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The New Doctor Who


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All Acting Regiment
10:18 / 19.06.05
Should we start another thread to speculate about the Christmas special? If we don't, can we start a bit of that here? Like, will it be Christmas *themed*, do you think?
Spatula Clarke
10:23 / 19.06.05
The Doctor stopped her before she got to the really godlike stuff, though.

Same feeling here. The Dcotor realises what's she's planning on doing , tells her that "nobody should have that power," or something like that, making the Rose bit of whatever she's become come back to the fore and allows her to realise that yeah, this is a bit dodgy after all. Not too different from when I fucked up by saving me dad, is it?

Much as I liked Lynda with a Y, if Rose brought her back to life it'd just belittle her sacrifice.
10:34 / 19.06.05
will it be Christmas *themed*, do you think?

I think RTD mentioned in interview something like "wait till you see what we do with Father Christmas", or something along those lines, and the credits did a bit of a James Bond and had "Doctor Who will return in the Christmas Invasion", so I suppose so.
All Acting Regiment
11:31 / 19.06.05
The TARDIS would make a brilliant santa sleigh. That could actually really technically get to every house in the world on Christmas Eve.
nedrichards is confused
13:17 / 19.06.05
I think that everyone on earth being killed but the colonies surviving explains the whole 'pure human' and interbreeding thing from a bit earlier in the series rather well. Also, they just left Jack there all on his own! For hundreds of years alone in the dark...
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:21 / 19.06.05
Just remembered as well that as the Daleks are bombing Earth you see the continents changing shape. But as the Doctor tells us in 'The End Of The World', they get put back the way they were to make it "a classic Earth"...
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
15:26 / 19.06.05
Continental drift happens normally. Unless the Cybermen nuked fuck out of Pangella.
17:56 / 19.06.05
Didn't they already make a "Doctor is Santa" type of joke this season?
I expect they'll cover that territory in greater detail... but obviously with the usual manic twist.

On second viewing I have to add my praise to Rose as Phoenix, the voice modulation was absolutely perfect. That could have been very "comedy" if she didn't pull it off. Liked the fact that her cockerney accent reurns as she breaks out of the power induced trance.

Poor Rose though, she gets her man only for her man to change into another man in front of her eyes. Thats got to be a main theme for future episodes.
20:23 / 19.06.05
Finally got to see this on the sunday repeat...

Lots of fun - a hell of a lot was packed in, which kind of made me want an extra half hour or extra episode to give it all enough room to breathe... but , well, it's not so bad leaving them all wanting more...

And I am wanting more. I want the christmas episode now - and the new series starting next week - and the boxed set of this series yesterday...
Benny the Ball
20:44 / 19.06.05
Sunday repeat? Where, when? Damn.
20:50 / 19.06.05
on bbc 3...7pm sunday.. has been for most of the run...
Benny the Ball
20:53 / 19.06.05
Ah, that'll explain my ignorance, I'm arial free so free-view free and tend not to check the listings, or log such thoughts, or pay attention, or nothing.
Bed Head
21:43 / 19.06.05
Eek. I’m late to this love-in, too. Curses. I’ll probably have a better post knocked together before long, but I’m logging in to report that, right now, I’m not too sure which is best. Or which made me squeee more,

“Wish I’d never met you. I was much better off as a coward.” (*kiss*)


“It’s killing me!”
“Come here. I think you need a doctor” (*kiss*)

Still, *definitely* one of the more big girl’s blouse-esque 45 minutes in my life. I was wrapped very tight by the time I got to see this episode, and it unfurled me sooooo beautifully. And that the whole best. television. ever. thing might be becoming some sort of meme, to judge from various phone calls and such-and-such said-type anecdotal evidence over the weekend.

And, hey, never seen Buffy, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen Tennant in anything. You look like that, Haus? Bloody hell. I really must barbequote you more often.
Bed Head
21:51 / 19.06.05
And. Kisses aside, after finally reading the (ahem) ‘spoiler thread', I’m overjoyed that this turned out to be the ending that nobody actually predicted/spoiled/guessed. That all the bad wolf = lone Dalek/Adam/the Face of Boe/Mickey/Micky=the Face of Boe/The Master/Davros/Davros=Adam/zillions of other theories, every last one of them, that they were all wrong. And that we got a Phoenix-type thing *and* a proper 4-D war. Old-school, Gallifreyan style. I mean, here’s hoping we get to see an Order Of The Black Sun reference at some point. Why not?

Plus. Hm, new teef. Where was I? Ah, yeah. Barcelhohhnahhh. </rather Terence Stampish>. Class start. I feel more swinging already.
Bed Head
22:02 / 19.06.05
*reads whothefuck David Tennant is*

Gosh. This bloke’s supposed to be Scottish? Did I just imagine the Stampesque swinging 60s geezer voice, then? It won't be the first time.
22:12 / 19.06.05
He seems to be using the same accent as he did in Casanova, which is indeed a bit Terence Stampish...
Spatula Clarke
23:08 / 19.06.05
I'm hoping he plays the whole thing pretty much as he did Casanova, really. You could lift that character straight out of that series, plonk him down in Doctor Who without having to change anything (much - I guess the rampant bonking might have to be excised) and bang - a more impish, more charming, more swishing take on Tom Baker.
Spatula Clarke
23:14 / 19.06.05
Actually, scrub the Tom Baker thing. I don't know why I keep saying it.
Bed Head
23:21 / 19.06.05
Wishful thinking? I keep catching myself trying to read Billie Piper as Lalla Ward, purely on the basis of her charismatic overbite.

Hmm. I guess I should go and watch Casanova.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
23:37 / 19.06.05
Very satisfied that not one rumor or theory I read came out to be true.

.... up until I read the Friday papers.

... bastards them, idiot me.
Spatula Clarke
00:25 / 20.06.05
Thinking on it more, my Tennant/Baker thing might be because I can see Tennant being able to handle the humour better than the Eccles did.

Don't get me wrong, overall the Eccles was great, but his best moments were the small ones - just looking at the last episode, there's the real smile that accompanies the to-camera "have a fantastic life," the empty, hollow look when he fires Rose back off to her mum and Mickey, the heartbreakingly honest relief after he's let the time vortex guff back into the TARDIS. Those are things - yr real happiness and sadness - that the Eccles basically brought to the series himself. No Doctor before's managed to pull you along with him in those moments. I've never really felt anything for the Doctor before, other than 'cool guy, funny, wish I had his job'. It took up until towards the end of the second episode before the Eccles got me, with the bit where Jabe comforts him and his eyes well up, because that was the first time that the script, imo, asked him to do something that he's a master at.

But the humour, I don't think he cracked. Same goes for the BIG anger. When he yells at the Daleks to be quiet while he's talking, then turns back to the Emperor Dalek with a "now, where were we," it felt like a struggle. I've already seen Tennant do these things, switch from one straight into the other and make me believe every single moment of it, so I know he's capable of them. Humour and anger - those are the things that made Baker's Doctor who he was. Even just the delivery of "new teeth, that's odd" makes me trust the guy completely - I could see the Eccles pulling out a strained gurn after that one.

Or it's just that Tennant has a much more attractive grin than the Eccles. Either way, I can't fucking wait for the next series.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
00:54 / 20.06.05
I want him to play it Scottish. Keep it Northern.

General thoughts: last time we saw the master, he got sucked into the heart of the Tardis. And there are rumours he'll be wearing Chris' face.

Fuck, Ecces is gonna be the all time greatest at this, isn't he? I'd disagree he got the humour wrong - that banana joke in the empty child two parter was fucking ace.
nedrichards is confused
08:51 / 20.06.05
I was talking to biscuitsandtea about this offline the other day and she suggested that there's the possibility of accent/clothing/personality experimentation in the early Tennant episodes until the character settles down again. Which I think would be quite RTD and lead to a rather fun montage.
11:04 / 20.06.05
One thing that bothered me slightly in this last episode: having pointed out the absurdity of the Daleks 'getting religion', the Doctor then makes a reference to the universe/multiverse/whatever as "all of Creation".

All of Creation?
12:35 / 20.06.05
All of Creation?

It seems to me that the word's been used in this context as a more dramatic-sounding synonym for "universer", or at least I hope so. It doesn't sound like RTD intends the Doctor Who universe to be intended to be deistic, though: there's a comment in the second episode that's something like "Welcome to Deck One. Weapons, narcotics and religion are strictly forbidden", which implied (the way I read it, anyway) a certain attitude to matters religious on the part of the writer. Especially given that the image of a Dalek screaming "Do not blaspheme!" is a rather well-crafted piece of propaganda. Actually, there's probably a really good essay to be written on the idea of self-made/appointed gods in this series of Who, especially given the opposition of the Dalek Emperor, which has appointed itself God due to endemic race-hate and insanity, and RoseasBadWolf, who self-fashioned via determination, team-work, selflessness and skippy bunnies.
13:48 / 20.06.05
And there are rumours he'll be wearing Chris' face

Oooo. That could be good! I'm thinking specifically of Rose's pontential dilemmas with this. Is it the Doctorness or the Eccleston Doctorness that she went for? Who would she trust more? There would be a lot of milage for finely-played melodrama there.

RTD2 did mention something in some Confidential or other about how somebody would have to bring back The Master at some point because he's just too cool not to. I could be wrong, but I don't think he sees anybody else as having story control over the newly-invigorated Who.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:14 / 20.06.05
And there are rumours he'll be wearing Chris' face

Where are these rumours? I find this very unlikely: Ecclestone has left the series pretty unequivocally, has he not?
15:02 / 20.06.05
maybe he means like leatherface in Texas Chainsaw Massacre...
Benny the Ball
15:30 / 20.06.05
Sleazenation - very funny.

Okay, I still haven't been able to see it, but attempting to find it. Things that have sprung to mind, I never felt greatly comfortable with CE, except until the WWII storyline, then it seemed work, the exchanges between Jack and the Doctor were fantastic, but still, it was the grinning that never sat right. Tennant was great in Casanova, and I only caught the odd little bit, but looking forward to seeing how he does it. CE would make a good villian though. As for the Master, how many times has he regenerated? Or does he just come back looking exactly the same? Is he half Galifraian like the Doctor, or did I make any of that up? I've been drinking gin so excuse any confusion.
15:38 / 20.06.05
And there are rumours he'll be wearing Chris' face.

Will it be his WHOOOLE face?
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
16:03 / 20.06.05
He's gonna be in the christmas special, at the very least.
Spatula Clarke
16:32 / 20.06.05
I don't see how we're not going to get at least some flashbacks to the Time War. Somebody was saying earlier in the thread that the BBC's charter forbids them from producing programs that require the purchase of other items to fully understand - if that's still the case, then wouldn't it include referencing events that only happen in the books?
A fall of geckos
16:41 / 20.06.05
From what I've heard the timewar that destroyed Gallifrey in the TV series was a totally different thing to the timewar that destroyed Gallifrey in the books (which didn't involve Daleks).
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:45 / 20.06.05
great final episode.

When Jack got zapped my lady friend actually turned to me and said "eek! I'm sorry hon"

The voiceless Dalek in the void of space was great. I suppose it would fit with the history of earth we have seen so far if the Daleks killed most of the earthbound humans, and none of the survivors had a clue what happened, so the Dr doesnt appear in history as the saviour.

I liked it a lot, as a Dr Who newbie (I'm American you see, and for some reason I feel I should apologize) Which of the previous series would be good to hold me over until xmas?
17:13 / 20.06.05
Much as I'd love some Bakerness, I have to say-

it's the DIFFERENCES that make the Doctor. Baker was, imho, clearly the best (give nostalgia time to work its magic, and Ecclestone will probably be on a par). But I don't want a new Baker. I want a new Doctor. A NEW Doctor.

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