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The New Doctor Who


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paranoidwriter waves hello
17:40 / 20.06.05
I agree with Stoatey on this. Indeed, I hope our new Doctor is more "geeky", it would be more topical (if you know what I mean). Has there ever been a REALY geeky Doctor? Sylvester Mccoy didn't really do it for me.
Spatula Clarke
17:40 / 20.06.05
I know. I'm just trying to make the point that I think there were important things that the Eccles fell down on slightly - things that were obviously written to recall the sort of qualities that we associate with Baker - and Tennant could bring them out properly while also doing the things that Eccles did well.

It's not about him being the same, but having some similarities.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:22 / 20.06.05
Indeed, I hope our new Doctor is more "geeky", it would be more topical (if you know what I mean).

No, I don't know what you mean. What do you mean?
paranoidwriter waves hello
19:42 / 20.06.05
No offence meant to anyone (seriously, I hardly ever mean to offend), I promise. Indeed, I'm 60% geek apparently. I was just think of using the typical stereotype of "Geekishness" (glasses, problems socialising, obsessively collecting stuff) and playing on them in a (for want of more precise terminology) post-post-modern, tongue in cheek, "Buffy", type of way. I suppose, typing all that, Dr Who might be considered an Uber-Geek by some anyway, but I was thinking how it would make a welcome juxtaposition to the cool and confident Mr Eccleston. No?

Also, please forgive me, my knowledge of Dr Who, like many things, is patchy to say the least. I was just drifting and thought I'd ask you lot what you thought. Shall I get my coat? (bad, bad, joke.)
Poke it with a stick
19:48 / 20.06.05
I agree that a "new Doctor" would be nice, but the nature of the Doctor kinda precludes that, doesn't it? Sure, each new actor can add something, but the old Doctors are still in there (in Colin Baker's case, it looked like that was literal).
Besides, I for one would be thrilled with the return of jelly babies.
(Incidentally, I can't see them setting the Cyberman episode in Glasgow - all those crap gold sovereign rings would spell disaster for an invasion...)
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:55 / 20.06.05
It was the "topical" bit that confused me, paranoidwriter.
20:07 / 20.06.05
DisDave- surely the "nature of the doctor" can't preclude anything? I always thought that was the fun of regeneration- above and beyond being a handy plot device, it always gave a whole new world of fun every time? Surely his "nature" is to be mercurial? Unpredictable, fun, and a little uncanny- that's how I've always seen the Doctor to be. That leaves a HUGE amount to play with. (It's kind of handy for the writers, too, but let's just pretend this is all reall, otherwise I may as well get cable!)
The old Doctors are still in there somewhere, yes, but how obvious does that have to be? I mean, there was little of the Hartnell grumpy old man in Baker's run...
Poke it with a stick
20:12 / 20.06.05
Yeah, i agree with what you're saying, but all I was trying to say is that they can't start from scratch - there has to be at least a modicum of continuity. The Doctor has to follow on from his predecessors - even if he doesn't like where he came from and tries to react against it (I think they raised that issue in the 5 Doctors).
My god, but I'm topical...
Poke it with a stick
20:12 / 20.06.05
Yeah, i agree with what you're saying, but all I was trying to say is that they can't start from scratch - there has to be at least a modicum of continuity. The Doctor has to follow on from his predecessors - even if he doesn't like where he came from and tries to react against it (I think they raised that issue in the 5 Doctors).
My god, but I'm topical...
20:30 / 20.06.05
Isn't the point that you have the basic idea of a 900 year old time traveller with a slightly zany outlook on life (and death) and then each actor gets to riff with that.
It's the same character but acted in a different way, with differing dominant personality traits.
Poke it with a stick
20:34 / 20.06.05
Ignore me - I'm taking it way too seriously - I keep forgetting I'm not a very sober 8 year old clutching a comb shaped like Dougal from the Magic Roundabout trying not to look scared.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:37 / 20.06.05
Hmmm.... I wouldn't want to be the one to choose each time. Tough job?

But going back to my point, is this Cassanova geeza geeky (sorry, I forget his name and haven't seen any of his work) ? Hope he is. Imagine having a scene were the Doctor is really unsure and awkward in a big social scene? Has this already happened?) Also, (don't get angry, if this get's ya goat) is there a rule that the Doctor can' t/can be a woman? Just asking.

Hmm.....Never thought about it like this before. Cheers....
20:54 / 20.06.05
Rawk- yes, totally, the way I've always seen it at any rate.
As far as I can tell, he just has to be "eccentric"... for which read- ANYTHING. Anything that's entertaining.

Bear in mind, I liked McCoy. I firmly believe that had it not been for Bonnie Langford, he could have been a pretty definitive Doctor. So ignore me, for I am a mad.
22:08 / 20.06.05
Also, (don't get angry, if this get's ya goat) is there a rule that the Doctor can' t/can be a woman? Just asking.

An unwritten one, yes. Along with sheer inertia. As with all things Doctorish, though, nothing that can't be handwaved out to suit the series.
paranoidwriter waves hello
22:22 / 20.06.05
Cheers Ms. Triplets.

I know, I know: how about Eddie Izzard as a future Doctor? A tranvestite Doctor Who, that would cool (IMHO). Hmm... I don't know, what do you reckon? Too much?
22:36 / 20.06.05
If Izzard can do 'galavanting space kook', then hell yeah. I'd be all over that like the media on a celebrity noncing scandal.

I'd love to see a black Doctor, a female Doctor... everything really.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:06 / 20.06.05
black doctor

Good point. When I watched the last episode (Warning: spoiler coming) I was really worried about how Rose's boyfriend was going to turn out. When Rose said there was nothing left "here" for her, I thought he might do something bad out of jealousy and prayed he wouldn't, then thanked the BBC that he didn't, as the only other black character in that episode was the cowardly guy from 'The Weakest Link', who got exterminated.

Sadly, I missed a lot of this series, and these were the only two black characters I've seen so far. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being knee-jerk and playing a race card, but this kind of thing is REALLY important to me.

Sorry if this is threadrot, etc.
23:29 / 20.06.05
Then you missed episode 2 which features a sizzling performance by an actress playing a tree...
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:36 / 20.06.05
Oh yeah, I forgot about her. Doh! She was an excellent character, and she and the Doctor almost got it on, right?

(More spoliers!) Mind you, wasn't she a tree (or a female version of Swamp Thing, or something)? I just thought it would have been cool to have had the aforementioned "Weakest Link" contestant turn around and help Jack, or maybe even if he'd become a third assistant to the Doctor. I don't know, I don't want to stir up a hornet's nest. I really did LOVE what I saw of this new series, and I don't mean to be picky. It just occured to me and I felt I had to share, etc.
23:42 / 20.06.05
Ah, but then every minority group would want to step in and "help Jack". I know I would.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:53 / 20.06.05
True. I also forgot the (for want of the correct term) "Asian" lady who worked in the TV Space Station. She was cool and i liked the flirting between her and the white fella towards the end.
01:28 / 21.06.05
Paranoid, are you, in fact, me? I was having the same trouble "defining" the power-dressing boss in terms of race (I also considered "Indian" but remembered the kind of 'you-just-pissed-in-my-eye' response George got over the characters in Viminanarama). But, yeh, she was a nice touch.
Saint Keggers
02:30 / 21.06.05
Can add a spoilers warning for non UK people to the title of this thread.
02:51 / 21.06.05
paranoidwriter- "No offence meant to anyone (seriously, I hardly ever mean to offend), I promise. Indeed, I'm 60% geek apparently. I was just think of using the typical stereotype of "Geekishness" (glasses, problems socialising, obsessively collecting stuff) and playing on them in a (for want of more precise terminology) post-post-modern, tongue in cheek, "Buffy", type of way. I suppose, typing all that, Dr Who might be considered an Uber-Geek by some anyway, but I was thinking how it would make a welcome juxtaposition to the cool and confident Mr Eccleston. No?"

Dude, Andrew would be your ideal Dr. Who.
03:00 / 21.06.05
paranoidwriter waves hello
05:19 / 21.06.05
Hmmm.......I don't recognise him. Where's that still from?
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:34 / 21.06.05
Sadly, I missed a lot of this series, and these were the only two black characters I've seen so far.

Apart from the woman who saves the day in 'The Long Game'.
All Acting Regiment
08:19 / 21.06.05
The Doctor's always a little bit out there by the nature of who he is- which can lead to a little of what you might call "social awkwardness"- but I think a better way of describing it is that he doesn't get caught up in good manners and social mores; he pushes past them in the name of good, as opposed to hiding in a corner and letting bad stuff happen because it's not polite to mention it.

I also think that the "Socially Inept Doctor Cocks Up At A Party" storyline would get boring very, very quickly, don't you? In the same way that the "Gung Ho Doctor Shoots Fuck Out Of Stuff" has been sensibly avoided apart from a few good "almost" moments.
paranoidwriter waves hello
10:36 / 21.06.05
Er, yeah, you're right. Sorry, it was really hot last night where I am, and I think I was suffering from a touch of heat-stroke. Thanks for responding though.
Whisky Priestess
10:46 / 21.06.05
Doctor Andrew out of Buffy would rule. Although what a shame they couldn't get/afford/think of Anthony Head (Giles) for this regeneration. Perhaps next time?
13:47 / 21.06.05
That still is from Angel but that's Andrew (Tom Lenk) from Buffy/Angel.
A fall of geckos
14:20 / 21.06.05
"Anthony Head (Giles) for this regeneration"

Ooh yes - A Giles Doctor would be absolutely fantastic if they played down the over-the-top Englishness and concentrated on Anthony Head's excellent delivery of humour, and his ability to subtly hint at a very dark side.
Spatula Clarke
14:36 / 21.06.05
I'm throwing out a big fat no to the idea of ASH as the Doctor. It'd just recall Giles far too much. Far better to keep going for people who've not already done this sort of thing before.
paranoidwriter waves hello
16:17 / 21.06.05
Eddie Izzard it is then?
Brigade du jour
16:24 / 21.06.05
Spatula, you ... almost read my mind!


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