No offence meant to anyone (seriously, I hardly ever mean to offend), I promise. Indeed, I'm 60% geek apparently. I was just think of using the typical stereotype of "Geekishness" (glasses, problems socialising, obsessively collecting stuff) and playing on them in a (for want of more precise terminology) post-post-modern, tongue in cheek, "Buffy", type of way. I suppose, typing all that, Dr Who might be considered an Uber-Geek by some anyway, but I was thinking how it would make a welcome juxtaposition to the cool and confident Mr Eccleston. No?
Also, please forgive me, my knowledge of Dr Who, like many things, is patchy to say the least. I was just drifting and thought I'd ask you lot what you thought. Shall I get my coat? (bad, bad, joke.) |