not to say he’s still of the 51st century, or that his time travel technology thingummybobs come from the 51st century, is it? He might have been caught up in a time storm, like Ace, and ended up somewhere else before he became a 'Time Agent'. I mean, the people in the second episode: none of them were time travellers, were they? It’s not a common thing.
I think that it’s not so much a multiverse: it’s just the one universe, that gets changed around a bit, while the time travellers can see the changes happening but aren’t affected by the changes themselves. Except in a time war, which happens all the way through the universe, from beginning to end - that’s how come both the Gelth and Jabe know about it - and after which Time Lords and Daleks don’t exist/haven’t ever existed. Or so everyone thinks. Like at the end of Donnie Darko, where everyone is half-remembering things that haven’t happened.
This *does* feel rather silly. Like I’m probably missing some blindingly obvious point. |